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Name: Irene
[ Original Post ]
Hi there Ladies,
I know this Girl who is 26, still quite young but Old enough to know better,
she has 4 kids, ranging from 4 and youngest being 7 months, 3 boys and last one a girl,

she has a Husband who is dying from Cancer, Awesome Guy, loves his kids, will do anything for her, even accepted that she cheated on him with his worst enemy which by the way whenever she feels like it, she will spend the weekend with him while he's at home watching the poor little hungry kids,

her 7month old still is not on solids& her excuse is that Baby is not interested, which thats a load of shit, beacuse i find when im feeding my son who is only 2 weeks older & is almost double the size, she licks her lips and reaches for the food,

also sometimes her excuse is for not feeding the baby is she was running late,
she reheats the milk in same bottle over & over again untill she eventually finishes it,
its gross and i really feel sorry for the baby,

i have contacted DOCS and they are just idiots beacuse they ring and arrange a time that suits her so obviously shes on her best behaviour and cleans up the house which by the way is really bad, i mean we are talking clothes dirty all over the floor, under the bed along with dirty nappies/diapers,

she does not cook and if she does its just 2 min noodles, and thats what her kids eat for dinner& and for lunch they will have either vegimite or peanut butter sandwiches,

I would see her every monday at play group & it would be 11.00 and time for all kids to sit down to eat their lunch and her kids would cry out to her, Mummy were hungry, and she would yell, Shut up, go play, she had money, she would just rather buy clothes and ciggarettes instead,

my heart would break so id give them half of my sons lunch,

i stopped going to playgroup due to this lady beacuse id get so stressed and really feel angry, but i went there today only cause my friend begged me, and i wish i hadnt cause i witnessed more crap she did today,

but today i noticed she fed her baby 3 teaspoons of yogurt and the rest to her 3 yr old,
she never used to bring food before I rang DOCS,
she only started doing this since the phone call and visit she got from DOCS,

but my main concern is that she doesnt bother changing the Babies nappy/diaper until she has poo in it, so by the time this happens, her poor little bum is red burning and really bad blisters on it,

she casually advertised that when her daughter was just 3 weeks old, she received a knock on the door, to find her neighbour with her newborn & 4yr old, who apparently had gone into the babies bedroom, picked up the baby from the crib, opened the front door, went up a flight of stairs to the neigbour to show off his little sister,

so there you go,
this is just a quarter of what i know, i can be here forever,

but im worried sick about this little girl, what do i do,
i have complained to DOCS twice now and still nothing has been done,

anyone plaese with any good ideas,
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Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 28th, 2007 9:27 AM
Thats a toughie...Im guessing DOCS is like the social services? I'm sorry but I really don't know...Sadly...I know far too many families JUST like that, spending their money on scratchcards, lottery tickets, alcohol and cigerettes...It really annoys me. I just wish I could offer better advice. I would go through social services, maybe try explaining to them they NEED to do a "surprise" visit. I'm not sure if they can do that though...good luck and let us know what happens. I'm sure there will be people on ehre who can help more than me. 

Name: Irene | Date: May 28th, 2007 9:31 AM
Thx Nicolaaa,
I told them to do a surprise visit, but apparently its against the law.
how pathetic huh,

i told them last time, are you waiting for this little girl to die first then you will do something about it?

its so stressful, i feel so helpless,
she is now moving in with her Mother beacuse obviously she doesnt think i dobbed her in, she thinks its the neighbour that brought her daughter back that day she got the visit by the brother,.
so she wants to be away from her as possible, so she can do what she pleases, 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 28th, 2007 9:35 AM
I really don't know what to suggest. I really want to be a social worker...next year I'm going to university to do a degree in social work so I can...It really really frustrates me when mothers ignore/neglect and just arent good parents to their children. So many women out there would adore the chance to have a child...and so many take their babies for granted. I suppose i can see why it's against the law.

