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Name: Kristian
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hello my 3yr old is not potty trained. He does not want any part of it. I don't know what to do. My 6yr old was potty trained at 18 months. Any suggestions welcome
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Name: Wilma345 | Date: Jun 27th, 2005 8:43 PM
I think three isn't that late for potty training. I've always heard that you're supposed to wait for the kid to initiate it, but maybe that's kind of frustrating for you. Maybe if you read books like My Potty and Me and buy him a little potty, he will find it more interesting. Try those new diapers that change color when wet too, to help him get more interested in the potty training. 

Name: Rachel | Date: Jun 27th, 2005 9:06 PM
Every child is different. Some do things before others. Maybe you could make potty training fun. Like if he scores a point in the potty he gets a special treat or sticker. Whatever you do you have to get and keep his interest. And give him time he'll get it. 

Name: Julie | Date: Jun 29th, 2005 9:46 PM
My son will be 4 next month, he has a twin sister who was completely potty trained by 2 1/2. He didn't have any interest in it until he was 3 1/2. I didn't push it on him at all. I figured he'll want to when he's ready. And then one day he just decided it was time to be a big boy and pee like daddy. I encouraged him to go in the toilet by throwing a couple fruit loops in there for him to aim at. So it was kind of a game at first. He still occasionally has accidents, but I just make sure that the last thing he does before bed is uses the bathroom. 

Name: Margaret | Date: Jul 1st, 2005 12:15 AM
I agree that books help. I read "potty stories" to my boys when they were potty trianing. I had lots of luck with letting them run aorund without pants on occassionally...really helped them put together the feeling with the act! I also let them wear cloth underpants around the house. Once they began using the potty atleast a few times a day I switched them to cloth pants...I find pull-ups to be rather confusing for potty trainers and used them only if I knew we would be away from potty facilities for an extended period. Whatever you do I recomend lots of praise and patience...to much pressure can delay the whole process even longer. One other tip - my kids loved putting drops of food coloring in the potty as "reward" for using the potty. They loved the swirling and colors. Good luck!! 

Name: rebecca010404 | Date: Jul 3rd, 2005 8:58 PM
I know it sounds stupid but what is his favorite snack food? My son loved cheerios... I used to throw them in an he could do target practice. I think making it fun for him... will help. If that does not work have your husband (or the father) take him into the bathroom with him.... if he is shy like my husband take him into the bathroom with you... that is how I got my son to go to the bathroom... Monkey see monkey do.... If he sees a "big" person doing it on a regular basis he will want to be a "big" boy too.... Or even have your six year old take him in there if he is a boy too... if it is a girl I wouldn't suggest it. 

Name: cath | Date: Jul 6th, 2005 4:41 PM
my eldest had gone three and was not interested in the potty at all. Then one day he just decided that he didn't want nappies any more, and that was that, not one accident. my second child was potty trained in the day at 25 months but is neally 5 and still wears them to bed 

Name: cherie | Date: Jul 19th, 2005 2:52 AM
Potty training is such a nightmare my three yearold son fights me every step of the way. I have tried everything from rewards, dancing, stickers even bribery. I had no idea it would be this difficult. 

Name: Gypsy | Date: Jul 20th, 2005 11:24 PM
Some kids are just easier than others to potty train!
Keep your chin up and be as positive as you possibly can. Take a two week break then try again just like it was a new idea. Is your 3 year old a boy or a girl? It does matter in the long run. 

Name: Chocolates | Date: Jul 27th, 2005 1:32 AM
Give the kid time and be patient is what i tell everyone these days dont worry its not going to kill him! 

Name: madison | Date: Jul 29th, 2005 8:09 PM
My 3 year old just started pee peeing on the big potty. I haven't got the poo poo part done yet, but I tell ya, it was a job just trying to get that done. He loved playing the playstation game(spongebobe) and everytime he wanted to play the game, I told him he would have to put big boy underwear on and if he pee peed in his pants he would not be able to play the game anymore. I thought that would never work, but it did. He had been doing that for about 3 mths now and he hasn't really made any accidents yet. But the poo poo part I am still working on. I do not let him have anything to drink after about 7:30 at night so he will not pee pee when he is sleeping, and make sure he pee pees before he goes night night time. 

