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Name: jenna
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Name: jamie | Date: Apr 12th, 2010 12:56 AM
hi jenna. i read your post and there are others in ur situation. i am a single mom and i havnt even had the baby yet. i am 34 wks along and the father dumped me two months ago. i had nowhere to go but my parents who live 2 and half hrs away. i am very happy about my baby coming but cant get over the heartache of being a single mom. the only advice i have is to stay strong 

Name: angella | Date: Apr 28th, 2010 6:12 AM
Hi Jenna,
I have been a single mom for most of 14 years, and am currently one now to my 5 children. It can be very hard, especially if you don't have any friends going through the same thing. The main thing is, don't give up. There will be hard times, really hard times, and times when you have no idea what you are doing. Just rely on your instincts and do what you can. Married couples don't know what they are doing either, it is all trial and error. Good luck and congradulations!!! 

Name: GoldenG | Date: May 3rd, 2010 12:18 AM

Name: meisner2009 | Date: May 3rd, 2010 8:47 PM
hi names mike age 25 single i would love to get to know yu so we can go out my email is [email protected] thanks=) 

Name: Denise | Date: May 6th, 2010 1:48 AM
Hi, I'm actually pregnant and my baby's father is denying paternity, I'm really afraid I dont want to abort but i'm really scared. 

Name: kevin | Date: May 13th, 2010 1:33 PM
cum fuk me 

Name: brookehogan | Date: May 14th, 2010 6:15 AM
Yeah i am a single mom too and it is very difficult. Good luck and stay strong


Name: kwanchai | Date: May 15th, 2010 11:59 AM
i want to talk with someone....
will good if you can speak japan...
i `m not japanese people.
but i live in japan.
and then my english very bad.....
but i have good heart.^0^
now i`m so tried................
some one can listen to me......
have a good nice....
ps. my born 1979.03.22
if you have good heart can send e-mail to
[email protected]
thank you.

Name: kwanchai | Date: May 18th, 2010 2:24 PM
i am kwanchai .
how can i chat? 

Name: Tori | Date: May 23rd, 2010 2:50 AM
I am just becoming a single mom. Have one child and one on the way. I have 2 stepchildren who have been absolutely a nightmare to deal with, mostly because of their mother. That woman has done such damaging things to me and my life. My significant rarely has backed me up or supported me...even when his children lie, steal from me, tell their mother lies about me, etc. I don't understand it. Especially his oldest daughter...she is not held accountable nearly enough by him and she has become an absolute nightmare, which he now blames me for. I have chosen to not be with him now as I've lost myself in this ongoing nightmare. My boundaries have been repeatedly crossed and violated with my tolerance for it becoming quite high. I certainly don't want and can't have my 2 sons living this nightmare and learning to treat me the same way. I am a great mom to both boys and God knows I tried with the other 2 girls...too many made it impossible. This is a hard transition. Any advice???? 

Name: matt1 | Date: May 23rd, 2010 12:02 PM
Tori, can I email you? 

Name: derek | Date: May 25th, 2010 4:42 PM
hey iam looking for a single mom and a made and a cook and house wife so if u are single and need a man it me up 

Name: Denna | Date: May 26th, 2010 2:49 AM
I know what u mean. my bf has stopped having sexx with me 

Name: melissa | Date: Jun 5th, 2010 9:04 PM
is there a chatline for single and pregnant moms??
not just a message board?

Name: Cheese | Date: Jun 19th, 2010 11:56 PM
Guess a dad with shared custody doesn't fit the bill? The only advice I have is that children are innocent of the decisions that adults make - hopefully we all make it so they have a good life... 

Name: Sara Evans | Date: Jun 22nd, 2010 10:45 AM
Hi every1 Im also a single mom, my partner ran out on me when I was only 9 weeks pregnant, I can understand how hard it might be at times for all of you but just think of the little beautiful bundle of joy you will have in your life while the father will miss most of every moment of that childs life but you will be good mom's a know how to give your baby's more the enough love from both sides of parenting, us single mums are very strong and we can handle anything that comes our way...good luck to all the single moms out there... 

Name: mandymarie | Date: Jun 22nd, 2010 11:23 PM
I just found out I'm pregnant by 1 week... So, I don't have any boyfriend so I'm becoming a single mom in 9 month 

Name: sonny | Date: Jul 10th, 2010 2:02 PM
any single mom want to chat? 

