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Name: Nicolaaa
[ Original Post ]
Okay well...before I had shoulder length browny blonde hair...now i have shorter, blonde hair...its pretty cool. I took a pic as momo wanted to see it. Scuse the giant cold sore on my lip...it is as gross as it looks in the picture.


picture isnt that great...but its hard taking them of yourself... lol
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Name: bex27 | Date: May 27th, 2007 10:36 AM
Hey nicola - we havnt talked much before but I just had a question for you. They say these days that the Herpes virus is what starts cervical cancer - did u know this? 

Name: bex27 | Date: May 27th, 2007 10:36 AM
Oh by the way your hair looks good! 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 10:37 AM
no...i didnt know that. I would guess you need herpes in your lady bits though...and not on your lip 

Name: bex27 | Date: May 27th, 2007 10:42 AM
I think it's all the same virus 

Name: bex27 | Date: May 27th, 2007 10:44 AM
dont quote me on that

But you have a smear done after baby is born anyway. Any way reason I said that was cos now here in NZ they trying to add the Herpes immunization in to the baby's jabs cos our stats are so high for cervical cancer. lol (just a bit of useless info) 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 10:48 AM
yeah its all the same virus...but i would say you need to have herpes "down tehre" in order for cervical cancer to start. Everything causes cancer these days...i just think, if you get it you get it. So many things cause it, red meats, sperm...so many things...if you lived your life constantly trying to prevent cancer...you wouldnt LIVE.

I do the basic things, and would call myself healthy, i dont smoke and avoid smoke, all i drink is water and smoothies. I eat a balanced diet and excercise regularly...and generally look after myself. lol

how old are you bex? how old are your children? 

Name: bex27 | Date: May 27th, 2007 10:59 AM
Yeah too true about the cancer thing - I just wondered whether that was common knowledge in other things (about the herpes virus) Anyway I'm from christchurch NZ and my girls are 2 and 3 

Name: bex27 | Date: May 27th, 2007 11:01 AM
How have you been feeling - hope things are a bit better - I come on alot but dont often post so I seen you havn't been too happy. 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 11:03 AM
im alot better today. my girls are 21 months and im 11 weeks pregnant. Theres a christchurch is NZ?? lol...i was at Christchurch in England last week!!! ihehe 

Name: bex27 | Date: May 27th, 2007 11:04 AM
lol I thought you lived in Aussie. God how do you cope with twins? and pregggie - hope you aren't too sick with it. 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 11:06 AM
no im an english girl.

I was very sick quite early on, seemed to start as soon as i found out i was pregnant!....now its easing off...i havent actually thrown up in exactly a week, but am still nauseuous some mornings. Im 12 weeks on wednesday...i cant actually believe how fast time is going!!! Best slow down soon though...im already dreading the twins turning 2...it sounds so old! 

Name: bex27 | Date: May 27th, 2007 11:15 AM
lol Yeah my second pregnany just flew by. I think it's cos with your first one everything is new and you notice every little twinge. And you look at those weekly pregnancy diaries so you know exactly where you are. Second time round your too busy with your first one to worry 

Name: momo | Date: May 27th, 2007 11:17 AM
Nicola it looks very well blended...very nice..you ook nice as a blonde...

And it is the human paplovilla virus that causes cervical cancer...not herpes..also known as HPV...Hpv affects up to 70 to 80% of females and has many different kinds...4 of which are knwn to cause cervical cancer...others are know to cause genital warts...

Also more than 80% of people have herpes in the form of cold sores, sun blisters. most commanly people are affected y age 8. This is not the genital herpes, but can be transfered to the gentials from the mouth. Just so you know...i think it is important for ladies to properly informed... 

Name: bex27 | Date: May 27th, 2007 11:19 AM
oh thanks Momo - it is good to get my facts straight lol. Are you a nurse 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 11:29 AM
thank you...she did a great job..she's gonna give the girls a haircut on wednesday! 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 12:44 PM
yeah...you sound like you really know your stuff momo...hows your revising going for your state exams? 

Name: winnmom | Date: May 27th, 2007 3:31 PM
your hair looks really good Nicola :) 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: May 27th, 2007 3:32 PM
you look great. your so pretty.... 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 3:41 PM
lol thanks 

Name: Dr Bunnz | Date: May 27th, 2007 3:54 PM
hair looks nice nicola! def a improvement 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 4:38 PM
Its just nice and summery...nice and light...right now it has gone all curly as its raining and i just went to finally get my soaken washing in 

Name: Dina, | Date: May 27th, 2007 4:44 PM
it looks nice 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 5:04 PM

my hair before. This was took on friday,..im the girl on the left...and the sun was in my eyes lol...do usually smile in pics!! 

Name: momo | Date: May 27th, 2007 9:17 PM
haha...no not a nurse...When i was growing up i always wanted to be an OBGYN...I have studied medicine since i was and reading the American Medical Dictionary for as long as i can remember. I think since i was about 11 or so..I use to take medical classes in highschool and was even accepted into a summer program for 300 juniors across the US to go to Wash DC and follow OBGYNS in a programs...Unfortuantely i couldn't pay my fees...Then I developed a shaking hand and sometimes they just shake for no reason...Docs say its common...i don't thinks so...but i guess being a surgeon is out of the question...hehe..So I went to school for hair...after managing construction...So if yuo want a completley straight haircut..probably not from me...I am great with layers especially the new styles...I can do staraight haircuts..i mean you don't have to be a precise as surgery...but in cosmo school...we also learn about biology and diseases 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 28th, 2007 5:55 PM
lol momo....you sound like you enjoy studying then, I do...especially once you find subjects you enjoy. It just makes revising and essays that bit easier. Health and social care really links in with careers and what you learn you can really see benefiting you in the future...and i enjoy that, its kinda reassuring. Best of luck in your state exams...they were after my bumper session of 6 in one day weren't they. Mine were on the 7th june 

Name: momo | Date: May 28th, 2007 6:58 PM
My examsn are tommorrow at 8 am...i have to leave here in a few hours sinci i am staying the night..they are 4 hours away... 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 28th, 2007 7:06 PM
aww well...GOOD LUCK!!!! im sure you'll be fine! 

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