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Name: Nicola
[ Original Post ]
I had by twins when I was 15. They are now 16 months old and I'm almost 17. I finished my GCSE's and went to school 3 weeks after I gave birth for the start of Year 11. I got great grades (5cs 4bs and an A) and decided to stay on and do my a-levels. With staying on and now they are bigger I found my income wasn't as comfortable as I'd like. So I have a part-time job at Mcdonalds, where I work friday nights, and all day Saturday and SUnday. I go to school mostly all day mon-friday but I'v got my girls into the onsite Creche that has just moved on the site. It's an independant place but they moved there to help child development students etc...and it is a wondeful place and I get to see them in my free periods and pick them up at on my way home. some people don't seem to think it's possible for me to be a full-time student, have a weekend job and be a decent mum, but I am managing. It's not easy but I like it. I'm not any worse a mum than I was before getting a job, I can afford to buy them a new pink dress from mothercare or that little unicorn from toysrus. I just wanted to say that just because someone has decided not to make different decisions than they would have done if they hadn't had children, does not mean that they aren't a good mum. I didn't get pregnant out of my own stupidity so I want to prove to everyone that I wills till make somethign of myself. Does any of this make sense? DO you get stick because you're not sacrificing your life for your kids? I'm not a career mum, far from it, I just want some qualifications so I can have a job while they're at school. I'm a single mum obviously and am quite independant so I don't liek to rely on the child support etc... I just wanted to say this that's all.
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Name: momsjoin | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 7:29 AM
good luck enjoy when they are little 

Name: momsjoin | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 7:30 AM
good luck 

Name: Nicola | Date: Nov 20th, 2006 7:42 PM
I love their ages now, but crikey, time is flying. It seems like only last week I first came on here telling people they had just turned one...now they are 16.5 months old and losing some of their wobbliness! They are little women now...although that is debatable. They still seem to thoroughly enjoy being naked and pulling their socks and shoes off. I seem to forever be buying new socks and shoes...im sticking to tights from now on, and maybe lace-ups... 

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