Hello, guest
Name: aava
[ Original Post ]
For some time I've been coming to this board reading the posts and sense then I've made quite a few friends. (amoms and bmoms)
But in this time I have received close to 30 emails from different birthmoms that have horror stories about this board and the ppl they have encountered.
Is it just me or does anyone else see in these posts the same 3 or 4 woman putting down every little phrase a young bmom may write? I've noticed in EVERY post that there is some suspicion it's by the SAME WOMeN! it's like they live to come here and find a misspelled word or they poke at “there is no way this is real” How could a 12 yr old write this post!?
IT”S SICK! IT's The reason why my inbox is getting more and more full of birthmoms wondering why they've even ask for help here. it's also the reason that the GOOD adopted moms have a hard time making contact with the gals that come here.
I understand it's frustrating wanting to adopt and not finding a child. But it wont help by acting like everyone is out to get you! When you reply here you should know you are putting yourself at risk to be scammed or taken advantage of, it's the internet. I hate the woman who scam a vulnerable afamily but dont carry it over to ever woman asking for help or advice! I think its good that you look out for each other here but there is a time when the looking out is hurting other adopted moms who would really have a chance to build a relationship here. I tell you I havent had any amoms willing to post here about the wonderful loving relationships I have managed to build here. The keep it email so to avoid all the attacks by the other woman! I DONT BLAME THEM!! (dont worry i promised i would never give names and i wont)

I'm sorry to the ladies here that are actually trying to meet a bmom, build a relationship and hopefully adopt a child because there are some fabulous woman here. But until your able to weed out the rude and negative ladies you probably wont have much luck here on this board.
My main reason for this post was an email I got last night from a bmom who is in contact with a few afamilies from this board and was attacked in an email from a member of this board (if you read past posts it wont be to hard to figure out) but anyway I just felt awful for the girl. She forwarded me the email and it was SICK! I just got off the phone now with the bmom and she is contacting her local newspaper with this email and her story, I told her I wouldn't bother but she is really really hurt! so even though you all are being hurt and scammed by sick ppl tearing at your heart strings with phoney adoption promises. There are moms out there going through the same this with amoms or ppl claiming to be looking to adopt. Have some faith, and trust in each other and maybe it would work better!
Thanks for hearing me out and allowing me to vent and most thank all of you that I email on a daily basis for helping me through my situation. I just hope and wish all of you find what you are looking for!
I am expecting to get an earful for posting this but I dont care I needed to let it out!! I'm angry with this situation!
[email protected]
ps. this is to the bmoms please still keep emailing me as I think we are all helping each other in this little group that we've accidently created!! HUGZ
Your Name


Your Reply here

Name: readytoadopt | Date: Jul 25th, 2006 9:23 PM
Des..........I agree with every thing you said, some one always saying this is not real or this is so and so and agree. We all want to adopt, but I do not understand why people has to email people and hurt them. GIVE THESE BMOMS A CHANCE! Des Thank you for the post. God Bless you! 

Name: readytoadopt | Date: Jul 25th, 2006 9:27 PM
Dezzy, I would love to get to know you, maybe you could share some ideas on how and where to look for Adoption!


Name: aava | Date: Jul 25th, 2006 9:29 PM
Thank you so much for your public response I actually didnt excpect anyone would respond here...
It means allot and I dont understand why these girls are attact via email but it happens more than you'd think.. I would love to post some of them buy I promised I would never give names or private info! I"m sorry that I cant but it would sure show true colors..
I hope things are going well for you in your search? If you ever need a shoulder here I am!!! HUGZ 

Name: readytoadopt | Date: Jul 25th, 2006 9:32 PM
I agree never give there name out, May I email you? 

Name: seal | Date: Jul 25th, 2006 9:39 PM
You know me-I agree 100%. Thanks so much for being a friend and helping me through this journey. You are a good person and you deserve the best. I hope you are doing well and your 'journey' goes well.
your friend, seal 

Name: readytoadopt | Date: Jul 25th, 2006 10:08 PM

Please report the person who sent the email so they can be blocked from here, they need so be punished like they disturb this young woman. 

