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Name: Dudette
[ Original Post ]
This board lord ...you all need to get a clue! Expectant moms and Lucky and adoptive moms....\

This is not a nice place to be.

DON'T Believe everything you read!
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Name: momof1 | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 2:31 AM
Dudette, i sorta agree with what your saying. The problem with this board, is anyone can come on here and say whatever they please. There are alot of SICK individuals that come on here and lie and scam. But on the positive side, there are ALLOT of wonderful ladies on this site. And the "good apples" on here are very supportive. 

Name: nyjocool | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 2:39 AM
I wish there were a way we could report trolls and scammers and get them kicked off, but there's nothing to keep them from rejoining under a different name with a different email. What a shame for all of us that really want to discuss adoption experiences. 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 3:21 AM
If you are serious about adoption, maybe you should limit your search to monitored chat rooms. 

Name: nyjocool | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 3:26 AM
Luckey if you are serious about adoption, maybe you will tell us why you are here. You never told us why you hang out here? Care to answer that? You seem to have an answer for anything else but that? 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 3:34 AM
I have posted my warnings to scare people away from this site. I was shocked when I read some of the posts on this forum. 

Name: nyjocool | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 3:37 AM
Who are you to scare people away from the site? It's a free site that is here for everyone to use. Why do you feel you have to police this site? There are dozens more sites like this-will you be patroling them too? 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 3:43 AM
Who are you to tell me not to post on this site? 

Name: momof1 | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 3:51 AM
luckey, your starting to sound like a broken record player. Why do you keep posting the same things. I still don't understand why you feel like it's your personal mission to bash this sight. I know it has it's problems, but it's not all bad 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:01 AM
I am not the first person to take objection to this site. I think it is very irresponsible for people to use this unmonitored site as a place to find or give away a child. I also think it is very dangerous to try and act as a counselor for young women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy unless you have credentials. 

Name: momof1 | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:04 AM
I have never tried to act as a counselor. And this site is not all bad. I'm looking to be a surrogate mother, and I met a couple on here that I was going to work with. Both of us were legit. The reason it didn't work out have nothing to do with scams or lies. People just need to be cautious! 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:09 AM
momof1, I have not directed any comments at you. 

Name: momof1 | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:10 AM
I'm not saying that you have. I was just telling you what my purpose on this board is. I'm just trying to understand why you keep posting on here, and why you are so negative when it comes to adoption. That is just the feeling that I have when I read your post. I'm not trying to bash anyone, 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:14 AM
I think adoption is a very good method of finding children a home. I think this site gives adoption a bad name. 

Name: nyjocool | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:17 AM
I think you give this site a bad name. 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:19 AM
nyjocool, Your desire to find a child is making you blind. You are only seeing what you want to see. A lot of people have posted objections to this site. 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:21 AM
Example one:
Name: I_love_pitbulls Title: Omg i am just speechless

I am reading about these children for adoption and i swear it sounds like you are adopting out an animal...am i the only one who is bothered by how these people post children they are pets... 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:23 AM
Example two:

Name: Scam Buster Title: It is NOT BabyCrow's Intent to Meet & Match Here

Hey - pay attention to the paragraph written by BabyCrowd about this forum;

"Trying to make sense of the adoption laws in your state? Confused by the different regulations surrounding international adoption? Wondering what your rights are as a birth parent or as an adoptive parent? Just looking for adoption information? You'll find all the support and advice you need when it comes to child adoption in this forum."

Does it say anywhere this is a place to meet and match? NO! Maybe we should all email Hearthsone Communications (Contact button at bottom of page) and request that they add another line to this paragraph stating:

This is not a place for prospective adoptive parents and expectant / birthmothers to meet or match 

Name: nyjocool | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:23 AM
Well it's gotten to the point that your repititous comments have made it impossible to discuss a topic with other adoptive moms. There's nothing wrong with us discussing other adoption related subjects and trying to learn and grow from our experiences. I hope you have not discouraged the group of wonderful, helpful members here who look forward to going back to a normal adoption forum not dominated by your comments. 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:25 AM
Example three:
Name: califadoptee Title: Positive Adoption Language

I frequently see people use the language "put up for adoption." This is considered negative language, and originated from the era of orpahn trains when children were "put up" on platforms to be looked over in consideration for adoption. See below excerpt from The Adoption History Project:

"The orphan trains are among the most famous episodes in adoption history. Between 1854 and 1929, as many as 250,000 children from New York and other Eastern cities were sent by train to towns in midwestern and western states, as well as Canada and Mexico. Families interested in the orphans showed up to look them over when they were placed on display in local train stations, and placements were frequently made with little or no investigation or oversight."

