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Name: alison0118
[ Original Post ]
I need some advice. I am an x-ray tech and am starting a new job this week at an urgent care center. It is a great position (full-time) and excellent money (won't divulge how much). I start on Wednesday.
Normally, I would be very excited about this except I am currently 8 weeks pregnant. The pregnancy is going great and I am having no problems. This one was definitely a surprise as my DH and I had both had kinda been planning for me to be working for at least 6 months before we planned on another baby. Well, a great dinner out without our 2 year old and a bottle of wine...You know the story.
So now I am just starting this great job and I don't know when or how to tell my employer. Any ideas or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. It was so easy with my first as I had already been with the job for 2 years and new everyone really well. In fact they kept asking me when I was going to have a baby - so it was very easy to tell them that I was.
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Name: roseywosey | Date: May 2nd, 2007 11:37 AM
is it ok to be around x-rays when you are pregnant =S ?
i was told to stay away from x-rays.. they can harm your baby.. 

Name: alison0118 | Date: May 3rd, 2007 8:57 PM
It is safe to take them because I am behind a lead wall that protects me. As long as I am not in the actual room with the patient it is ok. As a tech I am monitored every month as to the amount of radiation that I could possible receive. The readings have all been zero in the past. The x-rays are also directed away from the lead wall.
Yes, there is a danger of having x-rays while you are pregnant. No one knows exactly what the result is but they do know it possibly increases the chance of a miscarriage or birth defects in early pregnancy. But there are so many other things that can cause these same problems. That is why they can't narrow it down. This is why it so important for you to tell the tech that you might be pregnant and why he or she asks about your LMP.
I worked up until I was the week I was in labor with my son and plan on doing the same with this one. ;) 

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