Name: cindy | Date: Jul 30th, 2005 1:23 PM
I also have a 3yr old and had a very hard time getting him to go on the potty as well. I would ask him everytime I had to go if he did too and if he said no I would ask him to come sit with me. I would also give him a treat if he went and told him he was a very good boy for going on the potty like a big boy. I also did the sticker thing everytime he would pee he got to put a sticker on the calender. The really hard part for me was getting him to go poo on the potty and he just started doing that. I wish you all the best!! And hope this helps. 

Name: Evette | Date: Oct 7th, 2005 7:02 PM
Don't let the 3 year old thing bother you at all. Each child is totally unique and different, and each will achieve toilet training success at different stages and intervals. Take for instance my son. He was still in diapers, full-time, at 3-1/2 years of age. Instead of letting it get the best of me, i took a deep breath and decided that if it was going to be diapers for awhile more, then so be it. As it was he reached daytime toilet training success shortly after, but still wore night-time diapers, (double fold cloth diapers with rubber pants) till he was 4. Today he is no worse off than his other age group counterparts who toilet trained much earlier, so no harm done. Relax and take it one day at a time. Good luck with it! 

Name: debbie | Date: Nov 15th, 2005 1:42 AM
My 3 1/2 year old girl will sit on the potty, do nothing and then go in her pants. I am so frustrated right now. 

Name: doll that potties | Date: Nov 15th, 2005 7:20 PM
Both of my kids were relatively easy to potty train. I got a doll that potties...actually I made one. I opened up the back seam on my daughter's favorite doll and put one of those booger bulbs inside it (the sucker part came out between the legs), and I sewed it back up. I would fill the booger bulb with water, get my daughter, show her the doll had to go potty and she would watch. After the doll would go potty we would throw a "potty party." We would all put on our party hats and blow noise makers and praise the doll. Later that same day my daughter started using the potty with her dolly and that was all it took. She was 27 months old at the time. The same thing worked for my son (he was potty trained at 27 months as well). I am sure you are wondering how long the potty party lasted....only a couple of days. 

Name: woods | Date: Nov 24th, 2005 3:30 AM
What a smart idea about the doll that potties. - Will try it on my son, he is an infant yet. With my daughter, I figured that pull-up diapers didn't make much difference for her - since she senses a *diaper*, she will go in there. So, one day when she was 27 months old, I told her that a monster came and took all her diapers because she is a big kid now. Like that, cold turkey. After that, she learned pee pee in 3 days, after a lot of surprises coming out of her. No problem- I just wiped the floor and we changed her underwear. It took two more months to master poo poo. Overall, she is fully trained now, snd she is going to be 30 months soon.
A great book I gave her was "Toilet Learning" - the first part of the book is for parents, to educate on the subject, and the second part is pictures explaining to the child all whats and whys.
By the way, she is not peeing in bed at all at night - I was thinking how I'd handle this because she has only pajama on at nignt - but she doesn't do anything, keeps it until morning.
About driving in the car - I mentally prepared myself that there may be a few laundry needed for the seat cover - but she never did it in there, neither. Maybe because, while driving, we repetitively kept asking her if she wanted to pee, and at the beginning we took her potty with us in the car. Now, just like us, she pees at places where we'd go - shops, restaurants, etc.
Another thing is that the potty training started in summer, and if she was outside, I would hold her above the grass somewhere in the corner, and eventually she started sitting herself - it was warm, and all she had to pull down was panties. (We have a big field with a forest, it's not like a small backyard where you'd have to think twice).
With my son - hearing all the difference with the girls - I think I will start with him earlier, at 18mo., it'll be summer, too. 

