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Name: Irene
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Name: Hunter's Mom | Date: Jun 22nd, 2008 2:43 AM
I have a son that is now 7yrs. We always new that there was something a little out of the Norm. We had him looked at when he was 2yrs but they wanted to diagnose him with ADHD and we were not having him medicated so young. How do you diagnose a 2yr old with ADHD? Our son has always shown signs of obbsessive and compulsive behaviour, little things like certain doors always needed to be shut, cars had to be in a certain row and order, clothes had to fit a certain way on the body, certain body parts needed to be a certain way. My son was never a sleeper he has great difficulty settling his mind enough to sleep. My son does very well with math, reading and is very anilitical. I find he is very hard on himself and has high expectations of himself. We still deal with him getting wraped up in a obsessive thought that he cant get out of his head. We try to deal with his energy by keeping him active and feed him healthy. We also try to keep his mind active with reading books, puzzles, mazes anything that causes thought process and problem solving. And we make a routine for him to follow daily as best as a routine can be laid out with days always changing., We try to keep the bedtime routine the same always! with a time set for him to relieve his thoughts and issues that are overcoming him and let him try to work through his obsessive thoughts. (they can be anything from worrying about pizza day to going to the park after school Monday) We find that it helps (especially the routine to follow) Well good luck, hope to hear back from you soon. Angela 

Name: Adele | Date: Jun 22nd, 2008 7:40 PM
Hi Irene,
I have a similar child. It seems everyone has a different diagnosis for him, from ADHD, Aspergers, RADS, Oppositional defiance disorder, bipolar and the list goes on. He is incredibly bright, but so difficult and frustrating. I spend alot of time crying myself to sleep over the things that either go on with him or wondering if it is just me. My husband remains frustrated and it is difficult to be around the two of them at the same time. My son is smart, bright, intelligent, but cannot seem to make or keep friends. At school he is out of control and refuses to coopoerate.

I understand, no suggestions, but I do understand! 

Name: cherbear | Date: Jul 8th, 2008 5:10 PM
I understand my 11 year old rocks and paces. He has been tested for everything under the sun and he has alittle of this and alittle of that but they cannot put him in one catagory so no diagnosis and no treatment. 

Name: youlover | Date: Jul 9th, 2008 8:03 AM
www.singleparentloving.com ******A single parent on-line dating community geared to single parents needs, information, and discussions combined with the largest single parenting social club . Free join ! meet your soulmatch in your area ! 

Name: Ashleigh | Date: Jul 14th, 2008 12:49 AM
Sorry I cannot help you for I was looking for help myself. Does it help that you are not alone for you just described my 6 year old middle son to a tee. I also have three sons. 

Name: a mother who knows your pain | Date: Oct 23rd, 2008 3:03 AM
I have four boys and my oldest sounds alot like your child it is starting to effect my other three though and that is what makes it hard I on the other hand have tried calling social services for guidence and doctors also phychologists I have tried other families too the internet and meds I feel like running everyday and there has been nobody that has any idea how to help me so if you doget any answers I would love for you to forward them to me too please or if you need someone to vent to I am here [email protected] good luck I am sorry I could only add and not help 

Name: Helen | Date: Oct 24th, 2008 1:56 AM
Hello, I also have 3 boys. My first is a bit of a challenge as well...
Have you had him tested for gifted? Have you read the book THE STRONG WILLED CHILD?
Tried cutting out sugar? Do you have a strict routine? Do you get a break from him and him from you? 

Name: kristen | Date: Dec 13th, 2008 8:25 PM
hi ladies...my daughter is an adult now and on her own. she told me numerous times while she was growing up that she wished she was in another body. A boys body! she had told me she felt as tho she was a mistake and was put here on earth as a girl instead of the boy she was supposed to be. I ignored all of that , I thought it was a phased that would pass. Now she is 19 and she is seriously considering having that change. what should I do? 

Name: cpickard26 | Date: Jan 22nd, 2009 9:44 PM
I have 3 kids; a13 y.o. with ADHD, and a 5y.o. and 7 y.o. that are both medical fragile boys with mental retardation. Our house used to be a zoo, or 3 ring circus until I went to a class on ridding my home of toxins. My cleaning products were hurting my kids! here is a site I found helpful. http://www.ahealthcafe.com/whywait 

Name: Suzie Martel | Date: Feb 22nd, 2009 8:33 PM
Has he been tested for O.D.D? Oppositional Defiance Disorder? My son has ADHD, Bipolar and ODD. It has been a difficult road but I think sights like this one can bring Moms together and be a little stress relief as well. Feel free to contact me@ [email protected]

Name: Donna | Date: Oct 31st, 2009 11:43 PM
I have a son who is 5 and his behavior is so out of control that I don't know what we are going to do. I feel like the stress of trying to parent this child is killing me. He is my only son and I love him more than anything. He has a kidney disease which adds to my anxiousness about disciplining him. I have created a little monster and I dont know how to fix it. The doctors say he has ADHD but the medicine they gave him does not work. 

