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Name: Lola-May
[ Original Post ]
I'll apologize now for the swearing...

I am so fucking tired of my husband being in a bad mood. Seriously.
I don't know what to do anymore.
This morning he couldn't find his keys so instead of saying "Hey, have you seen my keys?" he starts stomping around and getting sup[er pissed off about it.
So I ask him calmly if he could tone it down in front of our (almost)2 year old.
He then starts flipping out because the lens cap isn't on his camera and he can't find it...not my fault, not the baby's fault...so again I ask him to calm down because Silas is going to learn to lose his shit every time things aren't perfect.
He continues to bitch and moan even though I found his keys for him, so I started washing dishes(his fucking dishes from last night)
Then he impatiently asks me to bring Silas to the front door so he can say bye to him. Like I was supposed to just know that he was done being a baby and was ready to leave for work.
So I said "Sorry, I didn't know you were done having your hissy fit."
Not all that mature I know...but how much of this constant complaining and negativity am I supposed to just sit back and let happen?
I'm not going to keep my mouth shut when someone is constantly angry around my impressionable toddler.

So of course when I made the crack about him having a hissy fit, he went off the fucking deep end and started yelling at me and making up things that were said that weren't(like he usually does)
So I continue to ask him to stop acting like that in front of Silas, so he starts doing it more and louder.
He keeps saying "Well when are we suppose to do this if we aren't allowed to do it in front of Silas?"

So I start explaining that the more disrespect he shows me and the more he flips out over little things, the more Silas is going to do the very same thing and it's not fair to me.
He dumps this load of negative bullshit all over this fucking house and then goes to work, leaving me to deal with a toddler who doesn't understand why daddy was yelling and why mommy is crying.
Such bullshit.

So he walks outside, slams the door behind him(because he's such an adult) and then five minutes later comes in and says "I'm taking the truck to work."
So I said "Ok, I guess Silas and I wont go anywhere today then."
And he loses it again and starts yelling at me.
"Where were you going to go?" Inan acusing tone and I said "Well nowhere now."
To which he replies "Yeah, exactly what I thought."

It wasn't the point that I now have to stay home all day that pissed me off it was that he announced that he was taking MY truck to work, he didn't ask if he could use it, he didn't leave me the car seat he just said he was taking it, yelled at me then left.

He has also already started trying to blame everything on me being irrational because I'm pregnant.
He did that the last time I was pregnant and yes I was irrational at times but not every single argument that we had was because 'I' was overreacting.
This pregnancy so far is totally different and I am not being irrational and super moody. Not yet anyways, so to have HIS bad mood blamed on me and my "hormones" is a real piss off.

There is no getting through to him. I have talked calmly, I've gotten angry, I've cried, I've ignored, yet nothing seems to make any difference.
I'm sick of it.
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Name: Joeys_Mam | Date: Dec 9th, 2008 10:59 AM
Ignore him when he's like that. Just don't respond. Don't try to help him find his keys or his lens cap. Just get on with what you're doing. Close the door so Silas can't see him or hear him and ignore him.

Responding to him, telling him off when he's already angry is only going to aggitate him more, and make him mouth off in front of Silas even more.

Wait till he's calm before having a word with him. I have learnt that there is no use reasoning with an angry man. 

Name: Joeys_Mam | Date: Dec 9th, 2008 11:01 AM
You're lucky he leaves you the car sometimes. Mark always takes the car to work, and so every day Joey and I are stuck at home. Ahhh it's a wonderful life. 

Name: jtorres24 | Date: Dec 17th, 2008 10:46 PM
Its crazy that I am reading this because my boyfriend is the same way....i swear with his mood swings that he is the pregnant one in this relationship. Even ignoring him doesn't work sometimes because it gets him even more angry. I do not what to do with him anymore, its like i am dating a 5 year old. 

Name: Lola-May | Date: Dec 18th, 2008 9:15 PM
Yep, mine too. If I ignore him then he yells at me for "Getting pissed off at him for nothing." and if I leave the room and go to the bedroom and close the door then he's in there two seconds later yelling at me some more for being pissed off at him for nothing.

It's like arguing with a 2 year old. 

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