May be too late, but maybe try keeping a diary or events and things that have/have been happening...then hand that into the "DOCS" and see what they say...that would surely count as evidence. BUt it they are moving...then it would not be so useful now. Fingers crossed that her own mother will keep things in check from now on. 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: May 28th, 2007 9:49 AM
i'd hate to say this...but the problem with this world and docs is... they dont do anything.. until it is too late..
they are bloody useless. and they have to give the mother notice before they see her.. its illegal for them to go to this womans house without her permission. as thye are not the police..
and there isnt anything u can do about it.. 

Name: BeEnIe | Date: May 28th, 2007 11:05 AM

Name: Irene | Date: May 28th, 2007 11:56 AM
shes not a friend, i know her through playgroup,

i think you may have misunderstood, i said my friend begged for me to go to playgroup and so i did and that lady was there today!, and there have been times where id sit her down and she doesnt want to hear of it, she just rolls her eyes and says hmmmm, shes so ignorant,

i mean she told me she is fed up with her husband cause hes dying and she cant stand to be with a dying husband so thats why she goes with boyfriend!,

shes not worried about anyone else but herself! 

Name: BeEnIe | Date: May 28th, 2007 12:11 PM

Name: marija | Date: May 28th, 2007 12:28 PM
Irene....report her to the police for child abuse.
see if you can get others to write down what they have seen happen to the kids....ring the police and ask to be kept annoyomous if your worried about her finding out. you will have to go and see them but your name will be kept private.
if they try and palm you off to DOCS just say you have been there and they are doing NOTHING...you are worried about these children becoming a statistic that ends in tragedy.
they will act and DOCS WILL act because they have to now ....worried about bad publicity.

all else fails.......go to the media. that nearly always gets action

i hope something is done soon. Sorry about the dad not being able to care for them. Its a sad situation and one that need not happen, but does ALOT. 

Name: Irene | Date: May 28th, 2007 12:34 PM
I think i'll ring tomorow morning,
im surprised as to how the daycare havenmt done anything yet, the other kids her 4 & 3 yr old constantly go with bumps nd bruises & apparently they say that the kids are saying shes bashing them, but shes making out as though kids are lieing, and that they fell over,

im just annoyed that im the only one worried out of all the mothers in playgroup, DOCS said had there been other Mothers other than myself who rung and reported her then they would then take the kids off her,

but they all talk amongst each other how they think shes just an idiot and a hopless mother, and that one of these days she will get reported, but it is all blah blah, they are all talk, and just wont do anything,

i wish i didnt worry so much, but i cant help it,
then to be honest with you, i dont want them to take the kids away from her, i just want someone to slap her around a little to wake her up, shes got 4 gorgeous healthy kids and she should start looking after them,,,,

she frustrates me, ARGGGHHHH, why and how can some people be like that! 

Name: marija | Date: May 28th, 2007 12:40 PM
does she have 4 gorgeous healthy kids?? or 4 underfed unhealthy kids....im confused 

Name: Irene | Date: May 28th, 2007 12:44 PM
Lol, yes you are right there actually, 4 gorgeous underfed but should be Healthy but guess they are not huh!

im glad you posted that, she doesnt deserve them, there are plenty woman out there who would do anything to have kids and will look after them with their life!,
im ringing tomorow once more 

Name: Irene | Date: May 28th, 2007 12:55 PM
I remember one day last year, as i was leaving playgroup, she had her car parked next to mine and we were talking and she turned around and said, that she had no food for her kids for dinner,

that put a knife in my heart,
and that she had no money either,
so i said to her follow me home and i'll run in and grab her some lasagne that i had made the night before, i was planning on giving it to my kids for after school, but i didnt just so i could give it to her for dinner, i gave her whatever was left which was 4 pieces,

i suggested she just make a salad, maybe fry some chips, and she was like, yeah ok,
No thank you, just hmmm okay,

so she did,she followed me home, grabbed the container of lasagne,

anyway come the week after, i asked her about what she thought of lasagne and she said, oh yeah that,
well i gave my kids noodles instead cause Roger came over(Roger her Lover), while David (husband) went to his mothers house,
so we had the lasagne instead, and Roger told meto tell you that next time when i plan on giving them lasagne, dont put so much cheese in it,

there wont be a next time i told her, tell your boyfriend he can stick the cheese sauce where the sun dont shine, how dare they!

she is just so selfish... 

