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Name: Proudmommy
[ Original Post ]
Okay I quickly want to say this esp to nicolaa.. You really don't know me but I have learned there are just out right mean people.. Just remember its just words.. If you keep letting them hurt you... THey are winning and usually losers get off on pain and misery... Sometimes you have to get a thick skin.. Sad to say people should be here for support and encouragement not to hurt.. That is my 2cents worth.. As my grandfather always said.. OPINIONS ARE LIKE BUTTHOLES EVERYONE HAS ONE..

On to what I really wanted to post.. I don't know if there is any breastfeeding moms out there but my friend emailed this to meee... I can't believe our society is going down hill;;;

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Name: sheila | Date: Jun 5th, 2007 4:37 PM
Lmao...how cozy... 

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