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Name: BAbyWoman
[ Original Post ]
I am pregnant with my fifth child in eight years. I am at the same job and intend to take maternity leave again so that I can be at home with my baby. Lately though, I've been hearing other people in my office calling me a "baby machine". They say that I am not doing my work, and that i am skiving off by having another baby. They say that four is already enough! I am hurt and distraught by their comments. Part of me feels guilty though too, even though it is my right to have another child. Is anyone else out there in the same situation?
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Name: tismum | Date: Jun 21st, 2005 3:30 AM
as if we dont have enough to feel guilty for - working and not with children the house in a state etc. Ignore the coments and remember you will be having just that bit more love in your life. As long as your good with it dont worry - also are they saying theys things to you if so you employer should be informed as I beleive the comments to be discrimatory!!!!! good luck and enjoy 

Name: ML | Date: Jun 22nd, 2005 9:19 PM
To be honest it always goes down like a lead balloon at work no matter how many pregnancies. Employers and colleagues are going to whinge. Ignore them. Someone will have to pay their pensions one day. 

Name: Gypsy | Date: Jul 16th, 2005 1:22 AM
BaByWoman, you have a good sized family just like I do. I have been right where you are now (I did m/c my #5 :(. ). What your co-workers are saying is so terrible how dare they judge you.
Five kids is not too many babies, more families should have 5 to 8 kids.
(((((((((HUGS)))))))))) Were here for Ya Babe!!! 

Name: loosing my mind | Date: Jul 16th, 2005 4:51 AM
i also have had 5 kids in 9 years they are 1 month 4years 6years 7years and 9 years i do not pay attention to what every one says i am the one who takes care of them not no one else so i would tell you not to pay attention to them thats why i glad i am my own boss and i have no co-workers but it is stressful to be at home allday with the kids trying to get my work done and clean the house and take care of the house. so good luck with the baby and just dont pay your co-workers any attention there probally just jealous. 

Name: kkoz | Date: Aug 12th, 2005 10:41 PM
I understand...i'm pregnannt with our 4th child(maybe even twins) and i work on an oncology floor where you can't do a lot when your pregnant....you can't do chomothepray, can't take TB patients, can't take radiation implants, ect... so some people who don't have kids gets upset that pregnant people can't do their job. My oldest is also 8, then 4 and 2. I try to ignore their ignorant comments and think they are probably envious of what they don't have. Just be happy at what you do and will have and ignore them!! Just think of how wonderful and fun your family is and will be!! 

Name: happy momma | Date: Dec 14th, 2005 7:46 PM
hi i only have one and im preg w/ 2nd one but i say congrats id love to have 5 kids i couldnt afford to but i think its awsome your lucky just cherish your children and ignore them a lot of people would love to have what you have. i dont think my husband would agree to a 3rd child 

Name: em j | Date: Dec 24th, 2005 11:20 AM
of course its your right ok.
those people are jelous that they dont havea partner that could be there for them like yours.
or there not getting any and you obviously are.
why should you feel gulitly that you have a life out of work tell them to grow up and get a life and envy is a horrible thing and walk off.
you go girl you can have 111111111122222222222222 babys if you want. i hate it when people put people down so email me and tell me how it goes ok.
[email protected]
you may be the queit one but you need to prove yoyrself.
from em j

Name: Jackie | Date: Jan 6th, 2006 5:19 PM
IGNORE THEM!!!! When you are old and grey I can guarantee you that you will not regret having all of your children. You will not look back on our life and say ," Gee, I wish I would have had less kids and worked more." You will have a full loving life full of happy moments as long as you keep your family first. 

Name: Cara | Date: Jan 17th, 2006 1:19 AM
Just want to tell you that I have 4 kids ages 4, 5, 7, 10. I am 29 yrs old and have been married for 11 yrs. I know what it's like to be critisized by others for being so fertile. Sometimes they tease and say you're fertile myrtle or babymachine, and they don't realize how cruel they are being. Stay positive and project a positive attitude about your pregnancy and your family. Show them that you are excited about this new life growing inside of you, and let them know that you are hurt by the comments that have been made. This may be your last pregnancy, so allow yourself to thoroughly enjoy it. It would be ashame if you let your coworkers ruin this special time. Pamper yourself and take care of your physical appearance. people tend to speak badly about you if you have a poor outlook on life and/or a poor appearance. LET YOURSELF GLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Becky | Date: Jan 21st, 2006 7:30 PM
no offence but you must be crazy! what are you baby obsessed or something.
i got pregnant without trying.I'm not trying to be mean, but come on 

Name: to babywoman | Date: Jan 27th, 2006 4:04 AM
do you blame them!if you want to have so many children stay at home and raise them instead of pawning them off to someone else! 

