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Name: momof1
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Name: momof1 | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:10 AM
oh, and one more thing. It wasn't today that i posted that topic, it was 2 days ago. 

Name: me-sanchez | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:10 AM
Why do you not answer a question for me please.
Why do you hate every one on this board except Julie? 

Name: sweetiepie | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:12 AM
Well Damn Lucky you just want to make a liar out of me don't you! Ok I will post again!!!

I would call you PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE...remember this post!!!

Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/07/2006 18:45:53

Well, it is very clear all of you hooked me in here with your post for some entertainment. My feelings were hurt , and then I realized, all of you bitches are just fat, PMSing bull dykes! =

Careful people she really is a nutcase! 

Name: sweetiepie | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:13 AM
ME-Sanchez...AKA JANET WIGGINS POSEY..... get a life!!! Move on you psycho woman! 

Name: Carolyn | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:14 AM

Do you remember which one was calling us pimples and bull dykes about 2 months ago I think ? Those phrases were used before!

Thanks in advance if you can help..............


Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:15 AM
Momof1 kept this whole controversy brewing by spreading it around! Here is her very long discussion in the SAHM forum:
Name: momof1 Title: does luckey_in_life come on here and start trouble?

The reason I ask this is because she has been over on the adoption board recently causing trouble. Everyone over there wants here gone. SHe post the same topic over and over. And she starting posting negative things about me today. I have noticed that she mainly will copy and paste what other people have posted in the past, and then she will comment on it. I was just curious. Oh, and to everyone, I hope you had a good weekend! :) ?

Your Reply

Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 20:11:02

I have been in the adoption forum posting this warning:

Unmonitored Chat Rooms are NOT places for adoptive parents to solicit birthparents. It is not appropriate for hopeful parents to post “I can help” messages, or internet addresses for birthmothers to visit, or to send this type of e-mail to birthmothers.

Conversely, it is not appropriate for birthparents to use the Chat Room to solicit adoptive parents. There is no way of knowing which parents on the message board are qualified to adopt.

I recommend that you search for licensed adoption agencies in your state. Any of these agencies can assist you with options planning.
People are using the adoption forum as a place to try to find potential birthmothers. I don't think it was meant to be a place for people to arrange adoptions? And then there are the people who go on there and post that they want to give their child away like it is a pet or something. It is crazy in that forum!!!!!!!!!! When I try to warn people that they should be careful and not trust strangers with a baby everyone gets crazy about it! This makes my BLOOD BOIL! =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 20:16:36

Well you annoy the hell (please excuse my language) out of me. YOu have never stated what your roll in adoption is? The adoption board is not just a place to meet to people, but it's a place for support and advice. We do talk about other things besides adoption. Well at least until you came along!!!! =
Name: Layne • Date: 11/05/2006 20:27:25

I dont think Lucky is a trouble maker. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 20:30:31

I am really upset at the way people are treating babies like commodities over in that forum. I really think that whole forum is wrong. People go on their and say things like they want to give their baby away and everyone starts replying. I think the site is dangerous to young girls. Especially since it is umonitored. =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 20:30:32

Layne... you should see what you has been saying over on the adoption forum. She has been stirring up trouble since she came on there. SHe is now putting people down who want to adopt. =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 20:32:22

she just posted that "surrogacy is a form of reproductive prostitution"....AHHHH... I'm just frustrated =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 20:33:26

I do not think it is morally right to treat a woman's womb as a commodity to house the fetus, which can be rented for a few months for a amount of money. I don't think women should be used as human incubators. The relation between the surrogate and the child is commercial rather than emotional.
Is it morally right for a woman to offer herself for a fee, procreate and then sell the child? I say NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 20:35:28

Users on the adoption site who are looking to adopt, do not want me to even suggest that pregnant women who log onto this site should use caution. Or that they should seek counseling from trained professionals to explore all of their options. Are they preying on young girls? Makes me wonder!!! =
Name: Layne • Date: 11/05/2006 20:35:47

a open forum isnt the place to adopt a dog let alone a child. Sorry momof1 I have to agree with Lucky. and Lucky does like to copy and paste. I dont have any business in the adoption forum. I really dont go into much other forums other then sahms or adhd forums. I do know one thing about Lucky she likes a good debate. =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 20:39:57