Name: jessica | Date: Nov 29th, 2005 5:35 PM
when is the best time to potty train your child 

Name: Brenda | Date: Dec 2nd, 2005 10:56 PM
Summer is usually a better time, it's hot so you can get him to drink LOTS of water and juice, and you can let him run around naked in and out of the sprinklers. Winter had it's own problems, but if you are willing to clean up a few messes it's workable. First PLAN to stay home ALL day, no trips to the store, doctor visits, errands or visitors to the house. Then push the liquids heavily and postpone nap time if you can so he is awake to have to go. Make sure he knows that accidents happen, but it is work to clean them up, after the first day of trying, make him clean the messes (then clean better after he's done and in another room). If you can stand unconventional ways show him how to sit on the potty backwards like it's a horsey to ride, and he can only ride if he pees. Get him some really cute smelly kid liquid soap that he can ONLY use after he used the potty. Be sure to let him if it is only a trickle since he tried. Don't go back to diapers unless you want to start over. Put a rubber sheet on his bed and a towel under his butt when he sleeps, unless it's a really wet mess just put a clean towel in the bed until morning to save waking the whole house. This also shows him what a hassle wetting the bed is for all. Just don't get mad at him, he is only three. Sometimes after a few days if you still are unsuccessful, invite over a friend or two who do use the potty, peer pressure is stronger than mom pressure at any age. 

Name: danielle | Date: Dec 4th, 2005 5:13 AM
If you find a great way to potty train, let me know!! lol My 2 yr old is on again off again with potty training. Some weeks he won't want a diaper, others he will scream at the sight of the potty!! 

Name: kasey | Date: Dec 25th, 2005 4:01 AM
my daughter loves to sit on the potty but acts afraid when she actually has to pee or poop she doesn' t like having a wet diaper either any suggestions 

Name: Sara | Date: Jan 23rd, 2006 9:16 PM
Every kid is different. My son is 3 (turned 3 last october) and is just now potty trained. The last two weeks is when it happened. He wanted nothing to do with it, then I noticed that he was staying dry through nap time and when I could get him on the potty, he was peeing longer nt just a little here and there. The first week was not fun at all and it was so bad I almst booked a trip to hawaii. lol that would be nice, huh? but this last week had been great. he has an accident every couple days, but it is just not getting there on time thats all. don't make it an age thing. I look at all the kids in our nursery at church and there are some that are trained by 2 and a half and some that our nearly four before they get it. don't let anyone tell you that he is too old, as every kid is different. if it is just that he is being lazy (as my son was being the first week) then you'll have to use rewards and discipline and such, if he is just not ready, don't push, or it will take 3 times as long. - Sara 

Name: Maxie | Date: Jan 23rd, 2006 10:30 PM
Hi Kristian,

Dont know if you ever used those pull-ups with your six year old but if not are you using them with the three year old? Now not that it is ture for each and every child but....I know with my now six daughter I used them two days before (thankfully someone told me), not to. The reason...they still know its a diaper. And in my daughters case she would have them soaked when she woke form nap or night but used the potty when her underpants were on. So I stopped right away. BINGO!!!!! The wettings stopped.

It was no fun either when I was potty training. I put her in underpants and yup of course accidents everywhere. I had to invest in a steam clearner for the carpets or our home would have smelled like .... well ya know! They dont like to be wet and seeing what happens when you forget to find the potty helps. Them of course not you....yet.

I made a biiiiiiiiiiggg production too when she found the target. The "(name) made a pee-pee in the potty" dance and song . And along the accident route we were on previously, I would remind her while we were shopping at someones house or at home with mom and dad that..."do you see anyone else just pee where they stand honey, when your body feals full (putting my hand to the general area just below the tummy) we go 'oh oh...I gotta go!!!!"

The book says dont rush them...and I'm sure your not behaving that way...but let him know also that if he wants to go to school it is important to learn this at home with mommy first.

If he is still in diapers I know what I'm suggestiong is a lot of work in the clean up department....but get him out of them. Let it happen. If your on a budgeted income try the thrift store for a steam cleaner. Thats where I got our first one...which by the way was used so often to clean the spills and the "SPILLS"... I burnt out the motor!!!!LOL!

