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Name: baileymom
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Hi I am new to this kind of thing but I needed some outlet to how I am feeling. My fiance and I are expecting our first child in May . We bought a house in May 2006 and plan to marry in Sept. 2007. One of our biggest problems is that he goes out too much but he feels that he should go out as much and as long as he wants to without being questioned by me. He often says that I remind him of his mom with all of the nagging. I work full-time and I am currently pursuing my Master. That is my life right now. Work and school. We use to hang out alot but since I have been pregnant I am not as fun as I use to be cause I can't do the same thing (so I was told). I just feel lonley and unsupported. When he does hang with me it is more out of guilt because he has not spent much time with me. I just need some suggestions for some extra activities so I can get my mind off of not feeling so lonely.
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Name: Lizzi | Date: Mar 9th, 2007 7:10 PM
I am so sorry!!!! What he is doing is WRONG! Ask him what he needs to go out for since you had thought he already found what he was looking for,(you). If he MUST go out limit him to 2 nights a week and to be home at whatever time YOU think is reasonable. He should have more respect for you than this. I hope he is planning to help with the baby when it arrives?! After all this is HIS child too!!! You need to tame your man and tell him playtime ended when he chose to make a baby with you! If he doesn't change his ways just keep in mind that you won't be pregnant forever and soon you will be able to go out and have a good ole time too!!!! What's good for him is good for you too ya know?! Don't let him expect you to sit at home with baby while he goes out,it doesn't work like that! Tell him he better do some serious thinking about what he REALLY wants out of this relationship with you because there's a baby well on the way and he is going to have to be mature and responsible no matter if he likes it or not!
In the meantime as for your question,you could plan things to do like invite another couple to dinner,over to play cards,out to a movie,etc. Or you could tell him you want him to take you out for a nice long leisure drive on a weekend afternoon. Plan to go rent a movie together. Tell him you need him to spend more time with you right now. If he truly loves you he will understand and do it but if he blows you off maybe you should reconsider marrying him?! 

Name: baileymom | Date: Mar 13th, 2007 2:24 AM
Thanks for the response Lizzie. I decided that I was going to start doing my own thing. He went out and didnt get home til the sun came up and though that was going to fl with me. Sat morning I packed my stuff and left for the weekend. Of course he called and I ecided to return the call on Sunday. But, the irst question was are you okay? Are you coming home. I know tw wrongs don;t make a right but it felt sooo good. 

Name: mountain teacher | Date: Mar 24th, 2007 7:19 PM
I hope you are not expecting your fiance to change once you get married and have the baby. My husband and I have been married for 6 years now. We have a 4 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. It has taken me 6 years to figure out that he is who he is regardless of being married or having children. It gets exhausting trying to change a person. And, in the end, you figure out that you CAN'T change people. They are who they are. If he is already not acting in a way that meshes with your life, it will only get worse after you have a baby. You will be more tired and you will need more help and support from him than you even need now. I'm not telling you not to marry him, but take it from me, people really don't change. Do you want to spend the rest of your life feeling the way you are feeling now? Sometimes I think it would be easier for me if I were a single mother. At least then I wouldn't have the stress that he causes me on a daily basis. 

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