Name: alex in long beach,ca | Date: Jul 18th, 2010 4:44 AM
Wow. Just reading all the comments. I'm a single father of my 6 year old son and have been since ex left when he was about to turn 3. I have primary custody. I have no new girl friend/s or married. Its hard sometimes. I love my son though thru it all. It does get lonley. But we do lots of stuff. Camping , beach, swimming at the pool, judo, . Would be nice top hold someones hand some times. Alex. [email protected] 

Name: Tracey | Date: Jul 25th, 2010 3:52 PM
Hey Jenna.. ive been a single mom for 2 and half years... his father is still in the picture week on week off.. but im doing a custody battle as of lat to make it just me and my babe offically..

youll be a better person as a single mother hun.. a baby is unlike any other joy in the world 

Name: melandty08 | Date: Jul 27th, 2010 12:35 AM
I am a. Single mom of two one is 3 one is 1 if u would like to chat let me know 

Name: Helen | Date: Jul 27th, 2010 7:20 AM
my daughter has 3 kids all under teen age. she broke up with her looser husband to just 3 months later hook up with this parisite that has adhd every other word from his mouth is the f bomb and he is always yelling at the kids. I am a mother bear and it really makes me angry, tonight they were all crying one had a sliver in her foot the little one wanted to see his mom and the oldest was told to take her food from my living room the the dining room table. all upset. he is yelling that he can't handle it. what a freaking baby. he is over 30 years old and sometimes i wonder who is the most grown up the 12 year old granddaughter or him. You can't ask this guy to take his plate to the kitchen scrap it and put it in the dishwasher he can't handle that let alone bring you a glass of water back when he returns to the room. He blames it all on the kids and me and the kids are the most important thing in her life. she has had to be taken to mental health clinics twice this summer and he just keeps her on the edge all of the time. He always has to know who she is talking to and if i ask her to come into my bedroom at my house so i can talk to her he follows her into the room. I find this very disturbing she is aware that i am having more and more difficulty dealing with his crap. I try to go to my room when they come in they are in the middle of a move. and there new living quarters are not ready for them to move into yet. so they have been staying with me i have to work at 7:30 in the morning and i most of the time don't get to bed until after midnite. I know she has to make that big decision and she tells me that she is going to end the relationship but he is very minipulative, i don't know that she is strong enough to deal with it. she can't even see her counciler without him going as well. she is a beautiful women and deservies far better then him. he is always saying i have had enough this is too much and complaining about the drama but he is the drama. I have always led a quiet life and i work a full time job and have always maintained my own home. in the last month i have put my home on the market and moved to the same town as my daughter so that i could be with her and the kids. Life is short i don't want to miss things with my grandchildren growing up. I just can't handle this guy being around me. he was always trying to have me watch the kids so they could go out and get away from them when i lived 40 miles away from them and would come for a weekend to spend timewith them something that i have always done. My daughter and I have always been very close and her children and I have always been very close. this guy only wants the kids around him "when he can handle them which is getting to be less and less as time goes by. the kids dont like him cuz he doesn't talk he shouts.any one have any thing that might help me deal with this nut case until she gets rid of him. Oh he is also an alcoholic..surprize 

Name: elizbeth | Date: Jul 31st, 2010 7:03 PM

Name: dlaw2005 | Date: Aug 2nd, 2010 4:37 AM
Helllo I'm a single mom of 5 years now I'm 25 years old to my son who has autism ADHD seizures brain malformation (arnold chairi type 1) eating disorder and sleeping disorder.I divorce his dad when he was 6 months old and his Dad has no clue and to angry to realize the situation.Its very hard for me to get a job due to him begin a high risk to day care.I only got my Dad but he disable as well so I'm a full time mom and daughter.My son be lucky to make it to his adulthood alive what the doctors are saying due to his malformation in his brain (skull to small for his brain)[email protected] is mine email. 

Name: farrah | Date: Aug 3rd, 2010 5:23 AM
sophias dad and its sad she want know her father wat should ido 

Name: zae1 | Date: Aug 5th, 2010 4:36 AM
I'm 25 and have a 27 month old boy and my #1 go to is the Bible. God can help you through this you just gotta ask and believe. Some days its tough I feel alone and I don't want to do this but I've just begun what do I do yaddah, yaddah, yaddah! Just keep on keepin on and try to find people with kids that can mentor or give you advice (easier said then done) 

Name: raymond | Date: Aug 6th, 2010 8:57 PM
i am a singles dad 

Name: cobbyg36 | Date: Aug 15th, 2010 1:47 PM
It looks like we have some things in common and I'd like to get to know you better. Please accept my friend invite so we can connect. 

Name: linda | Date: Aug 24th, 2010 9:07 PM
hi there im a single mom with a 9 mounth old baby girl with i had a boyfriend at the time when i was haveing a baby will then evey thing trun and what down hill from there i had a baby girl in 11/13/2009 and from that day on her daddy was not there for her at all so i take care of my kid my slef and it was not esy i had my mom and dad and my 2 brother there for me i live with them becuse i have no were to go i was working up instill my kid was 8 monuth old and then had to not work and stay home and take care of my kid
becuse mom and dad and my 2 brother can not wach her if you what to now more yahoo messenger my yahoo id is charlott_russe ok by for no. 

Name: Danielle | Date: Aug 28th, 2010 4:41 AM
I Jenna, I am 26 years old, I was married for 6 years and had 3 beautiful children. I have now been a single mm for a year and a half. I know exactlt what it is like. if you ever want to chat email me it is [email protected] 

Name: singel | Date: Sep 6th, 2010 1:53 AM

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