Name: readytoadopt | Date: Jul 25th, 2006 10:09 PM
Spelling error:

So should have been to.(Sorry) 

Name: aava | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 12:52 AM
I just wanted to leave msg that I want to respond to all these posts and the tons of email I'm getting however, I cannot do it till later tonight I am off to my neighbors house to baby sit for her ...
Thank You all so much

Name: Melis | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 2:10 AM
I agree with you. It is hard enough going through the whole adoption process, and then you add crazy people into the mix. My husband and I are looking to adopt, but sometimes you wonder if bmoms will take you serious because of people out there who did make "phony promises". I really don't understand what people have to gain by scamming on others, but I hope that one day they learn to grow up. Good luck to all bmoms and amoms who are serious about the adoption process. I hope that things work out for you, and for myself.

Name: Seeking2Adopt | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 2:57 AM

I agree 100% with your posts! I have personally met a few bmoms online and have became close to them. An Amom from this website attached not only the birthmom but a few Amoms in the email she sent the Bmom because she was not the "chosen" one. I think this is ridiculous and it hurts us all.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T, it's not that hard to do!

Thanks for venting, Des. I've seen this happen more than once and it upset and hurt deep!

Good Luck with Baby Jack! 

Name: Seeking2Adopt | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 3:00 AM
attached = attacked!
Sorry for the typo! 

Name: aava | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 3:56 PM
I'm sorry if I've not got back to each email as of yet but I got a ton! Thank You so much for all your kind words and support, I feel much better today than yesterday. I knew there were a boat load of folks out there thinking the same thing I have been. I also am sorry if I dont share the names and YES most of you who guessed who I'm typing about are on the right track. I wouldn't waist another second trying to figure out who said what and just leave it as at least now you know and can protect yourself from any useless info!
I get so excited when I hear stories that woman that I”ve been chatting with sense I've been pregnant and around here are now adopting it's amazing. I sometimes have wished while I've been pregnant now for what seems like forever I wished I would be having a bunch of babies because there are so many deserving moms out there longing to take care of a baby and just need that one chance.
I know someday soon it will happen for all of those who want it. It's hard not to feel guilty as a bmom that I cannot do more. I truly wish I could. I have tossed the idea around so much of how to?? but I guess I cant change the world. Oh though I wish I could.
As many of you know I was due on August 25th, Well my dr. informed me last week that we will have to induce my labor on the 14th of August! YEP That soon.. I'm scared! I'm excited!! I cannot wait to see my amom's face! We've grown to LOVE each other. They come and spend the weekends with me and my dh frequently! We are like sisters now and plan a life long relationship. I am the lucky one here to have found this amazing woman and her family, I even talk to her parents. I call them ma and pa! IT's the family I always wanted! I got it now.
My reason for telling all this is to let yall know that it can happen to you too! It will!! I am excited to share some photos here of our visit last weekend and I will just as soon as I get them cropped and uploaded.
I wish all of you luck and I wanted to say that anytime you feel like it email me I'll try to answer as fast as I can. If you have emailed me and I haven't answered send me again it's because in the last 24 hours I've got 52 emails none are spam...LOL
Best wishes and BIG BIG HUGZ
[email protected] 

Name: bbaby2006 | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 9:57 PM
Hi Des,
In another post you mentioned some "reputable" boards or forums. I am trying to adopt and kind of new to the internet search thing. can you give me more information as to where I can look?? my email is [email protected] 

Name: seal | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 10:49 PM
Hey Des, After reading your latest post I was in tears. The relationship you have with your amom is what I want. I want to be able to share our childs life together. I want him/her to know the wonderful person that made life possible. You are so right in so many ways. You also should be proud of what you are doing, you don't need to fix the world! You are giving the greatest gift God has to offer. And you, Kev and your aparents know that. I'm sure I'll talk to you later but I wanted to post this here so others could see the admiration I have for you. Blessings, your friend seal 

Name: aava | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 12:11 PM
Thanks again for all the emails and post yall have my spirits high.. This heat of summer has me stuck in doors for the rest of my pregnancy!! Today it will be 105 YUK!
bbaby2006 please email me and I will send you to a great board with great woman all trying to adopt. They put up with my butt there even though I'm a bmom! I love em they are the reason my adoption is going wonderful!

