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Name: Europa007 | Date: Sep 25th, 2007 4:35 AM

Name: jazzmin | Date: Sep 25th, 2007 5:29 PM
help me pleas my 15 year old son suffers from adhd and he end up having a fight at school and nearly killed someone please help me 

Name: MN-MOM | Date: Sep 25th, 2007 8:53 PM
Jazzmin: What kind of treatments and interventions is he already receiving? 

Name: leigh Ann | Date: Oct 1st, 2007 4:52 AM
My child has adhd and also ocd disorder along with severe anixety. Has anyone had the same. 

Name: jenniferb | Date: Oct 1st, 2007 8:05 PM
yea we are having my 7 yr old tested now and i don't know what all signs to look for any advice 

Name: danielle 2 | Date: Oct 3rd, 2007 2:38 AM
i have a 7 year old son who is dignosed with adhd/bipolar and maybe odd he is very violent i am running out of ideas he seems to getting worse any sugestions? 

Name: ericka | Date: Oct 11th, 2007 5:43 PM
my soon has odd adhd will he grow out of it 

Name: asw | Date: Nov 3rd, 2007 11:03 PM

Name: lward | Date: Nov 4th, 2007 10:50 AM
Does anyone out there have a child with bipolar disease who does not have the major symptom of temper tantrums or violent outbursts? My son turns his anger inward. 

Name: Sam | Date: Nov 9th, 2007 8:40 PM
My son has ocd and odd with anxiety. He has had this for several years. Taking away all non-natural substances from his diet has drastically improved his attitude to almost normal.
There is a book out there by Dr. Feingold which has wonderful recipes. Published back in the 70's. 

Name: pat | Date: Nov 11th, 2007 10:41 PM
i hate this illness 

Name: KathyK | Date: Dec 7th, 2007 2:39 PM
My 6 year old son was diagnosed with O.D.D. at age 4 and we have been dealing with this issue for what seems like forever. He is out of control and I feel like sometimes I can't stand him, although I love him with all of my heart. He is very aggressive, and he hits his sister and I when he doesn't get his own way. He throws things and yells and screams and kicks walls and I feel like everything we have done for him doesn't work. He has been on so many different medications, has workers that come to the house to help him deal with his anger, and nothing is getting any better. We make sure he knows there are consequences to his actions but it is like he does't care. It is so frustrating and I am at my witts end. I have tried to change his diet but it is hard to do that sometimes. Organic foods cost too much money and so I try to just get healthier foods for him. It is a constant battle and mornings are horrible with him. He fights me on getting dressed, eating and getting ready for school everyday. I am at the point I dread getting up in the morning just because I never know what his mood is going to be. He likes to take charge and if he doesn't get to do things his way all he-- breaks loose. I understand what everyone is going through as we go through the same things everyday. 

Name: Maria | Date: Dec 10th, 2007 4:21 PM
My son is 16. It has taken years to pinpoint his behavior. At this time, I know he is add and odd. But now I am focusing on the ODD. His behavior is not extreme, but it has always been resistant and avoidant. He has avoided school through placement in special services and a private school for LD.

Next year he will go to a new school with no accomodations. He takes Daytrana.

I would like to know what methods work to reduce computer time. TV is not an issue since I have channels for education and learning such as Garage Wars. History Channel, Food Channel. That is okay with me. But the computer is a problem, any suggestions? Thank you.

I want him to have a future and a choice. He has to direct his energy to school. 

Name: anas | Date: Dec 21st, 2007 3:58 PM

Name: Tracie | Date: Jan 2nd, 2008 1:07 AM
i have a question how many people give there child fish oil meg 3 and will it hert them 

Name: Aunty | Date: Jan 2nd, 2008 2:39 AM
My nephew has ADHD and I suspect possible bipolar as well. Right now he is on Adderall XR. I have not addressed the bipolar or depression at this point as I really don't want him on many meds. I also feel that since his parents did pass, he does have a right to depression, so I don't want to make it a big deal for him and worsen that (anyone else notice how much these kids pick up and imitate?) I am working with him with behavior therapy and as he gets older I will be taking him to a psychiatrist and letting him know that is going to be a regular part of his life. ADD, bipolar, and depression does run in our family...so it is actually easy to compare him to othe members of the family and see that he shows the same behaviors. He is improved with his school work which I do believe the Adderall helps him. I also work with him very hard with his work (I'm turning gray at 35 LOL) and I use a variety of behavior modifications-time outs, rewards, corporal punishement, taking away toys. I feel that not letting him watch TV and play video games helped a lot. I am firmly convinced he has a genuis IQ (also runs in the family). When he has a tantrum, I've learned that putting him to bed with music helps (bible music).

It takes a lot of time and a lot of work. There is no cure. I just pray that he will mature and develop common sense, I really feel for him and his future.

And I noted this behavior when he was born, He hasn't changed in any respect.... 

Name: Lisii | Date: Jan 3rd, 2008 2:46 AM
Hi, I have ODD, ADHD, ADD, Anxiety, High depression, an they believe I am Bi Polar also.. Im only a teen a young teen 2 put it 2 that..I take Celexa for depression, Trazadone for sleep, and for the 4th time they put me back on Concerta..Concerta as some of you may know reduces the appetite of the one who is taking it..its supposed to be for ADHD though or to help you focus..an its weird because Im very isolative and dont go anywhere basically and while Im taking Celexa I lose lots of pounds..I took it when I was 7 an I lost 15 or 20 pounds..Im not taking a high dose or anything ..Im not anorexia or anything it's just the med makes you not so hungry, an thats what happens to me.. 

