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Name: Nicola
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as you probably know im moving soonish and i wanted to know if I made the right decision. Me and my mum had so many arguments over this.

we're moving into a nice house...lol..its the same size as the one we're in now but it'll just be me, paul and the girls and itll seem triple the size! The twins are still going to share a room I decided. My mum thought i shouldnt especially after how upset Daisy got when Poppy was in hospital with her burn, she says I should really start making them more independant and decreasing their need for oneanother...I love thier little need though its so sweet
If they dont want to share a room they dont have too, Im more than happy to seperate them, but I dont know..should I put them in seperate bedrooms? Or wait until they are old enough to boss me around themselves?
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Name: Nicola | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 3:38 PM
thanks in advance if im not on for a while to read! 

Name: momof3 | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 3:51 PM
I don't think that at this age it would be a problem. I am in the process of moving Megan into Alexis'' room, because I think that it would be good for them to share a room. When they are older if they want their own rooms great we will move one of them out into the other room. I think it is sweet how attached your girls are, and they are still young, it will probably be harder on them if they are seperated. 

Name: Nicola | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 4:16 PM
they really are attatched. Its sweet and heartbreaking when ones away for whatever reason. Daisy finds it the hardest but she is the quieter and shyer one (shyer/shier? how do you spell it?)

Lizzi had the great idea of buying them both a new doll for them too look after and if one twin was away the other one would need to look after their doll. SO we trotted off to toysrus and went to buy two annabelles, Poppy wanted a black baby one so that's what she's got so we have one black and one white. makes it easy for me to tell them apart though.
My sister was like that. My mum bought her so many dollls, she had to have one of each colour...she had 4 baby anabelles in total when she was younger, my mum would never buy me one as they were too expensive apparently...I really wanted an Annabelle when I was little... :(
anyway...how old are Megan and Alexis? 

Name: momof3 | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 11:51 PM
Alexis is 3 and Megan is 18 months. They are exactly 2 years, 2 weeks, and 2 days apart. They are very close. The lay on the couch and cuddle, they are always hugging and kissing. Don't get me wrong, they fight, and when they do watch out. But I get jealous of how close they are. My brother and I were 5 years apart and are just now getting to really know each other. 

Name: rachtwins | Date: Feb 23rd, 2007 10:37 AM
Hi Nicola
I don't see the rush to seperate them if they enjoy being together let them. When they are older they can make the decision themselves on what they want. Its such a unique strong bond they have more than just being sisters its special look at the Veronica's (singers) they still spend most of their time together. I know a lot of families that have twins as I'm a member of a twin organisation and help publish a monthly newsletter. I can say most of the parents have kept there same sex twins together.
Hope this helps

Name: Nicola | Date: Feb 23rd, 2007 11:32 AM
thanks guys! 

Name: Nicola | Date: Feb 23rd, 2007 11:33 AM
theres 7 years between me and my sister, but we're really close. and theres 20 months between me and my brother...and we hate eachother. lol 

Name: jaxjos | Date: Feb 23rd, 2007 11:37 AM
nicola, me and my twin are a lot closer now than we were when we were kids, we used to kill each other back then, lol. We shared a room for many years and i remember having fun and playing games together in our room. I don't see a problem in them sharing a room as long as they don't always are made to share everything for the rest of their lives, still promote some independence 

Name: lana_81 | Date: Feb 24th, 2007 2:20 AM
wow your a twin Jaxjos. me too!! With Rowe_leah! me and her are best mates to but live 1000klms away! I miss her so much... Mum kept us in the same cot till we were about 1 i think! I will have to ask! 

Name: Nicola | Date: Feb 24th, 2007 11:22 AM
my twins are in toddler beds and have been in for about 6 weeks ish...how bad i dont really know! 

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