Hope some other or better suggestions come your way and cant hurt to try any of them.

Best wishes Kristian. 

Name: Katie | Date: Jan 26th, 2006 8:08 PM
well i well son potty trained when he was 4 and now he i 6 he is bak in nappys what should i do? 

Name: amy | Date: Jan 30th, 2006 10:18 PM
starters im nat bein cheeky but there is no way u shud even attemot to potty traina bany at 18 months der bodys are too immature for it. as for ur ova baby he will be fine dnt compare him to ova babys n let him develop in his own time try again n if he doesnt take to it wait a few days n try again stick to this regieme 

Name: Lisa | Date: Mar 29th, 2006 8:04 PM
Tell him he cant go to school until he goes in the potty.Have your oldest show off fun schoolwork and maybe he will have an interest then?? 

Name: Lizzi... | Date: Mar 29th, 2006 10:09 PM
All of my kids have potty trained differently...& I potty trained my sil's boys while babysitting them & that was different too...My oldest...I ask every day if she wanted diapers or big girl pants...on her 2nd bday my sister told her what a big girl she was...the next day I ask her...& she wanted big girl pants...no more accidents...day or night...my 2nd daughter...wanted her ears pierced" pretty owies"...was great incintive...took 6 mos of hard work...but 2 1/2 was trained...my son on the other hand..was very stubborn...he knew exactly what he was doing...after Malachi was born...I was struggling with post pardum problems & broke one day...spanked him ...& that was all it took...he was trained...day & night...when my nephews who I'd never met untill this point...at 5...one was in pull ups at night...I belive out of Mommy's laziness...I gave him a dirty look & was like gross...what do you need those for...youre a big boy...he refused to wear them after that ...& almost never had an accident...my other nephew...at 3...refused to potty train...out of stubborn ness...it took...3 times...of cleaning his own diaper & taking a shower...I put him in the tub standing handing him whipes one at a time till he was clean...then gave him a washrag with shower gel & a shower...the days this happened...he wasn't allowed to have bathtub play time after supper;....took 3 times...at night for him...stay9ing dry at night ment he got a piece of chocolate in the am...because it was 't truely that he wasn't dry all night rather too lazy to get out of bed & go in the am...hope this helps...my almost 15 mos. old son's showing signs of potty training...like hides in the same place every time he poops now...then comes to me right away wanting changed;... 

Name: Kathy | Date: Apr 1st, 2006 3:19 AM
I have a little boy who is three and he is still not trained. My girl was so much easier. Does anyone else have this problem? Were girls easier for you also? 

Name: E | Date: Apr 4th, 2006 3:59 PM
bumping it up for Lidia 

Name: shawn | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 8:26 PM
i have the same problem i can't get my 2yr old son to go on his pot . i need help too 

Name: dee43701 | Date: Apr 11th, 2006 4:34 AM
hi everyone my daughter potty trained herself pretty much at 17 months. ever since she could sit up she wanted in the bathroom with mommy well she would not leave my side so i would take off her diaper and sit her on it so when she got older she was use to it and we got up one day she told hole mommy hole [that is what she started calling the potty ] so i took her to potty and she has only peed in her pants a couple of times during the day night potting was about the same she kept getting out of her crib and going potty in the middle of the night so i just stopped putting them on her. now my son i did the same thing but he is 16 months and he wants to pee pee with daddy but he can't pull his pants up or down.
anyway my best freind had a son who at 4 and a half would not go potty he would go in a corner or on the couch i mean pull his diaper down and do it so she just got feed up on day and made him clean it up and clean himself she then got him to go potty after that so what i am saying is maybe you need to use tuff love.
hope this helps 

Name: Courtney Lancial | Date: Apr 14th, 2006 7:20 PM
Sit with him and tell him."Honey every day you use the potty Iwill put a sticker up. then when u have 7 stikers u get a prize. hope it works if you email me in the reply its for courtney 

Name: sam | Date: Apr 21st, 2006 1:08 PM
try to teach him to squat 

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