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Name: Mama Jasmin
[ Original Post ]
Okay my 5 month old daughter is teething, I tried cold teething rings (did NOT freeze them just put in fridge), I tried these natural tablets that are not medicine at all to help for teething it says, well i dont think it's helping much...im trying to stay away from baby tylenol as much as possible cuz i dont want to give that to her daily or more than once a day! any suggestions...sorry im new at this, she's my first child! thanks!!! i just hear her whining ALL day and it's like "how can i help her?" cuz i know she is in pain, she doesnt scream or cry just whine alot and chews on her fingers...shes happy when i put my finger in there (after i wash it of course) and she chews on it but she cant chew on that ALL day!
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Name: Randi | Date: Aug 27th, 2007 8:52 PM
What worked for my son was a huge Kosher dill pickle. I would rinse it off and hand it to him. It's cold and hard... he has never been able to break off chunks of it so far. I als use the teething tablets, and they seem to help. I give him three at a time. If his pain is bad I will give him baby Motrin or Tylenol.

Another thing, take a baby washcloth and wet it, stick it in the freezer and let her chew it or suck on it. You can also give her a pedialyte freezie. I just tape a baby washcloth around the base so he can hold it without his hands getting cold. 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 27th, 2007 9:04 PM
Washclothes are good... your finger always works and if you are nursing... Just let her go ahead and have some, as much as she wants. One of my kids was great and the other was sick constantly from teething... Any toy she loves to chew on, let her chew...... Lots of tylenol and if you have oragel.... 

Name: Mama Jasmin | Date: Aug 27th, 2007 9:38 PM
my daughter is only 5 months old (well in 3 days) and I dont want to give her a pickle or some of that pedialyte yet...not sure how old she has to be for the pedialyte? I tried the washcloth (making it wet and sticking it in the freezer) but she just cried. She just wanted to suck/chew on her thumb, well she finally just fell asleep sucking on her thumb in my arms...im going to give her baby tylenol when she wakes up i think, and i give her a teething ring but she just sucks on it for a few seconds then it's on the floor, then i gotta wash it, and the same thing over again..haha...hmm maybe i do have to turn to tylenol more than once a day! i have orajel, but i heard that it doesnt last long since it washes away when they swallow and using it too much isnt good for them and it'd numb their tongue and her throat a bit so when she eats or has her bottle she might choke? thanks for the advice though!!! 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 27th, 2007 9:55 PM
my daughter didn't seem to fuss much when she was teething...i didn't even know she had teeth until i heard them clicking on her sippy cup!! lol....but very rarely when it did seem to bug her a bit, i'd just let her chew on a damp wash cloth, and then i'd give her tylenol just before bedtime. i also heard there's some kind of gel that kinda numbs the gums....i never used it, but people i've talked to said it works really well....or...you could always try a little red wine....lol....i have an italian friend and her and her whole family do that to their kids....yes, it's alcohol, but you're just dipping your finger in it and rubbing their gums with it....they swear by it anyways....i know alot of people wouldn't want to do that, but apparently it works really well. 

Name: winnmom | Date: Aug 27th, 2007 10:00 PM
if she does not like a frozen wash cloth , then a cool wet one.....the texture helps.
hold a cool spoon and let her chew on it
a cold carrot- while your holding her- then can not bite a chunk off of it
baby orajel, it does not work vewry long but may help right when she is very tired and can not fll asleep,
and the thing I found that works the best......get whole cloves from any grocery stre in the spice isle, break it open and rub on the gums......this is the BEST for numbing the area, and it does not have medicine! 

Name: Ashley Dawn | Date: Aug 28th, 2007 12:03 PM
when my son was teething i would put one of his teething rings in the frezzer for a while and get it out and give it to him...he LOVED it. i think she's too young for pedialyte, although you could call her dr. to check. 

Name: Mama Jasmin | Date: Aug 28th, 2007 5:23 PM
thank you so much for ya'lls advice!! it's appreciated 

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