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Name: cuqui
[ Original Post ]
my baby 7 months...wakes up around 5 times at nigth,
I nurse him all this time because that 's how he falls
sleep and I feel very tired and wanting to sleep more.
I have NO clue what I am doing wrong as a mom???
will this get better in the future????hope soooooo
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Name: bex27 | Date: Apr 4th, 2007 8:46 AM
Hey cuqui - where you from
sorry just wondering so I dont give you irrelevent info for another country.

I in NZ and we have whats called a plunket family centre where they help you with problems like this. Poor you mate - its tiring enough without having to get up all night as well. You need to knock that on the head as soon as if you ever wanna get some decent rest. Have you tried a bottle of formula before bed time? some solids before bed? All I know is when you get in this situation it doesn't really take too long to get out of it - you just have to be tough on baby - dont take any nonsense - if you know there's nothing wrong and he just wanting attention then let him cry it out.

Teach him what is night time by making room darker than usual, speaking quietly or not at all, have a good bedtime routine - bath, book, bottle, bed. Know his tired signs - usually jerky movements, rubbing eyes, yawning, (crying is too late)! and put him to bed then. Let him cry it out - I used the 20 min method - they may get really wound up but their crys soon get to have pauses that get longer and longer until they sleep.

You're not doing anything wrong as a Mum - it's very hard to know what to do first time round especially if you dont have good support. But you dont have to do it on your own - there are community places out there that will give you advice on this sort of thing. Let me know how you get on. 

Name: atomic snowflake | Date: Apr 4th, 2007 2:23 PM
Your baby could be experiencing pain due to teething - try giving some Infant Paracetamol last thing at night. You could also try some teething gel on his gums too.

He could be too hot or too cold. Is he kicking the covers off by accident and becoming chilled?

A pacifier (dummy) sometimes helps them to settle at night.

Is the room dark enough?

How much does he sleep during the day?

It's not really a good idea to get babies used to being nursed to sleep. They need to learn how to fall asleep by themselves. Have you got a mobile or other musical soother by the cot - my son loved to drop asleep with his playing.

Make sure that he has enough to eat before going to bed as well.

Keep a bottle/sippy beaker of water handy to give him a drink as he could be thirsty. 

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