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Name: mamaofmany
[ Original Post ]
Long story short....my husbands father died 20 years ago and his mother only 2 years ago.

I'm not sure how it happened but his sister ended up with all the family pictures plus the old super 8 home movies.

We don't get along and haven't in 35 years. But I emailed her a few weeks back to ask about the movies and if we could arrange to get them converted over to DVD and VHS. I have found a store that will convert them over into both for less than $150. All five kids have agreed to split the cost plus shipping except for her.

She says that it's too hot and that they will be heat damaged so she won't ship them to our city. I did some research and found out that there are only about 12 labs left in the US that does this work (her city isn't one of them) so she would have to ship them out anyway.

I called two of the labs and they said they have never had any problems if they are packaged correctly and sent 2 to 3 days air.

Holy cow...you would have thought I was asking her to cut off both legs and arms. She has refused. And because the rest of the family wants them too, she's mad at them as well as myself.

She called one of the brothers last night and said "if she does get them taken care of, he's not getting a copy either."

Not to mention she has all the family photos that she won't scan and email out either.

I can't believe some people can be so selfish.

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. I hope you all never have similar problems with your family photos. Hint: start getting copy's while your parents are still living and willing to share.

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Name: nicole jones | Date: Jul 6th, 2006 10:27 PM
That sounds like what happened to me (in a way). When I moved out of my mother's house it was hell, and I ended up not getting all my stuff (she sold my clothes on ebay!) and I didn't get any family photos or videos or anything. She absolutely would not mail them to me. I told her that I would even overnight them back - but she refused. I was so angry. I kept trying to tell her how important it was, because my father didn't get any family pictures in the divorce either, but she wouldn't budge. She finally let me come to her house and scan them on her computer - but the entire time my brother was in my way playing online poker, and i only got a couple done. Oh, and the whole reason she was mad about me moving out? Her welfare money was decreased because there was less people there, and she was to lazy to get a job like the rest of us. 

Name: Denise | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 2:02 AM
Some people have this thing about pictures and they want to hog them all, both of my parents are like this. Go figuire. Anyway, maybe she is too lazy to send them, or maybe she doesn't trust you and doesn't think she will get them back, or maybe she likes having the upper hand knowing that she is holding all the memories to herself, or maybe she likes having something that everybody wants, or maybe she is mad at the rest of the family for something besides this, or maybe she doesn't like to be told what to do. Boy, that's a lot of maybe's, maybe you should just ask her? 

Name: mamaofmany | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 1:41 PM
Don't have to ask her...your maybe's are all her. Except you left one out! The big "B". 

Name: maxieellis | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 7:25 PM
Just wondering manaofmany.....is she stoned? LOLOL! The big B that is we got lots of those in our family....LAMO! Except not so funny when someone is doing that I realize. I have a sister something like that...a bit. You all reminded me of two pictures I would like. One I have asked her about tons of times...sure sure I'll do that right away I forgot...................yeah. The other is of my father and I would love that too. Got to email her.......lets see what happens. She isnt stoned....but ya know....I dont get it either. I send pictures she requests all the time......so whats up hummmmm....who knows. We'll see I will share later....just for fun. 

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