I can tell. I have no problem with someone expressing their opinion as long as they do it in a nice way. I respect others opinions, I just get offended when they start bashing people. =
Name: Layne • Date: 11/05/2006 20:41:20

bashing isnt good. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 20:42:32

You can read every post I have ever made. Not once have I told someone to "bite me" as I have read some of you use in the adoption forum. I fight fair. =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 20:43:43

I have never told anyone to "bite me"....why are you even referring to it as fighting fair. No one wants to fight on the board. I =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 20:47:28

It turned into an argument the moment I tryed to post a warning to people about the dangers of arranging adoption over this unmonitored forum. All of you attacked the minute I posted concerns about the safety of that forum! =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 20:51:15

I'm done with this issue. You apparently don't see what everyone is trying to say. We have never said that you were wrong, you just won't let the matter die. But this is the last thing I will post.! =
Name: marija • Date: 11/05/2006 21:01:16

i have been on the adoption site and i have to agree with momof1.... lucky you seem to be imposing your opinion and it seems to be the same one over and over, they get what your saying.
People are smart they will figure out eventually who is legite and who isnt. You ask that they seek trained professional help? That in itself can be scary for anyone! and in my opinion i think people who have been through adoption, either adopted or given up for adoption, are more of an expert than a trained professional, to me its a jumping off point to take a bit of the unknown factor out of the whole procedure. You have to cull out all the scammers. Also, 'surrogacy is a form of reproductive prostitution' that is incredible harsh and so wrong neither is it commercial. i knew a lady who had a baby for her sister (sister's egg and brother-inlaws sperm) she carried, and then gave birth by caesarian,what does that make her in your eyes??I had thought about it and not for money, i too have friends that cant have children. i think you should stay out of the adoption forum. =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 21:03:10

thank you marija for your support. I didn't mean to cring this over here, I was just curious if she posted over her like she has been doing in the adoption forum. But i'm done, she apparently has nothing better to do with her time,! =
Name: Layne • Date: 11/05/2006 21:32:23

Im sorry I went over to the adoption crowd to take a peek and Lucky whats the deal. Why do you even care. =
Name: babyrose • Date: 11/05/2006 22:03:16

Rembmber ladies, everyone is entitled to voice thoughts and opinions as long as they are not vulgar and hurtful...Just because someone doesn't agree with it, you can't make it go away. I would suggest to filter through what you don't care to read. How could we really control all the different thoughts and passions that people support? I have had some posts with
Luckey and even though I didn't agree with her? I thought she
was entitled to post what she wants (again, as long as she did it tastefully which she? did.) Just my thoughts. Live and let live.
I wondered why she asks so many questions, and she told me she wanted to understand. Perhaps she is just an inquisitive person. This is not a bad thing. We are all different and that is what makes life so great! =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 22:11:01

Thank you Babyrose. I just really got upset on that adoption forum. They were talking about placing ads in the newspaper to find a baby! And it really upsets me to think of any young scared pregnant girl who might go on that forum. I feel like they are easy prey in that unmonitored chat room. And as far as the surrogacy, momof1 hires herself out to strangers for money to carry a baby. I just got really upset at how they talk about babies like a commodity over there. =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 22:18:45

Luckey... For one the couple I'm working with are not strangers. And how dare you say that I'm "hiring myself out to carry a baby for someone else". What right do you have to say me. It;s one thing for you to voice your opionion, it's another thing for you to talk negative about me. You don't even know me. =
Name: winnmom • Date: 11/05/2006 22:21:19

I think it is wonderful what you are doing for a couple, very unselfish of you.
Lucky- I do feel you have a right to your opinion. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 22:21:31

Well, you were advertising in on an unmonitored forum. What do you think people are going to think? =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 22:21:38

thank you winnmom....how are you? =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 22:23:16

The couple I'm working with I didn't find on the sight. I Have met alot of wonderful ladies on this forum. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 22:23:32

Name: momof1 • Date: 08/31/2006 17:03:49

I know that I do not want a family to go into debt to have a child. I do not come on this site to find a family. But I have had alot of people email me. And I have found a wonderful family I'm speaking with. But they way you phrase "what are you women charging"... I find a little insulting. You make it sound that all we are doing is trying to make money. I wish I could have a child for another family and do it for nothing. But I'm not in that position. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hurting for money. But I just can't do that. I know for a fact that alot of first time surrogate mothers can charge anywhere for $18-$22 thousand just for their compensation.
And then there are extras...for example:
1. travel expenses
2. maternity clothes
3. money for the implantation of the embryo (for a GS), and for insemenation (for a TS)
4. extra for carrying multiples
5. extra for a c-section
6. house cleaning (for later on in pregancy)
7. insurance (only if the surrogate insurance will not cover it)
plus there can be other expenses.

