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Name: rain
[ Original Post ]
I have never had a view on this either way. But I am thinking about this lately. It has to do with watching too much tv again, Weeds, but anyway, I do now think it should be legal. Any other opinions on this. I would like this to be a friendly debate. So be nice to others yet please give your opinions about this and why.
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Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:05 PM
I am a former big ass pot head. I would love to have a big ol' hootie right now... However I have two children and an attorney for a husband. I believe that there are two issues 1) the medicinal aspects of what marajuana can do for people with glaucoma, cancer, MS, AIDS and many other diseases is indisputable. 2) There are possibly millions of dollars in tax revenue that could be collected by Federal State and City governments which could be spent for the good of everyone in the communities. and finally on a personal note, having some today would have made this wretched day I have had a lot more tolerable. 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:09 PM
I am laughing so hard. Bebe, lol. Well, what I realized is that my notion of it all has been on it is illegal. Then recently I realized my opinions of why it was illegal would also make alcohol illegal. I have been arguing this with myself, interesting the points I have made to myself on each side. Which is why I brought it here, tired of discussing it with just me. Ha ha. 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:20 PM
Alcohol makes people much more violent than pot. Who the hell can commit a horrible crime with one hand in a Doritos bag and the other on the remote?? LOL 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:23 PM
First of all where is it legal? I am speaking from an American point of view here.
lol Bebe, goofy butt.
Amsterdam, correct? 

Name: irish Amy | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:24 PM
LOLOL. I cant really comment on it, I tried it twice when i was young but I craved tomatoe sandwiches and thought my head was rising off my shoulders, didnt like that ! My ex indulged a little too much in my opinion but he said it was for his bad back , HHHMMMMM 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:27 PM
Yes it is legal in Amsterdam... How the hell did I miss that having lived in Europe?? Damn... It is legal to sell it, it is legal to smoke it in designated places, HOWEVER it is ILLEGAL to possess more than a certain amount and it is also ILLEGAL for the cops to search you. Other than that I don't know. The whole thing is JUST DON'T GET CAUGHT!!!!! 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:27 PM
ok, lol lol lol, this will seriously be a hilarious conversation. 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:29 PM
Think of how much more hillarious it would be if we were all high!!! LMFAO!!!!! 

Name: Savannah | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:30 PM
I think they should have places to be able to smoke it, just like they have for alcohol. I think alcohol has a way worse effect on people than weed does. 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:32 PM
ahhhh, so they do have laws toward it. Do they have Marijuana companies that sell it? Can they grow their own, or is it regulated? Is it taxed? hmmmm Now I have more questions. 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:32 PM
Me too Savannah!!!
Hell can't even smoke cigs anymore.. There will NEVER be legal marajuana.... 

Name: irish Amy | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:33 PM
could we cope with people swaying saying yeah man i love the world and the world loves me while munching on crisps and biscuits though?? 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:33 PM
It is mostly individuals, who grow it, then sell it and it is taxed to death.. It is not cheap to buy pot brownies in Amsterdam but I hear they are fantastic. 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:34 PM
Girls... I gotta go... Hubby is here... He hates when I chat... TOUGH!! Guess I should feed my family... LOL Just a joke..
Talk to y'all tomorrow.. Caio!!! 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:35 PM
Why is marijuana illegal? Can anyone tell me a reason it is illegal that would not also make alcohol illegal? 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:38 PM
You are right Savanah I think alcohol is worse in its way. They both have their problems. But what I question now, is how can alcohol be legal if marijuana isn’t? 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:39 PM
Bye bebe! see ya. 

Name: irish Amy | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:39 PM
Rain i dont have a clue girl, maybe its cos its classed as Drugs but saying that how about all the medicine you can buy in the chemist, and if marj is recognised in certain situations as medicinel then why oh why.....? I never had an opinion on it before but now you have me intrigued !!!!!!!! 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:47 PM
That is why I asked, I didn’t think much of it either, but when it is put to you in ceratin ways it can make you think. Adiction factor is big, but it must be the same as alcohol. And I think if it is legal our court system can free itself up for bigger issues. Think about the people in prison over marijuana. Now that I think of it, it seems silly compared to what we need people locked up for. I want people who are dangerous to me or my family locked up, not the dude down the street who relaxes with a joint in front of his tv every night.
Then you have pot heads, but my point is, we have alcoholics. So what is the difference in the eyes of the law. I am really questioning this now. 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:48 PM
i think it should be legal....have you seen the documentary In Pot We Trust??? good movie. interesting. there's just so many good healing properties to just let it go to waste. in that documentary this one woman was saying, if it had never been discovered before and some scientist found this plant growing somewhere and researched it, it would probably be praised instead of frowned upon.... 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:49 PM
the only question is 'where do you draw the line?" 

