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Name: nicole jones
[ Original Post ]
I was just wondering if anyone else is trying to conceive because i'm just about to finish a round of Clomid, and really hoping that it's going to work, but I dont really have a support group of people to talk about it with. My neice is pregnant and is due around the same time I can test for pregnancy, so my family is pretty well wrapped up in that and nobody is really all that excited about my husband and I. I love my neice to pieces (i'm throwing her baby shower this weekend) but i'd just kind of like to be able to get anxious and excited with somebody (or pissed off and depressed if it's negative) without stealing all her "baby thunder". p.s. my 5 days of clomid ends 6/15 and i can take a test on 7/5/06 - anybody who empathizes (sp?) please cross your fingers!
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Name: Tamekia KIlkenny | Date: Jun 13th, 2006 3:59 AM
i hope it all gose to plan i know the feeling you have right now my sister in law was 5 months preg when i found out that i was only one month behind her and she is one of those people that likes to be there in the middle so it was really hard to tell the rest of the family the great news so if you would like to bitch then here i am 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 13th, 2006 4:13 AM
thanks tamekia 

Name: Tamekia KIlkenny | Date: Jun 13th, 2006 4:57 AM
not a prob hope i helped in any way..... 

Name: Angela1 | Date: Jun 13th, 2006 5:52 PM
I wish you the best of luck!! I know a few people that are trying to concieve. It is so sad that so many girls are having kids and cant take care of them. And when someone really wants a kid and is ready for it. They have such a hard time !! just come on when you need to talk 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 13th, 2006 9:44 PM
I took clomid pill #3 of 5 today... getting closer, slowly. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 3:02 AM
I'll be done with the clomid tomorrow, thank god. the side effects have gotten really really bad (pelvic pain, hot flashes, and extremely weird emotional fits).

I'm suprised nobody else has replied on this thread, thanks you two for listening though. 

Name: angela | Date: Jun 16th, 2006 5:29 AM
good luck!
I can't have any more children I had endometiosis.I had a hysterectomy last year.I hope everything goes well. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 16th, 2006 7:59 AM
i'm really sorry to hear that, angela, thank you so much for wishing me luck. i'm going to need it. only 2 weeks and 5 days left until i can take a test. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 18th, 2006 11:23 PM
Just updating for anyone that's still following along (thanks so much for the support you guys) ... I'm on cycle day 12 (ovulation test still negative but it should be any day now) only two weeks and 2 days left until I take the test! i'm getting more excited every day! 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 18th, 2006 11:24 PM
p.s. anyone else trying to concieve PLEASE write down your info and i'll count down with you, cross my fingers, pray like crazy, etc. !!! 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 4:12 AM
9 days until i can test.... i've been thinking for the last couples days i feel "different" but i'm trying not to put much wieght on that, and explain my "symptoms" with other things because there's always the likelyhood that my mind is playing tricks because i'm so hopeful. i've noticed some tenderness in my nipples and a slight ache in my breasts, but only a tiny bit, and my lower back has been extremely achy. also, a bit of bloating and extreme fatigue. (all of those things have other likely causes though). because my cycles are naturally almost 4 months long a missed period wont be a sign for me.. so i am a slave to the hpt. i've already bought a bunch so i can start testing every few days when it is time. 

Name: VenusdiMilo | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 3:22 PM
Nicole, I’m with you girl!! I’m TTC to conceive as well but it’s more like throwing caution to the wind kinda thing. I am currently 6-7DPO and I will be testing on 7/1-7/2 if AF doesn’t show. Good luck and Baby Dust!!! 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 4:34 PM
I am actually 11 weeks and 2 days pregnant but I was not to long ago in the same boat. Had been trying to concieve for over a year and it just seemed as if everyone that I talked to either was or knew someone that I knew that was pregnant. I actually stopped answering my emails and my phone for a whiled. My husband and I finally decided to go talk to my OBGYN who had me start TTC just to make sure that indeed I was ovulating. Turns out that I was but not exactly the same every single month so he had started me on clomid. I was actually told that although it not at all impossible that I shouldn't get my hopes up because people who are on clomid usually don't get pregnant until a few sets of clomid. Although I hated him for saying so it took me three rounds before I finally found out that I was pregnant.

My side effects were crazy. I was extremely irratible and pretty much anything and everything made me made. The first round I thought I was going to die when I ovulated because what clomid does is causes you to ovulate multiple times from both ovaries. I'm sorry but when I felt this all I could think of was the fact that they told me that I could take Tylenol for the discomfort. This was discomfort this was PAIN where I could barely walk. And I too had hot flashes. The second and third round I wasn't as irritable all though I was still short tempered. I was usually able to calm myself before I would blow up. Still had the hot flashes and the pelvic pain though.

Wish you luck, hopefully you won't have to wait as long. I know how depressing it can be to find out that one again your not pregnant. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 8:14 PM
I had the pelvic pain really bad also. i read that it only happens in 5% of women. I guess that's just our luck! I was extrememly moody and upset the entire time i was on it (and the few days after) also.

I am praying that this is it because the price goes up each time and money is tight. i dont think i'll be able to afford another round (also because i have to pay for the ultrasounds and exams too) for a while. i dont have insurance, and my community has all kinds of programs for maternity care - but as i'm sure you know fertility is all out of pocket no matter what. I wish there was at least 1 insurance company that would cover it. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 8:27 PM
I actually have United Health Care and they actually pay 85% for all infertility (I only pay $20 per visit and $20 for an ultrasound). Our maternity care is pretty good to. I actually only had to pay for the first prenatal visit and don't pay for another visit through out my pregnancy.

