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Name: NoahsMama06
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Noah's been in this phase lately where he doesn't want anything to do with any stranger. At the grocery store if someone even looks at him and smiles he is reaching for me and trying to climb out of the cart to me. If someone gets too close he screams. Every little noise makes him scream.I had to go to the doctor yesterday and of course I took Noah with me. As soon as the nurse walked in the room he started screaming and crawling up me and kept crying until she left. Then any little noise outside the door made him scream and try to climb up me. When the doctor came in he screamed and cried until she left. If I raise my voice at the dog or Brian laughs (he's got a deep laugh) Noah screams. All this just started about 2 weeks ago, but it's getting worse and really really bad. He likes to watch little kids and he doesn't mind if they come around him, but anyone older than about 10 scares him to pieces. He has no problem if I leave and he's with Brian or someone in our family. He's not afraid of me or Brian or our parents or siblings, but everyone else terrifies him. He's only seen Brian's family about 5 times and he's not afraid of them and he sees my family only once or twice a month, and they don't scare him. I just don't know how to help him get over this and it's getting so bad that it's hard to go out with him to the store or anywhere because he's screaming at everyone.
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