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Name: nicole jones
[ Original Post ]
Okay, first of all to let you guys all know where i'm coming from... i'm vain. Extremely vain. I know I shouldn't be, but that's just the honest to God truth.

My fertility doctor told me to gain 10 pounds or so before trying to get pregnant, which I did. But now that i'm still not pregnant i'm wondering if i didn't gain enough. I really dont want to gain anymore wieght, but at this point i'd gain 30 if it would help. Does anyone really think that could be what i did wrong? Is it true that moderate or overwieght people get pregnant easier?
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Name: Faith | Date: Jul 3rd, 2006 12:00 AM
Let me just say all power to you about being vain! it's fun, and while being big. (not that big but for being 5, 11" ti's great) Unfortuantly i am some overweight, it took my husband and I a year and in that year two miscarages. Personally I think that for some people it takes a while. Sad to say. My Aunt and Uncle tried for 6 years and no luck they went through all they could, and they finally implanted 4 eggs to see if one would survive, we'll let's just say all 4 did. My aunt was very petite and small, so but I also have a friend that is moderate in size and her and her husband has been trying for a couple of years, and no luck. So I'm sorry i'm not sure if any of this helps but from experence and knowing people, everyones experence is different.
Good Luck
I would just try and wait it out, but you'll gain with pregnancy weight, so my vote is if you've done your part in your doctor saying you need to gain 10 lbs. Have fun and just try and wait it out and have Faith.
Good Luck. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jul 3rd, 2006 12:19 AM
Thanks Faith. That did help some, i guess i'm just looking for anything that i could possibly have done wrong - that way i can have the best chances or fixing it. I know it will happen eventually.

And i forgot to say that i'm 5'3" and 105 pounds - just so everyone know's how small we're talking here 

Name: Stacy | Date: Jul 3rd, 2006 3:45 PM
People who are at either extreme, too heavy or too thin, are know to have fertility problems.

At 5 ft 3 in & 105lb your BMI is 18.6. Normal BMI is 18.5 -24.9, so you are still a little on the thin side (enjoy it while you can). What does your Dr. say about your weight now? Personally I doubt weight is the cause of ALL of your fertility issues. For your sake I wish it was, it would have been an easy fix.

I take it your pregnancy test came out negitive.... SORRY :(
Are you going to try the Clomid again? Or, are you going to move on to artificial insemination?

Good luck, & God Bless.
Keep us updated on how things are going. 

Name: Amber11925 | Date: Jul 3rd, 2006 4:14 PM
hmm, im not to sure but i do know i did not mean to get pregnant and i did. and i only weighed 138. my sister in law to be is pretty big probably 260's and she got pregnant, she is now 6 months and she has only gained like 10 lbs the whole time. So in a way maybe it is but the only reason for her getting there so easy and not gaining so much like i did is because since she is big, she already has a big tummy and she already has fat. her uterus is just stretching out to meet her fat. all her weight is baby. but dont go gaining too much its hard to lose it. i gained 86lbs when i had my son, lost 30 at birth but man, now i weigh 179, my stomach is just lose skin now because my belly got to be 44 cm. just be careful, but i dont see why you cant get pregnant just because you arent fat! keep trying, you will be blessed soon! ~amber 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jul 3rd, 2006 8:40 PM
Stacy - My doctor says that my wieght right now is "acceptable" i gained this much on purpose so my BMI would be exactly into the normal range. I know it's not a huge part of my problem (not ovulating is my problem) but i just feel like i must be doing something else wrong and am trying to find out what. Unfortunatly i dont have the money for all the doctor visits and medication to do Clomid again this month. It's going to be a couple months before i can afford it again. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative, but it's still a little early. I have to test a few more times before the doctor will agree that i'm not pregnant. And to make things more confusing i woke up at 6am this morning - threw up twice - and then went back to bed and woke up fine. I wasn't sick or anything, just a little nauseus. That makes me think i still might be, but who knows. 

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