Name: really pissed | Date: Jan 27th, 2006 7:36 PM
You last two posters need to shut the hell up. Its any woman's right to have 10 kids or more if she pleases. No one asks you to raise them or pay for them do they? Miserable b***hes you are. Good for you Becki, that you got pregnant without even trying. what the hell is your point. Seriously tell me, what the hell is it to you how many children anyone wants to have. 

Name: to really pissed | Date: Jan 28th, 2006 12:44 AM
yeah it is her right to have as many kids as she likes but why work then? stay at home and raise them, its her responsibility not someone elses! 

Name: Agnes | Date: Feb 5th, 2006 5:00 AM
Early in my pregnancy with my fifth child, I had the opportunity to be a long-term substitute for a teacher who was off on maternity leave with her own fourth child. Noone knew I was pregnant or had 4 kids myself, and when they asked me who I was in for, they'd make comments about her having too many. I always thought, what nerve! If it were a male teacher whose WIFE was having the babies, they wouldn't be so critical. I say, just keep your chin up. I think it says a lot about you that you are able to handle a large family AND your job responsibilities! 

Name: Mary | Date: Feb 5th, 2006 3:35 PM
God is the judge of your heart and love for your children and no one else. They may have an opinion but it's just that, an opinion. It doesn't matter. Have a s many as you can care for. God always provides, not necessarily materially but spiritually with peace of mind and in heart. God bless those who bear many children in His name. You will be rewarded. Been there done that! 

Name: lili | Date: Feb 10th, 2006 4:33 AM
really pissed she is taking care of her responsibility by working to feed and dress the children she is having...who is taking care of your responsibility? 

Name: Deana | Date: Feb 18th, 2006 6:03 AM
I don't give a rat's ass how many kids someone has as long as they don't go on public assistance and make my hard earned dollar pay for their snot nosed brat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Also have 5 kids | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:32 AM
Keep up the good work. I have 5 ,too. Ages 1, 3,3,4,6. I am proud of my 5 kids. I get stupid comments but myself and my husband take good care of our children and are planning on having more.

As for deana dont act like you are too good for welfare. If you had kids that needed to be taken care of you would take you a** to the welfare office too. You would be the first in line!!!!!!!!! 

Name: lili | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 1:36 PM
I agree woth the fact that if you need to be on public assistance inorder to support your kids, you should stp having them. Get the depo shot, tie your tubes whatever. Kids are not dolls, and if you are makng them you need to work to raise them right. What kind of example for responsibilty are you seting if you have kids you cannot afford but rely on welfare to do it for you. You are basically saying to your kids hey do what you want and don't worry soemone else will pick up the slack. I am not sayinng this for women who may ned some help temprarily after being laid of or in between obs, but for the ones who just sit on their ases, have kids and collect even you know how irresponsibile that really is. This has nothing to do with BAbyWoman becasue she stated she works for hers. 

Name: sonia | Date: Feb 28th, 2006 2:49 PM
I want five I have four but it must be hard I don't work 

Name: Stace | Date: Mar 2nd, 2006 4:49 PM
First off, Congrats! You have the gift of giving life, love and happiness. Those who are making comments are most likely jealous, unhappy and takers. You are a giver obviously, so don't let them get to you. I once had a boss (lady) who would make comments to me when I was pregnant with my second child. I mean this lady use to even get upset with me, when I would use my sick time for my children because she wanted me to put her and work first. She would always through out the "Your not being a team player" card. However, none of this was true, but I just stood my ground and realized she had no children, she couldn't understand the love and bond. So, my point is to hang in there, I know it's tough (especially when your pregnant) to ignore the comments. If you can not ignore the comments do what I did. I'm an outspoke individual, so I confronted my old boss and explained my family is number one. I worked there for eight years and found a better opportunity elsewhere. But, you might want to approach those who are making you feel uncomfortable. Best of luck to you! 

