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Name: jtorres24
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Wow, i just had one of the biggest arguements with my partner. Again, over this damn dog who he doesn't even take care of.
For months I have been depressed because I feel like I am always alone, my friends do not visit me and my family is too far from me. My boyfriend works 10 hours a day.....goes in at 2:30 and comes out at 12:30 at night. By the time he comes home I am already sleeping. He then decides to go to bed around 2:30 to 3 in the morning because he says he catches a second wind. That causes him to wake up 11 or 12 oclock and two hours later he's out the door again.
I feel like all I do is stay home and clean after the dogs. Now right before I found out I was having a baby we bought a jack russell terrier......These dogs are crazy, they need alot of attention that I or my boyfriend can not give. I told him two months ago that I can not take her destructiveness anymore and we have to find her a new home......he knows that I am hormonal and tells me he doesn't want anything to do with it, for me to find her a new home. Because I was left to do it alone, I felt overwelmed with it and decided to give her another chance but he had to do his part.....but he didn't. Now my depression has become extremely bad to the point where I want to run away or commite suicide and it doesn't seem to matter to him. I haven't had any energy i feel like I cry almost everyday. I tell him this and he pretends to care a lil but still doesn't offer to give her up and whenever i mention it he catches a tantrum and leaves. At one point he told me to do what i wanted so I did, i found her a really good home, and when it was time for her to go, he would let me give her to them. He threatened to take her before they show up. These people are coming from Connettect, i can't have them come down here and there is no dog. I felt so bad telling them the night before that they couldn't take her. They have a 5 yr old daughter and I could only imagine the heart break.
My boyfriend is being extremely selfish...he pretends to care about my depression but fights with me and leaves me crying......the fight today got so bad that his mother came up screaming at him about me going into labor early......she tried to console me and then went back downstairs while he stormed off to work. She understands my point of view, I will not be able to take care of the baby and have to pick up after her mess as well.......and its not a lil mess, they are big messes....she has torn apart my rug in their room, she rips wee wee pads with piss and shit on them. lately she has been digging at the other dogs crap and having lil pieces of it everywhere......I can't take it!!! I don't know what to do anymore, my boyfriend is acting like a child. He's not doing right by me, the baby or the dog....the dog is unhappy in that room as well. she was not breed to be indoors, if I would have known that b4 I got her, i would never have agreed to getting her....whether i am pregnant or not.
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Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Dec 23rd, 2008 12:53 AM
Get rid of the dog behind his back while he is at work, either way he is going to moan and complain... in the end hes only got himself to blame. he will eventually get over it. 

Name: Joeys_Mam | Date: Dec 23rd, 2008 1:53 PM
JRTs are full of energy, but mine is a well trained, calm dog. You cannot tar all JRTs with the term 'crazy' just because yours is untrained and underexercised.

Give bf an ultimatum, train the dog or rehome her. No discussion. If he trained her and walked her at least once a day, she would be a well mannered, happy, content dog and you wouldn't have any problems, just like I don't with my JRT.

I don't mean to be rude, but I live 80 miles from family and friends, my fiancé works long hours, and I'm at home all day on my own with my 15-month-old toddler, 3 dogs (one is a JRT) 2 cats, 2 birds and 3 fish. (same as when I was pregnant)

One of my dogs is still a pup and sometimes has accidents. She's in training. The fact that you're contemplating suicide over a dog is what's crazy. If it's affecting you so badly that you would kill yourself, than I think this matter runs a lot deeper than your frustration over this poor dog. Your life is no more difficult than is my life or any other SAHM who lives far away from family like I do and has a lot of pets to clean up after. But you have a point that this is not your dog, not your responsibility. If bf won't care for his own dog, then phone your local welfare society and they'll come get the dog. Like Rosey said, he'll get over it. 

Name: jtorres24 | Date: Dec 24th, 2008 3:08 AM
My depression is not only about the dog, it has to do with with my boyfriend and the decisions that he decides to make. Everything all balled up together makes me extremely stressed. I have a doctors appointment on friday and I plan to speak to him about it because you are right, it is not normal to be having visions of suicide, whatever the reason may be.....and I have trained her as much as I know how to...she knows how to go on the paper, knows the commands sit, stay, lay, give paw and roll over. She is a very good dog, i never said she wasn't...i said she is destructive and thats because she doesn't get the proper attention and exercise that she needs and that is where my bf was suppose to cut in....i can not do it all and that is what he doesn't understand. It is his dog and I am doing everything while he does nothing. And jack russells are "crazy" in my eyes, but crazy in a good way when you can give them what they need. When you can not handle them then they become crazy on ur house instead of the way it should be, playing. I have tons of fun with her when we play but she needs more than what I can give her. I agree she is not fully trained but I did my part, my boyfriend did not. I have put her up for adoption and he is gonna have to deal with that 

Name: jtorres24 | Date: Jan 15th, 2009 6:04 PM
In case anyone was wondering, i found princess a nice new home in midtown manhattan. The family was very nice. I didn't take it very easily tho, i actually broke down after giving her to the father and the man's wife was nice enough to give me a call and tell me that they are very happy to have her and will treat her like part of the family. I didn't think it would hurt that much but it was for the best. I wanted to keep in contact with the family but my boyfriend did not want me to, he wanted to just try to move on, he said it hurts too much. Its been about a month now and things between he and i are much better. The other dog has been showing some signs of seperation anxiety but i try to spend a lot of time with him so he doesn't become depressed. He does some spiteful peeing now and then but it is slowing down and hopefully will end. There is definitely a whole lot of less mess to clean up after. The other dog does not do no where near as much damage as the jack russell terrier, but then again, she was just bored and they are different breeds. I am happy with the outcome so far, i just hope that my birth goes well and i don't have any problems with the baby. My due date is today and i don't think he's ready to come out yet. If he doesn't come out by tuesday, they will induce...im scared 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Jan 16th, 2009 9:53 AM
Well thats good news for you and of course the dog!! You did the right thing. 

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