Hello, guest
Name: veri
[ Original Post ]
Well. this is my history, I'm a 30 year old woman, who is hte youngest of 6 children, raced in south american country, I study piano when I was liltle until 18 years old, I went to college study a few years there but not accomplished, I came to this country when I was 22 take care some children as a job, two totally different families, one neglected their children and the other complete control over their children.
Such I did well in both situations, I got married then I had other types of works, my husband had abused me phsicall and mental , and I have been in psycologist and psyquitricts for a few months, they recomend medecine, I think I don't really need medecine, cause even I'm still afraid for some sort of people ( not just any ) I can manage, and I had a healthy life before I meet my husband, now my husband is gonne, so I just need to recover.
I;m glad that my husband is out of my life cause I couldn't left him, and I 'm totally ready for a new challenge in life, the problem is I don't have home, I'm homeless and I have no work permit.
My questions to all moms, who searchs for nannies, would you hire someone in this situation? you would ask about my mental situation if I ever had some trouble, the answer is YES[ but as you see, was my husband whose is out my life, nothing to do with taking care of children.
So, when I get interview I try not to speak about my exhusband situation cause would be orrible , but at the same time I don't want to lie, or hide anything to the family that I would live with.
BUt I'm afraid no one will hire me?
I'm not under medecine anymore, I was only a few months and I dont really need medecine, I need a JOB and I need a home.
Please help me before I end up in the street asking for money.
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Name: homemommichele | Date: Jun 18th, 2007 2:55 AM
Call social services. No one here can help you. You need in touch with support programs, assitance and education.
I do not think it is necessary to tell someone about your abusive relationship and problems. This is in the past. If they ask you can just say that you had issues with depression when you were in an abusive relationship but luckily you took control and got out. 

Name: girli_bird | Date: Jul 1st, 2007 5:19 PM
so many people take medication or go to some type of thearpy. It isn't anything to be ashamed of and I wouldn't be surprised if many of the people that you would be taking care of aren't on medication or thearpy. However, you don't need to tell that information. If questions are asked and you don't want to lie, just chose you words carefully. If they ask you directly if you have been on meds or ever had any mental illnesses, tell them something like (I was in a very unhealthy relationship that left me feeling less then my usual self so I was on medication for a short time, however I am a very strong person and I am no longer in that relationship. Since these feelings were more situational than anything else, I haven’t needed any medications and feel better then I did when I was in that relationship and on medication. I really feel like 100 % my self again and it is wonderfull. 

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