Name: irish Amy | Date: Aug 16th, 2007 11:49 PM
maybe you should ask judge judy she seems very up on your laws , cough cough 

Name: irish Amy | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 12:01 AM
ok its 1am here and i still have to put my bin out for collection and put some laundry in so i will bid whoever is on a goodnight and enjoy the rest of your evening 

Name: Irene | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 12:18 AM
LMAO Irish Amy, thats too funny, I also tried it a couple of times & I started playing with Socks, and I thought they were puppets & I made my own puppet show, for a while too LOL... I also thought I was in the Jetsons & these socks were Flying!!!

So about it being Legal,,, hmmm, Just keep me away from it because your socks might go Missiing :-) 

Name: winnmom | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 12:54 AM
well I am a conservative...but on this subject I am more liberal.
I think it should be legalized.....for one, the governments could be making huge amounts of money from the taxes.
2 it can be better controlled
3 it would cut out much of the crime related to it.
4 ion my opinion it is not all that much different then legally being able to drink.
To me honestly smoking a bit of pot socially as an adult is not much different then drinking......
There could be age restrictions in place.......etc........
and again the government could be making A LOT OF TAX $$$$$$.
Like I have stated in another topic......where I live Marijuana is looked at a lot different then in other places......a lot of people find it not that big of a deal and put it into the same category as alcohol........ 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 1:12 AM
Thank you rain for a mature approach to this subject..

Oh course i think it should be legal. for all the above that Winn. Marijuana is classified as a Soft drug, which means there is no proof of physical dependency. or a person can not become addicted by the drug itself, but because of their addictive personalities.and also have medicianal properties..Drugs that fall into these categories would suprise you, but they include things like LSD, mescaline, psycobilin ( mushrooms) and sometimes MDMA or caffiene..thought those two are interchanged frequently.

Hard drugs are drugs with no medicianl properties and create physical dependence..those incluse meth, cocaine, heorin, morphine, benzodiazophene, ciggarettes and alcohol.

In a study they found in the Netherlands they found when they enacted the allowance of marijauna, that hard drug use declined dramitcially..they have a beleif that if a problem is unsolvable to the best way to attack it is control it. Now it is still a controlled substance in the netherlands, but they do not enforce this rule.

more to continue..... 

Name: homemommichele | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 1:30 AM
Yes, the "war on drugs" is a failure just as prohibition was. It would make more sense to regulate it as they do booze and spend more time and money putting hard/violent criminals behind bars and keeping them there.
Medicine wise...definately!! People take codeine and it's synthetic opiate counterparts for med purposes/pain....how the heck is pot any worse????? 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 1:41 AM
Rain, in california it is legal to smoke if you possess a marijuana medical card.. It is also considered a misdemenor if you posess under an ounce. Which for personal use is plenty. If you are caught with uner an ounce it is mearly the equivlent of a traffic ticket. Or approx. $100.00. It is also legal to harvest and cultivate 25 plants for personal use in Mendocino County. Now of course federal law will always triumph state law, so yes you can get in trouble if ferderal law wants to come in, but they have backed off in there attempts

I think it should be treated like alcohol, except the age should be 18. I also do not think that parents should smoke around their children, but that is hard to regualate..I know as a parent, i do not feel the need to push this belief on my kids, this is something that when they are an adult they will choose on there own. 

Name: winnmom | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 4:32 AM
momo, where I live Magic mushrooms grow wild.....lol.......yup ya can just go and pick em and eat em....lmao! 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 4:44 AM
Really..i would be so scared..haha..those were my "younger" younger days..way before kids came along..i could just imagine myself now doing them..oh goodness..that woul not be a good site for people to witness..hehe 

Name: Emma | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 8:33 AM
Its dangerous and can cause metal illnesses! 

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