Show your adopted family your post! I bet you they want the same as you but they are as scared and nervous as you! Kevin and I are so so lucky to have found open and honest ppl like us. We share allot of the same interests and we all have one thing in common WE LOVE THIS BABY!! That's all it takes. I'm not totally sure of you situation please feel free to fill me in via email if you dont want to share.
I often worried about sharing my story because there are CLOSE members of family who know nothing about the adoption or the pregnancy for that matter and I worried about them stumbling accross any thing I may have wrote in about SO FAR SO GOOD!! phew! Now I dont worry if ppl dont like me for me to bad as long as I can look myself in the mirror I'm happy with that.
The relationship I have with the afamily is wonderful they have sorta adopted me and Kevin also. LOL
They come and spend the weekends up here and all we do is hang out, go out to eat, swim at there hotel. It's great! The amoms parents even adopted us. We are inducing on the 14th and the 12 &13th we are all 4 spending at the hotel in ajoining rooms eating, sharing our lives, hopes and dreams, this time I am looking forward to so much. this is a time I will never forget and we will always have to share with baby Jack!
Much Luck to you and again email me anytime
[email protected] 

Name: Me | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 3:49 PM
One day soon you will find your own answers to your post. Or maybe you won't. What you should really do, is check the IP's of all those emails you are getting. You never know how many of them are actually coming from one person.

It is great that an honest expectant mother can get your support. I can tell your heart is in the right place. But be smart, and protect yourself. Good Luck. 

Name: Me | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 3:54 PM
Seal, In this past post

Name: seal • Date: 06/30/2006 13:40:32

Hello Heidi,
I would love to visit with you to see how you are doing. Please email me at [email protected]
Sheila =

You wanted to adopt, now you are a bmom?

Please tell me I am misunderstanding this. 

Name: aava | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 4:14 AM
Do us all a favor and worry about yourself not anyone else cause frankly my dam I dont give a hoot what you think!
NOw run along and police someone who gives a cares post!! 

Name: aava | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 4:17 AM
By the way ladies this lady is exactly what i'm talking about a total waste of space!!
Now watch this post and watch all her little groupies follow behind her because BY Gosh she has your best interest at heart.. This woman or Man has NOthing else to do but run up in everyones conversations cause she sure the heck cant start her own and even is she did nobody would give a crap...

Name: aava | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 4:34 AM
On a different note I just realized what i read wrong.LOL
Seal, I thought you were a bmom but then I realized this is not possible cause you are a potential amom... Dang I feel silly!
Now I put 2 and 2 together and know who you are . Man I'm feelin blond! I'm sorry about the confusion had you not emailed me I would have never realized that seal is my amom pal. I'm bad with nicknames hell I'm bad with real names!! LOL

Sorry sweetie to confuse ya! Did you check out the new pix site I emailed you!!!

ps I still stand firm by my above posts, my feelings of the trouble makers on this board is still the same! Once again go back allot of posts and just skim through and you smart ladies will see for yourself!

One more time thank yall for the emails today I believe Icaught them all but just in case send me a reminder if I've not responded to yours yet!!!! And also welcome to the support group you all have joined!!
[email protected] 

Name: seal | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 2:26 PM
Why are you here? You are such a cowherd. As you can see it was a mistake! I am looking to adopt and really it is none of your business. You are the reason young girls looking for adoptive parents feels disrespected when they come to baby crowd. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE WITH YOUR SCRUTINY. Or how about you get a life?

Name: Me | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 3:47 PM
Thank you both for your replys. It confirms my suspicion. 

