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Name: Nicolaaa
[ Original Post ]
I will be making a hand out book for each of the group members to have. In each pack there information on smoking and it’s negative impact on the body. I will list 5 of the main diseases that smoking causes and a few of the symptoms of them. along with possibly a picture of the effect. Just went for a lovely long soak in the bath….now I smell like ginger and lime…yummy yum yum. Lol

Lil ladies are fast asleep…and my guests aren’t coming until 9.30…anyone around??? The house is empty and lonely
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Name: joprior | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:10 PM
jordan went to sleep 10 mins ago....that shud be it til morning....fingers crossed 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:12 PM
Smoking causes peripheral vascular disease which leads to impairment of blood flow to the legs......we're talkin' gangrene and amputation.

It causes the arteries to plaque up which leads to high blood pressure which causes strokes - permanent disability due to paralysis - sometimes death.

Heart Disease - of various types - usually leading to an MI (heart attack) which can cause death or long-term disability.

Lung Disease - cancer, asthma, COPD, emphysema which leads to disability and long-term dependancy upon oxygen - also frequent infections and premature death.

Cancer - of the lungs, windpipe, oesophagus, mouth, stomach and bladder to name some of the more common types that smoking causes.

I'd like to say that people know that smoking causes diseases, but what they don't realise is that these diseases generally DO NOT cause instant death and neither can they be cured. They cause disability for the remainder of the life of the individual - even if they stop smoking.

People know that they might have a heart attack or stroke, but they don't ever imagine what life might be like for them following discharge from the hospital. They will be left unable to lead anything anywhere near a normal life. Somebody who's had an MI might recover and gain some 'normal' functioning, but once the heart is damaged, that's it - you're simply living on borrowed time. Stroke is particularly damaging to a person's independence - they might be left unable to walk, speak, swallow, dress or wash themselves etc. No more sex life, playing with the kids/grandkids, going shopping, working, gardening, going for a walk. Every element of their lives is affected. 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:13 PM
what??? lol...i just have spent today writing about smoking and its effects for my p/folio 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:14 PM
What type of stuff have you written then? 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:14 PM
89% of all lung cancer deaths are a result of smoking...why did you copy and paste that into here? 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:14 PM
Is any of this stuff of any use to you?

You should have told me earlier and I could have helped :-( 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:15 PM
what? I haven't copied or pasted any of that stuff. It's info that I know. 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:16 PM
i have to prepare a presentation for a group of 12/12 year olds...so alot of is posters and graphic images...statistics etc...Mots of what iv written today is PLANNING for the presentation and doing the feedback sheets and questionnaires...Only really touched on smoking damage....but i did a lil bit of research into it...loved finding all the images..how anyone can smoke after seeing those is beyong me

oooh and listen to my slogan "Don't be a butt head. Dont smoke." 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:17 PM
yeah, I like the slogan :-D 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:18 PM
yyeah it is...iv saved it in another document...you just wrote it??? I just thought you randomly copied something in here!


5 main diseases or illnesses taht are caused by smoking would be useful...i havent really looked MUCH into that yet...iv touched on lung cancer...but if you could rattle of 5 diseases...epheseyma (sp) and sumthing called COPD are arent they? 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:19 PM
but youv pretty much helped out in that "copy and paste" so i dont think we need much else...im fed up with health and social for the night now. 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:19 PM
hiya joprior 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:21 PM
the poster i made is so cool...its got the background as a load of dirty fag ends and then all these short facts about smoking. 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:22 PM
Yeah, I've included 5 different types of bodily systems that are affected by smoking :-(

You could pick one disease from each of the types if you like.

You should include peripheral vascular disease - that's nasty. COPD is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cancer of the oesophagus is nasty too - the cancer gradually destroys the oesophagus and means that you can't swallow - you have to have a stent inserted which usually blocks up. 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:23 PM
Nicola! It's not copied and pasted! *LOL* It's what I do at work every day :-D *LMAO* 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:23 PM
Don't get me onto bladder cancer either........OOoo, not nice :-( 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:24 PM
a relative (I forget how he was related) had throat cancer, i hated seeing him at the hospital...hmm....

lol...in 3 weeks im starting A2 and we're doing anatomy and physiology! It sounds so cool...im really excited. i love health and social care. hehehee 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:25 PM
im guessing you dont smoke atomic? 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:27 PM
Oh, I have a nasty story for ya......I was working on a male medical ward when I was a student. There was this old Polish guy....bad tempered he was.......but loveable 'n' cute with it! Well, he had a gangrenous toe caused by diabetes. He'd been referred to the vasular team to assess him for surgery on ths digit. The damn vascular surgeon walked onto the ward and took one look at this poor guy's toe.....he took hold of it and twisted it off! Just like that! What a sh*t!!!!! All the nurses were really appalled and shocked......the surgeon was such an arrogant prick! 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:29 PM
Yeah, of course I smoke - most nurses do! *LOL*

I've cut right down and I only smoke the very low tar/nicotine ones. I'm trying my best to stop, but it's really hard. I probably do about 10 per day - sometimes less. 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:30 PM
I used to smoke 20 per day of the full tar ones, so I'm not doing too badly. I've never smoked whilst I've been pregnant though. I don't like seeing pregnant women smoking. 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:31 PM
my friends are here....gotta go...I didnt think you smoked actually lol

I imagine you...with blonde hair, brown eyes....hmm..am i right...il just let the girls in 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:32 PM

Na, I'm a scruffy bint! I have reddish brown hair, green eyes and I wear glasses. I doss around in jeans and shirts most of the time and I go around covered in toddler spittle 'n' food! 

Name: Atomic Snowflake | Date: May 27th, 2007 8:32 PM
have a nice time with your friends! 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 28th, 2007 9:22 AM
aaah not what i thought at all....I didnt think you'd smoke...but true, most do. Had an okay night really...they all got drunk and I had a rant about my fiancee. They were having heaps of fun )coz they were so completely pissed) and i just felt left out and bored to be honest. We watched lost together, but that was it...nothing fun happened. :o / 

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