Name: Irene | Date: Mar 5th, 2006 8:01 AM
hello all, im new to this working Moms crowd,
i think having lots of kids is the best, cause we are old and greay, we will have the joyness that comes from children to fill up our homes and hearts,
i have 3 boys and pregnant with baby no 4, if its another bouncing baby boy we will continue untill we get our little girl, even if we have 6 kids, hey thats fine by me lol
i work from home, i iron, total of (4 customers)
im a writer (childrens books) and i also design poems out of any childs name and frame them,
and soon will be working as data entry just a couple of days a week,
ill see you all soon..gotta go, taking the boys for a walk down the beach,
God bless you all 

Name: Denise | Date: Mar 6th, 2006 7:20 PM
hello all, im a full time,MOM working from home selling clothes that i make just from scratch through pattern and design book that i have, i also do alterations, i love it and it works for me, i make around $250 a week, and i have 7 kids,
oldest is 12 and youngest is 3, i also take care of my sisters kids, 4, 3 and 14 months during school hours...my sister doesnt pay me as i wont accept it but she cooks for me while shes at work as shes a head Chef, so i place my order every day and she makes it for me, so 5 out of 7 im getting gourmet foods for hubby, myself and our kids...
weekends are my time with the children where we go away for long drives and sometimes spend a night in our house boat or cabin which is 3 hours drive away, its great and i wish it was weekend more often.. 

Name: Chana | Date: Mar 8th, 2006 9:19 PM
How dare they judge you? They don't seem like a smart crowd either since anyone with an ounce of brain would know that having a child and raising him/her is much more work compared to amount of work you are missing due to pregnancy. It's disgusting that more people in our society are supportive and tolerant toward weird and nontraditional behavior while they feel free to insult women for something so natural as having a child. Maybe parents of your co-workers should have had less children... 

Name: Alicia | Date: Mar 9th, 2006 9:35 PM
Since when has it been okay to judge others on bringing a gift of life into the world. Regardless of how many? 

Name: Astrid | Date: Mar 20th, 2006 7:16 PM
My mother had 9 children and we grew up in a very happy home. I haven't known of any big families where there is no love in the house like you sometimes get in smaller families. Don't feel guilty for having another baby. Maybe those women that are gossiping about you wish they could have more kids but can't. 

Name: gina | Date: Mar 21st, 2006 12:11 AM
Babywoman, I think your co-workers are just jealous and if it were not your children, they would find something else to whine and complain about. It is no one's business but yours if you have kids and how many u have. (as with anything else you do in life -- no one else's opinions matter! Ignore them!) I know how it is working with jealous people who can't stand to see others happy. They say misery loves company, but just keep smiling & when u see your beautiful kids smiling back u know what everyone else says means nothing! Have fun with your lovely kids! 

Name: charlie | Date: Mar 21st, 2006 10:24 PM
hey! I had three children in three years .. much like yourself I am a stressed mother trying to please eveyone from grandparents to employers , failing to please everyone and most especially the kids. 

Name: Amy | Date: Mar 23rd, 2006 1:53 AM
My personal opinion is that if you have both the emotional and financial support, you should have as many kids as you want. I worked with a woman who is 25, on her fifth kid (she has also had two miscarriages) and do you know why she keeps having babies? She gets rental assistance from the goverment, and every time she has another kid, she gets to move to a bigger house, so she keeps doing it on purpose. NONE of the four kids she has are potty-trained and the oldest is FIVE, she loses them ALL the time (I am talking anywhere from wal-mart to a country music festival with 40, 000 people), and her two year old walked two blocks down the street last year to the gas station before the police brought him home a half hour later. (she hadn't even noticed he was gone yet....) This is just a sample.... I have three kids, and I am the same age as she is. I still work out of the house a couple days a week and my husband and I both work very hard for our kids to have what they need and make sure they are healthy, happy, and loved. We have chosen to stop at three because we feel this is as many as we need, both financially and emotionally. And yes, I have been called a "baby machine", mostly because my last two kids were only 13 months apart- "can't be pregnant we just had a baby"-whoops. I'm sorry, many people may oppose me saying this but WHY SHOULD MY HARD-EARNED TAX MONEY PAY FOR THAT GIRL TO KEEP HAVING MORE KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: to babywoman | Date: Mar 23rd, 2006 6:10 AM
really how on earth do you have quality time for all your children? and you work as well?those poor kids what do you expect them to amuse each other?im sorry but thats ridiculous unless your rich witch obviously if you are working your not, unless you work to get away from them how to you pay for them all to do ballet karate piano basketball etc? what they have to miss out because you had so many? stop being so selfish and give the kids you already have a better quality of life. 

Name: tommi | Date: Mar 25th, 2006 8:31 PM
I am 23 and I have been married for 11/2 years Ihad our second child october 2005 i found out February 2006 that I am pregnant again what do I do I'm in school I work Part time I don't think I'll have enough time for two kids and pregnant makes 3. 

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