Name: seal | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 4:00 PM
What might your suspicion be? Can you not be straight? It seems like you just want to leave messages to get a rise out of everyone. It is so sad, your life must be unfulfilled. I am so sorry for that.

Name: aava | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 5:02 PM
I wouldnt waist another letter on that guy me. It's a waist of time. read back some posts and it will confirm any suspisions. I think this was a fine thread until the trouble makers "queen" showed up now hopefully it will go away and we can continue on our merry conversation.
so although we cant erase the negative we can ignore it and hopefully it will go away!! I would like to apologize for the behavor of this what I assume is a school boy's posts.
carry on
and everyone give each other a big ole Hug and have a great weekend!!

Name: Me | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 5:18 PM
My suspicion you ask?
Answer: There is someone with multiple personality's and they are answering eachother. I have heard of it, but never seen it in action. This is very intriguing. 

Name: aava | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 5:45 PM

Hey ladies I was wondering if yall wanted me to forward the link to the msg board to you via email. I dont feel comfy posting it here. It's been around for a good 10 years and I would hate to bring them bad karma!
But like I said in my emails they are amazing woman whom have welcomed me with open arm and helped me a great deal through this entire process... I'm almost due and I wont be pregnant anymore however I intend on sticking close to the tight nit group of ladies that I've bonded with in hopes to someday take the stigma out of the hearts and minds of some! I know it's possible.
I've ask a lady who emailed me a wonderful description of what she wanted in an adoption if I can post her email here without her name because I bet every lady here wants the same and if I can share that email it may help break the ice for those here who are SINSERE and really would like to make friends and meet others who share the same interest!
So for me 17 more days until BABY JAcK!!! by the way I'm a cow!
But I'm sticking around even after Baby Jack!!
Thank you all who have sent me such kind words of encouragement it means the world to me and my dh!!

now that was the first lesson in how to ignore trash and get back to the matter at hand!! No DRAMA in this thread pleez feel comfy posting here without getting attacked by the door dog. 

Name: readytoadopt | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 6:23 PM

Please ingore trouble! Listen to sweet "Ava" they are people who are mean and cruel and only is out to hurt some one, We will find our true baby one day and it will be left to us to tell these wonderful birthmoms how much we love them and the life they have shared with us. God bless 

Name: aava | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 7:59 PM
I'll say this again, Thank You so much for once again standing up for what's right! It seems I'm having trouble figuring out eveyones nicknames with who they are cause when yall email me you put your real name and I'm confused with your board name. I know you've emailed b4 but can you one more time I have some things I want to share with you! (your gonna like them)!! But I dont know which email goes with what nickname..I"VE GOT FUZZY PREGO BRAIN!!
I got some amazing photos from our weekend visit with the afamily I wanted to share!
[email protected] 

Name: aava | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 8:33 PM
I am sorry for so many posts but I wanted to put a reminder out!
The invitation to join a wonderful group of supportive adopting families just like yall still stands! So far I think 5 or 6 of yall joined in the last few days and if you are one of those folks that have please post here about how you feel about the group!! That way the ladies who arent sure will see it's ok!
They dont allow trouble makers, they've been around for many years and are just amazing ladies! I wouldnt have gotten this far so good without them!
So if you'd like to make some decent, not cross woman who are sincere email me for the url!
have a great weekend
[email protected] 

Name: seal | Date: Jul 29th, 2006 12:49 AM
Thanks so much for the support. It has been so hard going on this adoption journey but I know in the end it will be more than worth it! I pray for you the very best!
DES, you know I want to join the group. Email me the details. Your preggo picture is so adorable. It sure does look like baby Jack is ready to make an appearance. Talk to you soon.

Name: readytoadopt | Date: Jul 29th, 2006 12:50 AM
Dez...Hey sweetie I am the one who who ask could you my email and post and I would love for you to. Everyone needs to know the real truth about adoption and the love of a baby goes far beyond getting the baby and leaving....Luv you Girl 

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