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Name: Little Miss Tara
[ Original Post ]
So I'm moving in to our home on the first of June!!!!!!!!! Can't wait. I'm so glad June is almost here. I love it when the kids are out of school. I love this weather we've been having. I'm going to pick up my flowers for my garden next week. YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! My own garden!!! Can you all tell I'm happy. Anyway I'll get going. Take care all, Tara.
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Name: winnmom | Date: May 29th, 2007 10:12 PM
THAT is so exciting!!!!!!!
I love when the kids are out of school too.......going to Harrison or Cultas almost daily...yeah!

Well Congrats Tara......that is awesome! 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: May 29th, 2007 10:22 PM
how the hell can you love it when the kids are out of school? you get no peace and quiet !! ( i wouldnt actually know.. as im pregnant with my 1st baby ) 

Name: winnmom | Date: May 30th, 2007 12:33 AM
Rosey,..For me anyways....we have a lot of kids....and I love the house full of them.....lol.....when I need a break I go out...lol....the older one are old enough to watch the youngsters.....
Summer is so much fun...we hang out at the beach most days....camp......swimming.....stay up late...and just enjoy each other.......I love when the kids are home 

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