I'm asking for a between $15-$18 thousand. = =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 22:26:29

Luckey... I was talking to someone who was asking questions about surrogacy. That was not advertising. If you are going to cut and paste and need to included the whole conversation. Yo =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 22:28:31

Why would you go on an adoption forum and just happen to bring up the fact that you are a surrogate. Good place to look for customers? =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 22:31:05

They are not "customers". In my opinion surrogacy and adoption are similar. I just don't know you have chosen this topics to go and bash. There are thousands of famililes out there who have used surrogacy, and have had babies born. Isn';t that the most important thing, a healthy baby. And the joy of seeing that family hold their baby for the first time. That;s what it's all about. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 22:35:01

Name: momof1 Title: Surrogate looking for the right family......

Hello... I have been thinking about becoming a surrogate for some time now. Through much though and research, I have decided this is something I would like to do. It would be a joy and HONOR for my to help someone experience the same love and joy I have for my son. My questions is... I haven't had much luck in finding the right family. Anyone have any suggestions?? =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 22:36:50

From your post above one can logically assume that you went on babycrowd to hire out surrogacy. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 22:39:01

See that is why I have a problem with people going on an unmonitored chat room and proposing very serious situations. You are talking about a baby. If you are serious you should not be advertising on this site! I think there are probably more professional ways of going about it! =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 22:45:14

There are 2 ways to find family to work with. YOu can one...go through agency with cost the family your working with ALLOT more money, or you can go online. Have you even been on www.surromomsonline.com. On that sight people (both surrogates and couples looking ) post ads. That is how i found the fanily I'm talking to. I posted an ad. What do you think about familes posting ads and profiles on adoption sites? Alot of people are not familiar with surrogacy, and the internet (though I agree can be negative at times) makes it easier for people to meet. I don't think there is anything wrong with that =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 22:46:43

I just want to help someone have a baby, and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I'm not in this for the money. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 22:48:26

Oh, I though I read a post where you said:
"I'm asking for a between $15-$18 thousand" =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 22:49:51

I don't think there is anything wrong with it in monitored forums.
However, this in an unmonitored forum. =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 22:51:37

That's the cost of a typical adoption. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 22:52:51

This is not an adoption is it? =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 22:56:16

it you want to be technical... if you a TS (traditonal surrogacy). The intended mother has to adopt the baby (it's called a step-parent) adoption. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 23:00:21

You are creating a child for the purpose of exchanging it for money. There is a difference between what you do and adoption. =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 23:02:59

but that is not the reason for me doing this. you make all of this sound like people are buying a baby from me. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 23:03:50

Sound familiar?
"I'm asking for a between $15-$18 thousand. " =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 23:05:36

there is alot more involved than that. Do you even know anything about surrogacy? =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 23:06:10

I know enough about you from your posts. =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 23:08:28

and tell me luckey....what do you know??? =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 23:10:06

You contradict yourself. You say you are not in it for the money. And then in another post you say I am asking about $15 to $18 thousand =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 23:14:11

you don't read all the post written, YOu only read what you want to. =
Name: marija • Date: 11/05/2006 23:15:53

good luck on your journey i hope all goes well for you, i think what your doing is great!!!
And although i said i would of done it for free, it would of been for people i care about and love. i do not see anything wrong with being compensated for the journey when it is with, in essence strangers.
People have opinions and lucky wont stop her crusade so i think ignoring is the only way to go. Truly you cant take offence at the written word, she is a stranger her words cannot hurt you if you dont let them. =
Name: marija • Date: 11/05/2006 23:17:31

oops ...that if you let them =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 23:21:58

Thank you marija... I will say this for a friend of family member, I would do this for no compensation. Have a good night! :) =
Name: mommyboo • Date: 11/05/2006 23:40:29

