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Name: Sarah M
[ Original Post ]
Ok my son will be born in October and I am stumped on whether to get a circumsicion done on him or not. Its just painful and I dont know if I should put him through it. I dont have any religious beliefs in that area so thats not an issue I just want to talk to people who have and havent had it done and what are your experiences
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Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 6:10 PM
I would not if i was you i didnt get my son done.
My views are that he was born this way so leave him this way.
God made him this way so dont mess about with him.
It is unnessscersy pain for him.
It would just be cruel. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 7:58 PM
not to contradict you lynne, but it really is necessary if you want your son not to get teased later. I'm still pretty young and hip - and I remember in school if you weren't circumsized.... well, girls are taught now to prefer circumsicion, if you know what i mean. i realize it shouldn't be a big deal, and it shouldn't even be talked about it at that age, but it is, and it is. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 8:49 PM
I just responded to this same message in I believe it was the Due Date forum but after I read what was left here I couldn't help myself but to respond...

To Lynne-
My son was circumcised at birth and as far as pain goes I guess the same goes for infants as it does for adults. Pain varies from one person to the next. My son never cried when his circumcision was done and showed no signs that he was in any pain or was even slightly uncomfortable.

Nicole Jones-
I wouldn't necessary say that having your son circumcised is necessary as much as it is common. In know way shape or form are going to ruin you son life just because you choose to not have him circumcise. Circumcision is usually done for personal reason of the parent not medical reason since there are no real medical reason for having to do this procedure.

I don't believe teasing for not being circumcised is as big of an issue as people seem to make it. I believe parent have allow themselves to belive their child is going to be tease because being uncircumcised has made him different from the other kids. I would hope that my child was different not because he was circumcised but because he's his own individual. With school becoming more mixed as far as different races and more and more parents believing why do it if you don't need to (nothing wrong with this) you are going to find that more and more kids are not circumcised and teasing is non. If he's being teased chances are he is being teased for other things as well by the same people.

One more thing...I am a little confused when you said, "Girls are taught to prefer circumcision." I think it's more that because it's so common, the girls that are having sex are having sex with a circumcised male. It almost sounds as if we sit our girls down and show them pictures of an uncircumcised penis and a circumcised one and say this is NOT PREFERED and this one is PREFERED. So I hope that you really didn't mean that they are taught. I think some women have come to PREFER someone who is circumcised only because they have come to believe that this is what is norm. 

Name: maxieellis | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 8:49 PM
Sorry Lynne me too.....I agree with Nicole on this one....not to mention....later in life it can case them difficulty. But Sarah....check with your Doctor hon dont take my word for it. They can get infections and end up having to do it later in life anyway....ouch. I think the now and forget it method is better. And too, most women do prefer this...why....who knows just the way it is. Not all womem....some have no trouble with it ....but I can recall...not as I am proud of it....talking with my girlfriends years ago.......to us anyway it was ...yuck! Really sorry Lynne...I know our opinions differ here....but such is life...please do not take offence...none is intended. Just giving my honest thoughts.

Too Sarah I know what it is hon..........thought of your wee tiny baby boy being.....to you and me also...hurt. I know the feeling. But I asure you....there will be tons of moments where you will feel the same....the shots they have to get....the illness they get...anything......but you know it is something you must do. Though this is not a 'must', talk to your doctor get the facts for yourself....and do as you feel is right. Like the shots.....its for the long haul? 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 9:03 PM
Yea I know all about the shots and all that not so fun stuff I have a lil girl so its just all new with a lil man hehe But I think Im going to have it done I talked to my pediatrician and they said with the numbing stuff they have its minimal pain and as long as I care for the wound it will heal without any problems and minimal discomfort. Thanks alot girls you really helped me out 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 9:09 PM
Everyone is aloud their opinon we might not always agree but that is life!
Dont worry about it ladies! 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 9:11 PM
If we all agreed we would not have this forum for help and it would be pretty boring lol 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 9:12 PM
I thought that it was only highley reglious people who had their sons circumsionedin the uk it is not such a big thing and it does not get talked about at all! 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 9:13 PM
True Sarah M.lol lol 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 9:13 PM
My family does it for sanitary reasons ect. I guess I just didnt want to jump into it but it does seem to be a good choice to have it done I know everyone who has had it done is glad thier mothers did it 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 9:26 PM
I meant taught by other girls ethansmom... and guys really do get talked about for not being circumsized. even very popular attractive guys will get snickered at if a girls passes word around he's not circumsized... i'm not saying it is right - but because i'm so young (the rest of my class hasn't even graduated highschool yet) this was pretty recent.

I actually know a guy that got circumsized at age 15 to avoid teasing. I happen to be good friends with his father, who told me that Kyle heard the crap guys were getting and immediatly went and got it done. I guess it's extremely painful later in life and he was out of school for a week, but it made him feel better. of course Kyle was embarassed and told everyone he had his tonsils out - his father relayed the real story to me. 

Name: homemommichele | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 10:24 PM
As a Mom of 2 boys and also a neonatal ICU nurse I can say I had both my boys done, and here are the reasons why.

When I was a teenager (babysitting age about 13) I saw my first uncircumsized penis on a little boy I was watching. I was ashamed to ask, but I really thought he was deformed or something!! Of course as I got older I realized why he looked different and that it was that he wasn't circumsized, however being a mom I did not want other little girls thinking my boys are weird looking!! Silly reason I know, but it stuck with me.