Educate yourselves about positive adoption language (simply Google "positive adoption language"). For more information about The Adoption History Project, the Orpahn Trains, and more - go to the URL:

correct language would be: Placed in adoption 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:30 AM
Example 4:
Name: Carolyn • Date: 08/16/2006 17:50:20

Hi- I am unaware of any successful matches resulting from this site 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:32 AM
Example 5:
Name: Me Title: Are you being played with? Lets figure it out.

I am watching gals who come on here wanting to possible place their baby. They are replying to people on the boards, first thing you want to learn, esp. if you are to become a mommy, is how to tell if you are being played. Children often times play one parent against the other and that is what some of these gals are doing to all the prospective adoptive parents that are allowing it.
Like I tell my children, you keep playing these games someone is going to get hurt.
Frankly I feel for those of you who are falling for this. Please don't put yourself in this postion. I know adoption is harder then hell and I know it seems so lonely at times, but these gals are players and if they are doing this, they probably aren't even pregnant.
Hang in there, and don't spend too much time on this forum, it is way too low class.
Everytime I stop in it gets more and more disgusting and I get more and more angry at what these scamming scums are doing here. 

Name: Carolyn | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:33 AM

Since I posted that almost 3 months ago, I was made aware of TWO matches, both successful adoptions that have already been finalized. 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:34 AM
Example 6:
Name: lindalu Title: Be verry carefull!!

Please people be verry carefull! there are not so nice people who seek sites just like this. They pray on the desprate harted ones who will do almost anything for the fullfilment of a child. There are other who pray on young girls who are confused as to what they should do now they are pregnant. Please be verry carefull who you talk to! 

Name: momof1 | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:35 AM
luckey... there is a risk with everything that you do in life. And I know why most of the people on here are open and inviting to new people. Yes most of them are scams, but there could be a legit birthmom that comes on here looking for help and support. You have to take the chance. 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:35 AM
Example 7"
Name: Dreamer Title: Fakes, Frauds, Both Aparents and Bmoms

Why don't the potential birthmoms and potential aparents stick to the boards that are monitered and reliable such as
To the potential Birthmoms afraid of all this stuff and not finding what you want in adoptive parents, why not go to the above web site, you will find someone to fit into your adoption plan. I like many others check out this board, if I need amusement and have a few minutes to kill. This is NOT to say that there are not true mothers to be thinking of making an adoption plan, but for those of you that are there are better boards to post on if you choose not to go thru an agency or facilitator.
Good Luck People 

Name: Carolyn | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:35 AM
And Luckey,

My post at the time , not being aware of the two matches was NOT an objection in the least. Don't miscategorize it as such. 

Name: momof1 | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:36 AM
you know what Carolyn, I don't think Luckey is hearing what everyone has to say. I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. By the way, how are you doing? 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:37 AM
Example 8:
Name: Caroline Title: Wondering about this board

I'm an adoptive mom, and adoption advocate and professional. We are seeking to have more children, though we are trying own our own right now, and I just found this board. It seems that there are many post and I wonder...how many of these girls/women on here are "real." There are many other ways and larger boards (I've been in this "business" for a while now) for prospective adoptive parents and birth parents to find each other. I search relentlessly to find new boards and adoption information daily. I pray for those who are looking for their forever child. It's a hard, long road and it doesn't help to have so many scammers out there. God bless you all. 

Name: momof1 | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:39 AM
luckey... Carolyn was just stating the obivious. Why do you always cut and paste other people's post, I'm just curious! 

Name: luckey_in_life | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:39 AM
Example 9
Name: rain Title: None of my buisness

I am not an adoption mom, but I stop by, and read your posts. Ice chick also posted in our room, stay at home moms. So we also do our best now to keep an eye out. I think it is great that many of you are on top of the situation. This may be off the wall, but I have read the posts, I don’t know anything about adoption other than what I have read here, so I may be out of line. So sorry if this is a bad idea. I was thinking that maybe you could all change this adoption forum, to conversations and support for adoption only. If you have adopted, you could come in and chat about it, or if you were adopted, or in the process of. You could explain to all birth moms, that this board is not moderated, and ask them to please post on the moderated boards that you all recommend. That it is a safety issue. You can chat with them here about them selves, but if they are interested in placing a baby, explain they have to go to a safer board. Again, I don’t mean to get into your business, just thought this might be a helpful idea. Our thoughts are with you. 

Name: nyjocool | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 4:40 AM
True. Luckey only hears Luckey. She has the last word on everything and is always right. Broken record sums it up. So sad-this seemed like a nice forum for the ones that enjoyed chatting. 

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