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Name: Tired of being on a Budget
[ Original Post ]
I have two kids! With my first I worked and with my second I'm staying home. So I know the difference between working and being a staying at home Mom. I love staying home and appreciate the effect I can have on my family. But with the cost of everything going up GAS, Groceries and utilities I see our budget shrinking and shrinking in terms of spending money. I've been thinking about going back to work but I know with that there's other expenses and just because you work doesn't mean you have extra cash. Plus I can't bear to leave my little girl at daycare or with grandma. I guess I'm just whining and complaining since the new mall opened in our area and I have no money to go shopping! It's not even as if I want to buy things for myself but when you have two growing kids that need shoes and clothes you always feel there's a need for something. Thanks in advance for hearing my frustrations!
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Name: Try working from Home | Date: Sep 18th, 2005 7:48 PM
Maybe you could work from home for some extra cash. I love it and the money is good. If you would like to talk ~ email me at [email protected].
I would love to talk to you. 

Name: 2good2Btrue | Date: Sep 18th, 2005 8:41 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm tired of all the work at home advertisements- everyone says look into it, but they don't mention the $38 money order you are suppose to send- what a scam! 

Name: Toshia | Date: Sep 19th, 2005 5:01 AM
2good2Btrue I make candles and sell them threw word of mouth and on ebay. I've been slacking lately because of the humidity but I'm about to start up again. It's great extra money around the holidays. I'd be glad to give any advice on how to get started for free. No strings attached. That's the way it should be. I can make as much money or invest as much time as I choose. It's not glamorous and you won't make a $1000 a week. It's realistic. I absolutely agree with you. I am tired of reading all these work at home glamor jobs that you have to pay money to even find out what they are about. Just like being a stay at home mom working at home is hard work. They both require self disapline and motivation. Nothing comes easy in life. I share your irritation in all this nonsense. 

Name: Michele | Date: Sep 19th, 2005 2:13 PM
2good2betrue, any home business with have some form of investment, some are small others like liberty league want $1,500 which is why I didn't do that!! An actual job from home as opposed to a business opportunity would be found by someone already working in an office who's boss lets them telecommute. I am a nurse, obviously not an option. Or maybe through a temp agency or employment agency. I do provide free info for my opportunity. There is no place for payment info on my website. The $29 investment for my opportunity comes only after getting all of the info, having questions answered and the person deciding that this is definately the business they want to do from home. 

Name: Gina | Date: Sep 19th, 2005 4:25 PM
Im in the same shoes, i have 3 kids a house payment along with the everyday bills to contend with on my husbands wage alone, i dont think its fair that we have children yet have to go back to work and let day carers raise them!!
i knew tht being a stay at home mum would come at a price and that spending money would be a thing of the past but hey 3 kids dont cloth themselfs and its not even the clothes that are a killer shoes, school camps, fees for this fees for that, birthdays (not only your own children but theres always one of the kids friends birthday partys on every other weekend!) Christmas, easter ect.. ect... it doesnt stop. i used to love clothes shopping for myself but now i think im down to 2 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of pants 4 tops and 1 jacket!!! its killing me!!! so vent away and know your not alone! :) 

Name: Tired of being on a Budget | Date: Sep 20th, 2005 2:30 AM
Thanks Gina! Although I appreciate everyone's comments I don't want to work. I was just frustrated! I love staying at home I know there's certain sacrifices I make to do that it's just at times it's harder because things pop up that are unexpected and it stretches the budget to it's limits. 

Name: geloria | Date: May 14th, 2006 3:36 PM

Name: no name | Date: May 16th, 2006 7:55 PM
I know what you mean,we never have any extra $$ either,well I don't,my husbands a another story! (but that's (HIS) $$) Go figure!! All mine goes for our survival,1/2 of his $$ goes for whatever HE wants! 

Name: please help | Date: May 17th, 2006 2:04 PM
I am a stay at home mom for 9 yrs , i have three children 9,5,4 . Only my 9 yrs old is in school because the 5 and 4 yr old will start school in aug. this year but how will i work ? where could i work at . if i work a 9-5 i will get fired because i will be taking off to many days from work ,when the kids go on vacation from school there days off there 2months they have out for the end of the year what is a mother to do. any thoughts or suggestions please e-mail me at [email protected] thank you in advance for taking the time out to read this. 

Name: layne | Date: May 17th, 2006 2:25 PM
I know Our budget hardly covers the bills and our healthcare has trippeled in 2 years. Our cost of living raise doesn't even cover the healthcare coverage. i dont know what people do with no healthcare. Not to mention the gas prices we live 45 miles from anywhere and we cant leave because of the gas prices. So i have learned to shop in a town of 1,500. We have a pharmacy, dollar store, and food store.gas station. going to wal-mart is a real treat. Even then there is no money for kicks. My husband works hard and brings home a good paycheck but it is all getting harder and harder to make ends meet. They keep saying our economy is in good shape but I just dont see it. 

Name: To Layne | Date: May 17th, 2006 4:44 PM
The economy is only good for the republicans,as we have a republican president.I guess we are supposed to get rid of things like cable t.v. which is near $50 a month and our telephones which are about another $40,and drive old cars only owning 1,and making every dollar we spend on gas count for a good cause.I guess we are also supposed to live off of the same meal for 2-3 nights in a row and buy absolutely nothing extra.Yep! The rich get richer and the poor get poorer! That's the republican way!!And don't even think about buying new clothes until the ones you have are literally comming apart and nearly become see-thru!There is no middle class anymore.It's the way republicans want it.Tax breaks for the rich!!!I thank God I only have 1 kid to put through school! Who can afford more these days?With the cost of everything now,minimum wage should be no less than $10 an hour.(That'll never happen!) 

Name: To please help | Date: May 17th, 2006 4:45 PM
Sounds like you need to hire a sitter! 

Name: Layne | Date: May 17th, 2006 7:14 PM
Trouble is....there is no light at the end of this tunnel. I have many concerns for our country. America can't carry the weight of the world on its own shoulders.It has come at a very high price and we are all feeling it. 

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