Hi Marija...Thank you for backing up momof1.Luckey has said some very disturbing things on the adoption forum and Funny enough as soon as momof1 posts here about her she is ready to respond.She has nothing else better to do then but in where she doesnt belong.Meaning some of the posts are women who are letting people know who they are and that they are looking to adopt and instantly she is their (warning them)Im sure they are adults and they know the risks already from posting and she doesnt need to constatly throw it in peoples faces.She has said what she wants to say so be done with it. =
Name: Julia • Date: 11/05/2006 23:40:44

I think it is what to expect when coming on to an open forum. Opinions will be addressed... =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/05/2006 23:45:17

Julia you are right, I know I have already said this opinions are one thing, but there is no reason to personally attack someone. That just isn't right. ANd that is my opinion. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 06:25:39

Personal attack on me:

Name: mommyboo • Date: 11/05/2006 23:21:10

Ok I have had it Im sorry everyone but I Have to say this....I dont like to talk like this But luckey you are a B**ch =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 06:27:23

Another personal attack:

She is like a pimple on the butt,,,,,, if you pick it, it will get worse...Just let the ZIT be, it will go away!


Jody..... =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 06:28:20

I never make personal attacks in my posts. I attack an idea. Not a person. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 06:30:01

Surrogacy is illegal in some states momof1. It is not like all of society agrees with the practice. You should expect people to share a different veiw than yours at times. Especially on a public forum! =
Name: MVSavant • Date: 11/06/2006 07:30:44

Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 07:39:55

Don't read these posts if that is the way you feel. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 08:22:57

The bottom line for me is I think commercial surrogacy is wrong because it borders on baby selling and exploits women. =
Name: momof3 • Date: 11/06/2006 08:50:30

You have a right to your opinion, as well as momof1. But you both have made your points. Let it go. Everyone has a opinion, which is great. But when people start personal attacks on a person that is wrong. People have a right to state their opinion. =
Name: Layne • Date: 11/06/2006 08:57:34

I guess what it comes down to in life Lucky is. If you dont like it then dont do it. Its like abortion or gay married all those sticky subjects. I wouldnt do it but who am i to say someone else shouldnt. Thats why Im pro choice its my choice I dont want someone else making it. Isnt that what Freedom is. having that choice. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 08:57:58

I do not make personal attacks. I am attacking the idea of commercializing a woman's reproductive capabilities. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 08:59:38

In some states and countries, commercial surrogacy is not allowed. It is a moral issue. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 09:04:09

This whole industry has caused new moral issues in our society. Some couples who have hired a surrogate have decided they didn't want the child before it was even born. Then the child is born without a home.

Now there is a debate as to whether human embryos should be used for stem cell research. Is society going to eventually commercilize the sale of human embryos for research. This is a slippery slope. =
Name: Layne • Date: 11/06/2006 09:05:03

marriage I mean =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 09:07:11

The problem with commercialized surrogacy is that many women may be compeled to do it because they need the money. When this happens society has commercialized our reproductive abilities. I think this undermines women as human beings. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 09:09:55

Commercialized surrogacy is like renting your womb. =
Name: Layne • Date: 11/06/2006 09:12:21

slippery indeed. But I think the surrocacy is a subject that cant be resolved. Like some others on here sometimes we have to walk away. Its a lesson Im learning myself. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 09:16:59

I know. I am passionate about this subject. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 09:19:51

I compare it to dog breeding. Some people only want a pure breed when the humane society has thousands of dogs waiting for adoption. =
Name: distracted at home • Date: 11/06/2006 09:36:45