I have a seperate perscription company (Express Scripts) they actually covered my Clomid so I only paid $10 for my prescription. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 9:00 PM
i will have to check that out and see if i qualify. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 10:09 PM
I was actually shocked that they covered infertility treatment since I know most insurance companies don't. I know the insurance that we had last year would not have covered. I am pretty sure that if nothing was covered we probably would still be trying. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 11:38 PM
that's good to hear that someone else thinks that way. i've gotten a lot of grief from family members for trying to concieve without insurance. i just think that having 'enough' money never happens, at least not for us. we could wait 10 years and still wouldn't have 'enough' money or 'good enough' insurance. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 1:37 AM
Insurance is one of those weird things. I actually had insurance at one time that I ended up dropping because I was paying $38 a paycheck only to be able to use it for office visits. They two things that I needed it for most they wouldn't even cover. So I why pay for something when in reality I ended up paying for anyways. In the end I ended up having over $10,000 in medical bills because I had a surgery that was for a problem that they refuse to cover. When my husband I got married my OBGYN actually sent a letter to his insurance company saying that my birth control was needed for medical reason so they ended up having to pay for. But because alot of insurance company refuse to pay for birth control (their actually getting alot better) I recieved a booklet of papers that I had to fill as well as my doctor had to fill out. I think out insurance right now is really good. Haven't find anything that I would need it for that it won't cover.

Money is another one of those weird things. There is definately never enough no matter how much comes in. People seem to think my husband and I should be living better then what we currantly are. What they failed to understand was when I became a stay-out-home we lost this income. The also fail to understand that before we had our son my husband owed a computer consulting company that he gave up for my son. This was also a large addition amount of money. Which means that we have less money coming in but our bills are still the same as they were when we had the extra money.

I say as long as you and your husband are fine trying to concieve without insurance then that is all that should matter. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 3:42 AM
it's only a week left until i can test! yay!... does anyone know if that seems to soon? i have been obsessed with scheduling - and if it was a natural cycle that would be the day i would test, but i took clomid so i'm not sure if i should put off the test a little longer, or take it earlier... my last period was June 7 and i have been planning to test August 5th. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 4:16 AM
Are you charting? 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 4:35 AM
i've been using urine ovulation tests - but i found out after using them all month that they shouldn't be used first thing in the morning because Lh isn't in your urine until you've been up and moving for a while (go figure) so i'm not sure when i ovulated. i'm assuming i did because of the clomid though... i finished it on the 15th and the doctor said i should ovulate between the 20th and 23rd. so i'm assuming i'm anywhere between 3 and 6 dpo. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 4:39 AM
we've been having sex every single day since i started the clomid, and also using cough syrup (to thin mucus), pre-seed lubricant to help even more, and staying in "the position" (hip tilted) for 20min afterwards. not to mention all the prenatals and absolutely no alcohol or medications.... we're still doing it every night because i dont want there to be any possibility of missing the right day. i'm getting really really sick of having sex every single night (a couple times at week would be PLENTY for me normally) so that will be another plus to finding out i'm pregnant. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 3:52 PM
I felt the same way about sex. But the things you will do when you want a baby.

I would like to say yeah your doctor is right about when you should have ovulated but unfortunately I can't. I actually charted while on clomid and I never ovulated when my doctor said I should have. Apparently it all about 7s when it comes to clomid. Your suppose to take you last pill on the 7th day of your period (unless otherwise told by your doctor), on the 14th day you are suppose to ovulate and on the 21st day of your cycle you should get your period. Okay. So I took clomid ended on my 7th day, ovulated day 22 (first round), 19 (second round), 18 (third round) but always got my period on the 8th of each month. However, if your are regular already chances are he was most likely right about when you should have ovulated. I actually knew I was pregnant before I was able to take a test because my chart showed it.

Well by what it sounds like and should everything have happened when it should have, the chances of being pregnant are high. Hopefully you won't have to sit down to decide whether or not to continue for another round or to go back trying with out the help of clomid. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 9:04 PM
There is now officially 1 week left until i can test. The pain in my boobs has gotten a bit worse. Before i only noticed it because i was actually looking for it, now it's definitly there.... feels like growing pains (like puberty almost but much less intense) directly behind the nipple - and then of course the nipple, which is sore. is that what "the sign" would feel like? or maybe just a sign that my period could be coming? i've never had any symptoms of pms before besides bloating - so this would be new. ... sorry to get so descriptive, but that's the only way to get an accurate answer. 

Name: firewife | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 1:45 AM
Nicole, I knew I was prego about a week before my period because my boobs were killing me, they were heavy and achy and my nipples were super sensitive, touching was a definite no-no. I have been following your story, I know how difficult it is as you are waiting to test, good luck to you hon 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 1:51 AM
thanks firewife! 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 8:08 PM
6 days! but i think i'm going to break down and take a test whenever i get them in the mail. I'm sure it will be negative right now... but like venus said about herself in another forum i'm a "peeonthestickaholic". can't wait. i've been talking to a few people and i definitly have some othe "the signs" though that i've never had before and that's good news. :) 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 8:04 AM
5 days... my tests still haven't come yet. :( 

Name: S.M.B. | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 1:29 AM
Nicole, I wish you luck!! :-) :-) :-) 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 1:31 AM
thanks. s.m.b.! 

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