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Name: momo
[ Original Post ]
Its weird for the past month or so i have slept on the couch almost every night except the weekends. My bf goes to work so early and since i take care of the baby and am up late i hate to wake him up...at first he made a joke..but then the other night he fell asleep on the couch i was in bed...it was the weekend and he was doing night duty..He said how much better it was taking care of the baby...Sux for my sex life...but i find myself liking it for now...anyone else ever did this?
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Name: Emma | Date: Jun 5th, 2007 7:17 AM
i have, when mia first came home from the hospital for about 2 weeks i slept downstairs with her, it was alot easy then when i finally slept upstairs, closer to the kitchen for the night feeds, and to the bin for her stinky nappies,lol 

Name: marija | Date: Jun 5th, 2007 7:18 AM
yup only for opposite reasons.......hahahahahaha 

Name: momo | Date: Jun 5th, 2007 7:20 AM
haha he is 4 months...i just started doing it a month ago...i don't know its just easier 

Name: Dana G | Date: Jun 5th, 2007 3:21 PM
I always threw our kids in their crib in our bedroom till they quit getting up at night, my hubby can sleep through anything anyway. 

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