Hey momof1

I understand how you want to help other people have a child. I am a mother of 2 who underwent fertility treatments to donate my eggs in an effort to help very close friends of mine conceive. They are wonderful people my husband and I have known for over twenty years. We have chosen them over our own family members as guardians of our children should something happen to us. They did not ask for me to do it...I offerred after they underwent fertility treatments of their own and were unsuccessful. I have always felt it would be an honor to help others have a family, however I think you need to be extremely careful who you help. I cannot imagine being a part of bringing a child into this world had I not known the couple intimately. As it happened we too were unsuccessful. In Canada it is now illegal to pay or be paid to donate eggs. I live 1 hour from the fertility clinic and ended up travelling over 30 times to the clinic..with all the costs paid by myself. The couple came to watch my kids during my visits expecially when I developed complications and had to go for blood tests every day for 2 weeks. The couple I was trying to help offered to compensate for the inconvenience by paying for gas and a parking ticket but I declined as I felt that this was a gift and you don't get paid for gifts. I did a lot of soul searching before I made my offer and for the following year it took before our time came to undergo the procedure and I know now that I wouldn't do it again. Not because I felt it was wrong but becoause the complications that arose were quite serious...the reason I had the blood tests every day was bacause I was at an extremly high risk of having a blood clot that could kill me. I realized then that although I wanted to help...I had put my children at risk of losing their mother. You need to think very hard about what you are about to do. All pregnancies carry some risk...in my case my procedure had the risk of 2-3% complications. I am now of the opinion that since there are so many children in the world who suffer without a family...it is better to adopt because your family is what you make of it. It is my opinion that having a family is for the children to feel complete, whole, loved, valued, cared for, special, nurtured and for the parent to feel complete through providing that support. Having a child is not for the parents to see a likeness of themelves..it is to affect positive change in someone else's life....blood related or not. Anyway...I guess I get pretty heavy sometimes but that's my story. =
Name: Layne • Date: 11/06/2006 09:48:55

Hey distracted your a very giving person. Wow your kids a very lucky to have you for a mother. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 09:52:14

Distracted at home:
I think you said it perfectly."Having a child is not for the parents to see a likeness of themelves..it is to affect positive change in someone else's life....blood related or not."

I am not opposed to altruistic surrogacy. It takes a selfless person to do that! I like your point of view. It is how I have felt about this subject all along. =
Name: jillw • Date: 11/06/2006 15:20:23

I agree with alot of what lucky has to say. I am not sure that it has been gone about the right way, but the adoprion forum can be a sad place sometimes. Either some crazy person goes on there and lies about a baby they want to give up and then all types of people respond with hopes of getting a baby and I am sure that many of them are good people who really want a child, but then I see some girls looking for advise and that are bombarded by people hoping to daopt. I agree with the fact that anyone who is thinking about adoption should seek a professional and not someone who has their motives. I also agree that the 15-18 thousand for a baby make me a little sick to my stomach. I am pregnant and It is not costing me that much at all! I think that is using your uterus to make a living period no mater who you say you are "helping" I think that true surrogacy is the most wonderful gift you could give someone and I do not expect that the woman should have to pay for medical visits or implanting, but come on house cleaning and extra for method of delivery you have got to be kidding me! That is not doing a loving selfless act it is gettin paid because someone else needs you and nothing more and it is sad to me that loving people who are unable to reproduce are sometimes forced to deal with this to have the baby that they have always wanted. One more thing and then I am done mom or 1 you said "I know I don't want a family to go into debt........." are you fricken kidding me do you have an extra 15-18 grand laying around with out going into debt! =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 15:24:02


That adoption forum is very upsetting! I do believe commercialized surrogacy is no different than baby selling. =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/06/2006 15:31:43

There is alot involved that you don't know about. When I posted about GENERAL surrogacy cost, I posted what allot of surrogates are asking for. NOT ME...yes i did say I'm asking for $15-$18K....but that will cover everything....

maternity clothes
travel expenses
extra daycare for my son when I can't take him with me
The cost for someone to watch my son while i"m giving birth
I do not belive in asking for more money because I'm haveing muliples ot if I have to have a c-section.
I will have to take 6 weeks of shots (one each day)...to get my body ready for pregnancy
plus there is more that your not taking into consideration =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/06/2006 15:35:09

another thing... most couples that are looking towards adoption or surrogacy do have the funds set aside. An average adoption can cost over $15,000...and there is no gurantee that you will have a baby. The mother can ALWAYS change their mind. But with surrogacy, is a baby is born, the baby is yours. Just another point to ponder =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/06/2006 15:37:01

JillW... i just wanted to say that even though we do not agree on this topic. I do respect the way wrote this. YOu stated your opinions, but you were not rude or disrespectful about it. And for that I thank you. =
Name: jillw • Date: 11/06/2006 15:44:41