Name: marija | Date: May 28th, 2007 12:55 PM
if you are really concerned and im sure you are. i would approach the centre and tell them your concerns and ask WHY they havent done anything....by law they have to report anything the may even think classes as child abuse.
IF they dont....then maybe, and i know this may seem ridiculous to you and others.
but maybe.....they are just being raised in a lower economy class that doesnt match up to others views on how to raise children....it doesnt sound that way for sure, but some peoples view of how they are raised may come up short for others.
just because you a poorer than the next person and havent been given essential parenting skills ...may not nessecarily mean that the kids are in danger.

just trying to see it from another point of view :-) not trying to say it isnt happening, but this could be a reason DOCS dont do anything :-( 

Name: marija | Date: May 28th, 2007 12:58 PM
oh i understand the outreached hand irene....and the thanklessness in return.
it has happened so much in my life, but i still believe in giving a helping hand if i think its needed...yep i may moan after being bitten, but i treat each case individually and learn from it...wont stop me helping if i see someone in need :-) 

Name: Irene | Date: May 28th, 2007 1:04 PM
I dont know why they havent done anything,
Im going to ring again this week, i just have to, they gave mne a direct number so i can add new things on to the file, i just wont do it tomorow cause then she will definately know its me, and if it werent for her bioyfriend i really wouldnt care but he is bad news,

i spoke to a girfriend of mine who used to worke for DOCS and she said that DOCS wont do anything unless 2 or 3 come together and report it, and the only way they will do something with just me is if i become aggresive and tell them who i am, rather than staying annonymus, which is what i have done,

im so confused about this, anyway its past 11pm here, must go sterilise little guys bottles, and get some beauty sleep lol,
thx heaps for your chat and advice,
have a great day/night, and a safe week,
cya xx 

Name: marija | Date: May 28th, 2007 1:05 PM
night Irene :-) 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 28th, 2007 1:20 PM
I was thining about this earlier...if she knows other people whom you are firends with...you could maybe try hinting about to them...in the hope that they compain too...therefore getting more awareness on the issue...]

i just skimmed quickly...the police is a good idea..i didnt think of that. 

Name: Dana G | Date: May 28th, 2007 2:10 PM
Thats horrible, I'd be calling everyday, all day until docs did something, anything.....where are you from? Here (usa) they can do surprise visits....I can't believe it's against the law where you are..... thats crazy! At least you called on her though, some would have turned their head, good job there! Is her mother better? maybe now if they are moving in there they will be better taken care of? I hope so anyway! 

Name: winnmom | Date: May 28th, 2007 2:27 PM
oh my goodness, this is so heart breaking.
Here social services would step in...they look into EVERY call they get.
I agree , contact the police. 

Name: Irene | Date: May 28th, 2007 10:23 PM
OH MY GOD Samantha, the baby, at the same time i was holding my 7 yr old, ITS MEANT TO BE I WAS CARRYING MY 7WK OLD SORRY, im typing too fast as im in a hurry,
our babies are 2 wks apart. 

Name: winnmom | Date: May 28th, 2007 10:27 PM
That is unbelievable Irene.
Years back I had to call social services ( Family Services ) On someone.....
This gal had just met me and left her baby with me for days.......did not come call nothing.......after she came back she said she knew she was in good hands ...well I did not call then ...but I should have...anyways she was doing Acid ( the drug) and a mutual "friend" called and told me this, and that she was freaked out about her baby and that this mutual "friend" was terrified for the babies safety.....this is when I called Family services.....I do not know what happened since..... 

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