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Name: RhondaMark
[ Original Post ]
It is 4am and no way can i sleep now!!.Mark left for work around 1am,and then around 2:15am i was awaken by this real loud thump!!.So i jumped up and ran to check to see if mom or one of the kids had fallen out of bed,but they were all sound asleep!!.I looked around and seen nothing out of the ordinary,so i am still freaked out hehe!!.I am so tired though!!.I might give in here shortly and try to sleep if i can!!.Im a big scarty cat lol!!.
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Name: .RoSey. | Date: May 29th, 2007 9:14 AM
dont worry too much.. it was just the boogie man looking for cookies. 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 29th, 2007 9:15 AM
Hope everything is ok. 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 29th, 2007 9:16 AM
Oh gosh!!.I have no idea what it was!!.But if it is the boogie man looking for cookies,i hope he takes them and leaves lol!!. 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 29th, 2007 9:16 AM
lol rhonda 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 29th, 2007 9:17 AM
I looked all through the house and did not find anything!!.Sounded just like something fell!!.So weird!!.Now im all freaked out,like a moron lol!!. 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 29th, 2007 9:18 AM
do you think you will be able to get back to sleep? 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: May 29th, 2007 9:18 AM

Name: .RoSey. | Date: May 29th, 2007 9:19 AM
lynne.. you werent gone for long.. couldnt resist? 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 29th, 2007 9:19 AM
Rosey if you are talkng to me then it is 10.19 am here,i am not going back to bed. 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 29th, 2007 9:21 AM
well hope you mnage to get back to sleep rhonda,bye. 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 29th, 2007 9:21 AM
Im going to try to go back to sleep here for long!!.Im just so darn puzzled as to what the heck made that noise!!.Im a very light sleeper and the littlest thing wakes me up!!.Now Mark,he could sleep through a tornado!!. 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 29th, 2007 9:22 AM
Im a really big chicken hehe,im surprised i dont grow feathers lol!!. 

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 29th, 2007 10:12 AM
lol rhonda! you sound like me!!! heheheeee
i wake up all hours of the night thinking..."what was that!?!?!?" LOL 

Name: Dana G | Date: May 29th, 2007 10:26 AM
LOL....you sound like my mom, my dad works nights, and she is awaked by the strangest things, she had 3 racoons in her birdfeeder the other night and couldn't sleep from the racket they were making....be a big girl Rhonda and GO TO BED! 

Name: momof3 | Date: May 29th, 2007 1:51 PM
I know how you feel. Mark works some nights and especially when it is nice out and the windows are open, I get very little sleep. Any little noise wakes me up!!! 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: May 29th, 2007 3:02 PM
omg i feel ya about getting scared.

one night i got up to feed xylea and i was sooooo tired and her room is by the road so i picked her up out of her bed and was going to sit in the glider which is right by the window and i saw lighs outside the window and alot of black shadows that looked like they were running. well after taking a deep breath in and right before i almost had a heart attack i figured out it was a car passing by and it was shining on the plant outside her window and that plant made the shadows of tall figures and the closer the car got to passing our house the shadows would look like they were running. it gets me all the time because i have fears of people looking through my window. baaaad experience. but yea scared the crap outta me i almost ran and screamed. 

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