Name: Patricia | Date: Jan 30th, 2010 4:46 AM
You have not given specifics on your son's behaviors so i don't want to speculate. Therefore I will just give you facts on what I know. I have a bipolar son, there is no mistaken whether a child is bipolar or not. Charicteristics can seen in as little as a few months old; very angry, does not interact well with other children, will not take directions, no empothy, directions need to be repeted several times during a task, slow learner, disruptive student, violent, seperation anxiouty, hiporactivity, poor attention span, etc. Bipolar disorder is a heriditary disease. You will not find it in one child and not the other given the same biological parents. It is a chemical imbalance in the brain that can only be treated with a cocktail of medications and accessive theropy. Sence the disorder is not recognized very well for children it is best to wait until he is atleast six years old to have a phsycological test done, this can be done and paid for by his elementary school, then have a neorologic testing done by an MD, an MRI and a EEG of the brain, to rule out a medical condition. After this testing, the doctor wll have more answers as to which direction you should take for treatment. I wish you well, this is a very long and hard road, find support, and remember - it's not his fault / it's not your fault - you need to be each others best friend. He needs you to stay focused and most of all, he needs you in his corner to always have his back. Many people will treat you as if you didn't raise him correctly, ignore it, and fight for his rights. ...With love. 

Name: emma | Date: Apr 1st, 2010 3:56 AM
hi my name is emma i wounder if anyone can help me my son has just turned 10 he my secound oldest i have son 4 son 3 daughter 6 son neraly 14 ,if i go shopping he kicks off in shops , if i go on phone he constatly shout ,he gets 3 to 4 red letters a weeek in school ,for either fighting ,shouting out ,wen he comes homes he dose same he not agressive but thinks he is big ,he bullies his brothers and sister he smirks and laugh in ure face with a clich fist can i have some advive please 

Name: sherien | Date: Jun 11th, 2010 8:27 AM
hi my son is 5.5 years old he is in kg2 he doesnt like to study at all he doesnt make any attention to teacher at school he didint catch any information from school even the songs he couldnt say it correctly most of the words are wrong he didnt succeded in any of the activities he couldnt draw or colouring he couldnt catch the information in a time suitable for the monthly exams so he failed he has a bad memory he alwayes not attentive at school and at home he is very curless im the only person who can give him an information and let him recived but with a hard way im playing with him while he is studying and sing create many things to make hime not feel boring tells stories and after all the that the percent in collectiong information is 50% only and forget it after 2 days and i start again im his mother and teacher and school he doesnt like to go to school i changed the school i thought the reason in teaching and nothing change with him his studies is biritish i thougt to transfer him to american schools but i dont know is it help or not i thought to let him repeated the k g2 again may be he could catch like other he knows he is not good and alwayes punished at school because they thought he is not studying but we study at least 4 hours every day a repeat several times but he alwayes forget he has no trust in him self i gave a lot o f rewarding just to make him love studying and just to sit with me to learn please help me 

Name: Rochelle | Date: Jun 19th, 2010 4:40 AM
Hi there;
I have a girl friend that went though this with my god son. She tried everything. He is extremely intelligent and gets bullied. Funny part is he cares so much about what is happening around him and wants everyone to like him that he pushes too much. She has since dedicated 1 hour every day to him and her ( now I know that this could be difficult with having 2 other boys sorry) where he gets to control the play and what is going on in that 1 hour only. then they have a tlak time at the end of the day where she tells him she is proud of every little thing that he did right that day. exp. brushing teeth good, eating dinner good. ... this seemed to really work out good for them as he gets the positive encouragment that he needs( and if he is like my god son then he will want the list to be really long and winded, not short and brief makes for more time being praised and if he doesn't get a long list he works toward getting more on that list) and that little bit of your undivided attention where he is in control, if he gets control of something then maybe he will be able to let go of control in other areas, knowing that he will have his control at that one point of the day.

I dont know if it will work but worth a shot. Best of luck to you.
now if only I can figure out what to do with my little girl! lol 

Name: Rochelle | Date: Jun 19th, 2010 4:51 AM
Have you had his central auditory processor checked? It is referred to as CAPS. It is where the sound recieved by the ear drum is twisted and turned around by the time it reaches the receptors in the brain. My little brother has this. He would get very very very angry and frustrated with school work especially sounds. pronunciation, focus, attention. everything was effected. If he was in a room with loud pitches ( not volume but pitches) then his ears would hurt. Check it out. my mother went through so much trying to figure out what was wrong. They finally tested his CAP and that was the issue. He got a scribe and a really neat laptop with specialty programs, and was able to do his tests in a way that allowed him to finally bring his grades up. Now, 5 years later, he is reading up a storm, has around a B average, and is writing short stories that have you gripping the edge of your seat!

Look into it. worth a shot :) Best of luck 

Name: christina | Date: Jun 27th, 2010 5:47 AM
hello everyone 

Name: Sariima | Date: Oct 9th, 2010 6:01 PM
I had a similar situation with my daughter and ended up feeling so powerless and frustrated that I searched for my own solutions. I ended up putting them together in a book Pink Dazy 64 day programme. I priced it reasonable so it's available to all no matter how low your income because I personally know how difficult this is. My heart goes out to you. I hope this helps. http://pinkdazy.health.offi

Name: Almy | Date: Oct 25th, 2010 3:26 PM
Dear mom! i am here with the similar problem, facing similar difficuities with my ten year boy, sometime i dont know who is wrong. I feel may be i am expecting too much from him and then when he doesnt do that i get upset with him. I have tried almost everything with him from my side but still when its time for him to show he can do he just does the opposite. Normally he seems very active but during exams when he should be active he just gives up from his sides. And being a working mother i keep feeling guilty for his failures i do not know what should i expect from him.. Do write to me back..Thanks 

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