Thank you mom of 1 and as I said I have no problem with the adoptive parents paying for medical cost and related care. I have not researched the cost so if it is indeed that much then so be it. What I have a problem with is people who look to sell their uterus for a few grand or pray on young insecure girls in hops of getting a kid. I feel like that it taking advantage of people in a desperate situation. Please do not think that I am judgeing you because I do not know you situation at all. It would be my hope that everyone involved, mostly the child, ends up happy. =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/06/2006 15:50:01

Thank you Jillw. I respect and understand your concerns. The couple i'm talking with right now...we are taking the time to get to know each other. And were not jumping into everything right away. When I do this, I never want to have any doubts about the wellbeing of the baby. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts in a respectful manner! :)

p.s. and I wish you the best your pregnancy! =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/06/2006 16:09:03

i'm done (and I mean it this time)...that's all folks.....sorry everyone was dragged into this! =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 20:52:26

I see you also posted in the alternative forum looking for people interested in surrogacy. Aren't there any agencies you can work with? If you go with complete strangers you meet on the internet you might have all kinds of problems. =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/06/2006 21:23:19

since you know it all, I probably don't need to tell you this, but I will.. I wanted to work with an agency in the beginning, and then I found out what the total cost would be to the parents. were talking an extra $10,000 or more. Plus most agencies compensate their surrogates $22-25 K...PLUS alll the extras. And that is too much. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 21:47:57

So that means you haven't been screened medically, psychologically, financially or criminally? =
Name: momof1 • Date: 11/06/2006 22:18:57

i have already been screened medically. And had a background check done. In the next couple of weeks I will be having a psych evaluation done. as for the financial aspect, I dont see how that is relevant. THough I would have no problems showing my financial records. I have nothing to hide. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 22:32:06

Important to know:

"Surrogates who advertise on the Internet are typically in close communication with other surrogates on the Internet in various chat rooms. They are educated on the "market rate" for their services and often charge premium fees for their services. The motivation for these candidates is usually more financial than altruistic, and this may make the process feel more like a business transaction than warm, cooperative family-building. Furthermore, these surrogates have usually not been screened to determine their suitability for third-party reproduction, so the potential for them to fail the screening and delay the process still exists. If inadequate screening is done, these candidates are the ones who may most likely "change their minds," even if only to leverage better compensation from the parents. While the parents may want to sever personal contact with the surrogate after the birth, they may want to keep getting medical information about the surrogate. This may be difficult with an individual surrogate since she may be hard or impossible to find several years after the birth. Finally, if the surrogate is in another state, it is challenging to maintain the communication, arrange the medical procedures, and implement the financial arrangements among the parties. These administrative burdens will fall either on the parents or the surrogate during the pregnancy (while everyone would rather be focusing on the miracle of birth than the business details of the process." =
Name: nicole jones1 • Date: 11/06/2006 22:38:50

I just wanted to say that surrogacy is not a horrible thing. I think that it is a way for a woman who is able to have children to give to someone that isn't. I wouldn't personally do it - but that's just me. I have a very close friend that has children and when I was still dealing with the fact that I might not be able to (which I know some people don't believe... but so be it) she offered to surrogate if I couldn't get pregnant in the next few years. Thankfully it wasn't necessary, and I'm now pregnant, but I thought that it was a very heartfelt and unselfish thing for her to offer. She wasn't concerned about the money or asking for thousands of dollars either. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 22:52:44

I think surrogacy is okay when someone does it out of love without any money being given to them. I just don't agree with using your body to create a baby and then exchanging it for thousands of dollars. =
Name: mommyboo • Date: 11/07/2006 01:32:41

Wrong you did make a personal attack on someone...Calling them a prostitute for wanting to be a surrogate mom.Thats why I called you what I did out of pure anger. =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/07/2006 07:53:06

I didn't call anyone a prostitute. Here is my quote:
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/05/2006 20:24:38

I view surrogacy as reproduction prostitution!

Let me explain so that you can understand. In the case of commercialized surrogacy, it is using ones body to make money. Commercialized surrogacy is similar to prostitution in that it reduces women's reproductive abilities to a form dehumanized labour. =
Name: codyjody • Date: 11/07/2006 12:16:26

Luckey, why are you only posting what I wrote back to you?
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/06/2006 06:27:23

Another personal attack:

She is like a pimple on the butt,,,,,, if you pick it, it will get worse...Just let the ZIT be, it will go away!


