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Name: Stacy
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I really need to vent.
Yesterday, Mothers Day my husband did NOTHING! No card. No going out to eat. No nothing. He did not even say "Happy Mothers Day", or anything remotely close. I am devastated, we have a beautiful 10 month old & this was my 1st mothers day.

It's not that he forgot, because he kept saying we needed to go to his mothers house so she could spend time with the baby for mothers day. She lives 3 miles from us, & "drops" by everyday to see the baby. Heck, he even bought his mom a card.

I broke down crying as we were going to bed & told him how upset I was & why. He said I didn't think you would care about mothers day (mind you I decorate the house for EVERY holiday & send cards for every hoilday), & then he said "sorry". I am still so mad & angry words can not express how bad I feel.

I know I need to forgive him, but right now I can't. I don't want to even look at him. I really want to take the baby & go down to visit my parents (only a 6 hour drive) for a week.
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Name: Tara | Date: May 15th, 2006 4:40 PM
I know exactly what you are saying. i have a 2 month old daughter, and my first mother's day as well. we went to see his mother and step mother, i didnt even so much get a ''happy mother's day". what is it with men? normally he is so kind to me, he knew how much it meant to me. It is normal to be upset. i dont know about you, but my husband will be in the doghouse for a long time. 

Name: Sue~ | Date: May 15th, 2006 4:55 PM
Unfortunately, some men are not as "romantic" as we want them to be. I accept my husband for the man that he is, instead of looking at one day, I look at all of the great days, months, years. We have been together for 10 years, and he brought me a birthday cake & card twice, he never remembers our anniversary! ...but I can't complain, everyday for the past 10 years he has been by my side, and we have a great future together. So instead of wanting certain things that may never happen, I am pleased with everything that I have. Maybe us mothers should be happy on mothers day, it's not such a good day for the women that wish they had a child. 

Name: cheryl | Date: May 15th, 2006 5:23 PM
i did get a "happy Mothers day" but nothingelse no card nothing.
a ittle disappointing for my first mothers day but i guess theres nothing i can do but be upset.
luckily our church is wonderful and made cards with your babies hand print on it for mothers day. that was wonderful.

my husband was so good when we were dating about cards and showing me how special i am until we said our vows then it all stopped. typical huh? 

Name: Ellen | Date: May 15th, 2006 7:10 PM
I had to remind my husband and I was mad at first. My four year said happy mothers day and it made my day. I just hope I can keep being a mom for much longer and provide for my kids. It sucks when your dateing you get lots of romantic days and than it ends. I guess once thay have you they figure it dose not matter. When you bring it to their attention they say "what do you want me to say", "what do you want me to do" and "don't feel sorry for your self". If your lucky they change for a while and go back to being the same. 

Name: Holly | Date: May 16th, 2006 1:48 AM
Stacy,I think you should do exactly that! Give him some time to be without you and the baby awhile. My husband is alway's that way too but luckily my mom always comes through and buys me a little something from my son so I'm not left out on the holiday.Some men are just so damn insensitive sometimes! I get jealous because my aunt is married to a wonderful man who always gives the perfect gifts to her at holidays and always makes sure the kids have something for her as well......I wonder where I went so wrong at picking my man! 

Name: Terri | Date: May 16th, 2006 3:34 AM
Im not trying to defend him because I would have been as hurt as you were but maybe he just didnt "think?" Sometimes my husband really upsets me with some of the things he does, but to him there just not as important, and when I explain to him that there important to me he feels bad and makes sure he tries harder next time.
All im saying is talk to him and let him know, don't go to your parents for a week because it will only make things worse. 

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