Another and more reasonable reason: As A nurse I know that they say now there is no compelling medical reason to do it. However they also ad that boys need to be taught to wash under there. We are talking about men, males, it is hard to teach them to wipe their bum after having a bm! I mean really girls, little boys and personal hygiene...best to keep it simple. So I would rather have it done at birth when there is no way they will remember, then later in life when they will. Some OB's use anesthetic when they do it, and I do think that is a very humane and wonderful thing.

My first son they only took a little off and he had an "adhesion" that I really hated!! He needed to be soaked in a warm bath then it needed to be pulled back again, sometimes painfully a little. That I did not like at all!! It finally stayed right!! The baby is just done perfectly and we've had 0 problems.

Do your research, explore your own personal beliefs (and your hubby's) and I'm sure you will decide on what is best for you and your family. 

Name: Jen | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 3:19 AM
Like everyone else said it is totally up to you. My son was born in Nov/05 and my husband insisted on him having it done. It was my choice to have it at the hospital or wait a few days. We did it at the hospital and he seems fine. However, I do still have to pull the skin down everytime I change his diaper to avoid the skin trying to attach back. One time I had to pull it back and the poor thing bleed a little. Glad I am a girl. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 3:49 AM
So it's more that the teasing is coming from the girls more not necessarily the guy. Not to say the guys are not going along with it because they wouldn't be cool if they didn't. I still believe that those who come to prefer a circumcised male come to prefer it because it is what is common.

My son was circumcised because 1) my husband insisted on it and 2) I think an uncircumcised penis doesn't look right. The first time I saw an uncircumcised penis was during one of my labor & Beyond classes. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 3:53 AM
i'm sure your right ethansmom... if it was more common for guys to have a foreskin then it would be normal and they'd look naked without it... but even in health class text books they dont show the foreskin... they actually leave it off the diagram, which is strange. 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 10:35 AM
I know that you wont agree with me but i think it is awful to have it done just because it doesnt look right,I was yalking to my other half about this last night and he said that he has never ever come across this before and thinks like i do that it should be left alone! 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 2:24 PM
Come to think about it, No they don't ever show an uncircumcised penis in health class. So yeah in some ways as a female and or male we are taught that this is what the norm is. Doesn't make it right but at the same time if this is all that you ever come across from obviously your going to think that something is wrong when you see an uncircumcised male for the first time. As mentioned before I saw my for the first time in my Birth & Beyond class and I was 26 at the time.

There is always going to be that one kid somewhere that just simply can not help himself but to pick on someone else because of whatever the reason might be. Some may luck out and never have to deal with it while other are not so lucky. 

Name: girlyduds | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 4:09 PM
I am a mother of two boys. Our first son was not circumcised & he ended up getting bacterial infections all the time, even with very thourough cleaning of his penal area. However, at 4 he was eventually circumcised. Looking back I wish I had done it at birth rather than as he was older, because it would have been less of a discomfort for him. Our 2nd son, 14 months old was circum at birth. Much better! No problems at all. It even healed in like 3-4 days compared to my other son's took over 2 weeks, mainly because he kept picking at it. I say do it, and do it at birth. I have heard that doing a circumcision is mainly for heigenic reasons such as we had. 

Name: Layne | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 7:46 PM
I agree with nicole. he'll be teased. they can give a local pain killer. some doctors do some dont just request it. 

Name: E | Date: Jul 1st, 2006 1:15 AM
I agree with Lynne n - if it ain't broken, don't fix it. We didn't do this to our son. I come from a culture that doesn't practice it, and as far as I know the 100 million men are OK. 

Name: Denise | Date: Jul 1st, 2006 2:53 AM
All I can say is you have to think about hygiene issues from here on out, if you do not get it done. The foreskin has to be pulled back to clean the area. You can do this for him when he is a baby and he can learn to do this himself as he gets older. However, when he is an old man, he will have to depend on someone else to do this for him. If it is not done properly, it can lead to an infection. Not to mention, my cousin ended up needing one due to an infection at thirteen. I would rather get it done now than at thirteen. Right now he want remember the pain. I had both of my sons circumsized, they were sore for about two days. I added vasoline to the area, after every diaper change for about a week, and they are fine. Just a tid bid of info...did you know that if the foreskin is not pulled back after cleaning, this can cut off the circulation and necrosis can set in. 

Name: Tonya | Date: Jul 4th, 2006 5:21 PM
get it done . i freaked out when they came to get my son. now he is three and i have to get it done. my nephew wasnt cut , he got infected and all his urine got stuck in him , he was three too, and he had to get his cut , with no pain medicine. the thing with babys is not all of there pain receptors are on when there born so its best to do it the first week of life. i am going to cry when they cut my son, he wont be able to wear pants for like four weeks!!! 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jul 4th, 2006 8:32 PM
To E at last someone who sees what i see! 

Name: Fiona | Date: Jul 5th, 2006 3:05 PM
Boys are supposed to have foreskins - you can teach him how to keep clean when he gets older.
You shouldn't have this done - there are no real benefits and it will impair his sexual enjoyment when he's older.
If men were supposed to be without their foreskins then they would be born that way wouldn't they! 

Name: tammie | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 5:14 PM
here is my opinion.......I would get him done.....a friend of mine has a step son.......she got him when he was 2......he kept getting yeast infections on his penis and it was from him not having a circumsicion, and the doctor said he needed one if they wanted the infections to stop so they got it done and the little boy was in so much pain because he was older.......not everyone has problems but i wouldn't take the chance. 

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