Jody..... =

Why don't you post the nasty things you said about me before I wrote this?....How I'm insane, I need counseling, If we were scammed 4 times by potential birthmoms its our fault....You know NOTHING about my family, furthermore, you no NOTHING about adoption. You have said some very hurtfull things to people, including my husband and I. Calling you a pimple on a butt, is NOTHING compared to how you have made us feel! It would be sooo much better if you could think before you go writing about subjects you are not personaly involved in, like adoption! You seem like a very smart person, I'm sure you are even very nice.... But you have to realise, the members at the adoption crowd are already hurting, deeply........With some of the things you say, it is like pouring salt into open sores. I'm praying that is not intentional on your part! PLEASE, just be careful with the things you write on subjects you are not involved personaly in.
I'm done fighting with you, it is NOT good for anyone. You have your opinion about us adoptive parents, you have tried to make us all feel like dirt, for trying to connect with potential birth parents on line. Please, just think about all the babies that find GREAT homes because of the internet, My Son, Collin, is one of them!

I'm sorry for calling you a pimple, It was very rude of me!

Jody =
Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/07/2006 13:57:37

I suggest you read our old posts in the adoption forum from the beginning, starting with the very first one. I did not come on there to start trouble. I came on there to warn against the dangers of using an unmonitored chat room in an adoption forum. I can tell you that my warning was taken as though I was placing a road block in front of everyone's adoption journey. Other people have posted similar warnings in the other forums on babycrowd and received very appreciative replies. I still believe the adoption forum is very dangerous when used as a means for arranging adoptions. Does that mean I think all adoption internet sites are bad--no. However, I believe babycrowd's adoption forum is cause for concern. Most anyone who would take the time to read the posts there would probably agree.

No, I have never dealt with an adoption in any circumstance. However, I get concerned when I read posts on the adoption forum that speak of children as if they are a commodity. I honestly believe that children are the most unprotected citizen in our society. So that is where my conviction comes from for all of you who have wondered. I see this discussion from a completely different angle. =
Name: codyjody • Date: 11/07/2006 14:08:35

hmm.... so much for a simple I'm sorry??!!! =
Name: codyjody • Date: 11/07/2006 15:46:45

Name: luckey_in_life • Date: 11/07/2006 14:41:20

I meant what I said. I am not sorry.

guess I was wrong when I said you are probably a nice person.......

This says it ALL people! = 

Name: sweetiepie | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:16 AM

Name: juliedunesnet | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:17 AM
Here come the men in white jackets! 

Name: sweetiepie | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:18 AM
Now HMMMMM Miss ME-Sanchez!!!! Who would use such language??? OH LET ME GUESS!


Name: juliedunesnet | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:18 AM
me-sanchez appears and Janet's other alter egos disappear! You need to go wash out your mouth with soap and water.....what would your mother think!! 

Name: momof1 | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:22 AM
Ladies we need to watch our mouths. There is not need to speak in such a vulgar way. 

Name: Carolyn | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:23 AM

Me-sanchez, why the foul mouth? That is not accomplishing anything.............. 

Name: juliedunesnet | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:23 AM
Janet someone should tell james you're on here talking dirty...I'm sure he'd like a piece of the action! 

Name: sweetiepie | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 3:33 AM
Hmmm Me-Sanchazzzy or Damnit Janet You and lucky have something in common!


BTW I did have a potty break! AND was LMAO at you pathetic trolls! 

Name: me-sanchez | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 4:13 AM
Sweet Whore
Nice web site!
Take Me As I Am"

32 years old
Somewhere South, FLORIDA
United States

Last Login: 11/6/2006

Name: momof1 | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 4:14 AM

Name: juliedunesnet | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 4:22 AM
Watch out everyone Janet's blown a fuse!!! 

Name: sweetiepie | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 5:38 AM
Damnit Janet no one said anything about your hubby James!


Name: codyjody | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 6:12 AM
Just got home, WOW I have missed the tornato!...

Funny..... Not so luckey, I only posted to that post you so nicely brought over here from SAHM, AFTER, you brought me into it! Gee did you read it all????

Also, I started a new post on SAHM AFTER you came on here and acted like a 16 year old boy. I got a kick out of it and knew they would too!.....
You keep doing the same thing over and over again, I would consider that INSANE, maybe you need counseling. Does that sound formiliar?....

la la la la la..... 

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