Name: crystal | Date: Jan 6th, 2008 2:11 AM

Name: Shana | Date: Jan 7th, 2008 4:40 PM

I am from the UK and it is SO TOUGH to get a diagnosis from any doctors for any mental illness until your child is 7 years old!,

My son is 3 years old, is incredibly active, and we are having problems at playgroup. The teachers there cannot handle him, although they have adopted the '1, 2, 3 magic' technique which we use at home to control his behaviour. At playgroup the main problems are 'Hitting out' at other children, and not sitting still to read at story time or to finish lunch.

I worry that he will not gain anything from this group as they are constantly giving him negative comments towards his behaviour and are not praising him when it is due. I know that my son is capable of learning more, as I have taught him to read from a young age and he can now read and recognise over 80 words.

I do not know what to do other than change his playgroup to one more suited to 'overly active children'. My son is not a 'Naughty' child he just does not know how to control his behaviour around other children and lashes out without meaning any harm (this is very hard to explain to a playgroup teacher!). Other than that he is VERY active, and would never sleep unless he had a good routine.

If anyone has ANY ADVICE i would Truly appreciate it, as at this point i don't feel like anyone at the playgroup understands what it feels like to have your son typecast as a 'naughty child' when i think there is more to it, and that he has the potential and right to be supported in his learning environment.

Thanks so much for listening,

[email protected] 

Name: tj2728 | Date: Jan 13th, 2008 12:39 AM
Im also from the uk, my son was diagnosed with adhd, odd, suspected aspergers, coordination problems and learning difficulties. I have known there was something wrong with him for years but as you have found its hard to get young kids diagnosed. My son is 14 now and over the past few years we have gone through hell with, we have seeked help from social services, the police, the in house social worker at his secondary school and also been to parenting classes and also the youth offending team he was also seen by a mental health nurse who recommended he was seen by the adhd clinic, you would think one of these services would be able to bring forward an appointment for the clinic wouldnt you but no. He was on a waiting list for a year when we finally saw the Dr. and he was diagnosed she said how sorry she was and that she felt guilty that he hadnt been seen years ago. I also have a 4 yr old who has been showing symtoms of odd and adhd which are sleeping problems and being defiant at school, i took him to my Dr who has recommended he be seen at the adhd clinic, so my advice to you would be to keep on at your Dr dont give up keep pestering and you will get him seen, or the other way would be to pay private although this could be pricey. As for the playschools they are not informed enough on the issues of kids with these problems. Sorry i havent been more help but hope that you get the help and support you need from the NHS soon. [email protected] 

Name: goingnuts | Date: Jan 13th, 2008 8:13 PM
my son was diagnosed with adhd 2 years ago. now i suspect he had odd. how do i restore peace in my home? 

Name: tj2728 | Date: Jan 14th, 2008 12:13 AM
Hi goingnuts, how old is your son? i personally think odd is worse than adhd how bout u? I wish i had the answer to your qustion i would be rich now if i did lol. I think that the medication makes the odd worse, we had managed his behaviour over the past 6 months and seemed as if at last we were gettin somewhere then he started on medication and the last few weeks have been hell once more. I sometimes think maybe its me who has the problem or if i havent it wont be long. 

Name: jane222 | Date: Jan 14th, 2008 10:25 PM
i would like to chat to other mums who have kids with adhd, and bipolar disorder 

Name: jane222 | Date: Jan 14th, 2008 10:27 PM
i would like to chat to other mums who have kids with Adhd, and bipolar disorder or challenging behaviour 

Name: jane222 | Date: Jan 14th, 2008 10:47 PM
I am a young women of bipolar disorder and suffer quite bad with it. I HAVE A 11yr old girl who suffers with adhd ' autism, and i have suspisions she has bipolar but here in the uk the doctors have said they can't diagnose her shes too young. Do you think theres a chance she could have it,? 

Name: tom | Date: Jan 15th, 2008 2:02 PM
i have a teenager daughter whom is being bullied on be bo and msm she is self harming her self and family 

Name: FED UP1 | Date: Feb 8th, 2008 6:28 AM
mY SON HAS odd is 14 and us niw physically attackig me! We have seen the BEST of the BEST counselors and have tried many differet meds-to no avail. I believe it has now become CD. He has taken the family van for rides and been picked up by police while sleeping at a friends house and sneekig out at 2:30am My husband travels A LOT and does ot see this behavior in the same light I do. I am ready to take my 12 yeear old and ove out. Please some one respond that sees this in their chid's behavior. I am my sons TARGET every second heis home! HELP! 

Name: KathyK | Date: Feb 8th, 2008 3:34 PM
My son is 6 ahd has been diagnosed with O.D.D. and A.D.H.D. he is a very difficult child when he is not on his medication, (Focalin)but when he is on the medicine he is much easier to deal with and more loving and pleasant. He was diagnosed at 4 and I wanted him tested for Bi-polar because it runs in our family but they wouldn't test him at that young age.
He is very aggressive, argumentative, hitting, kicking, screaming, throwing things and just horrible and will not listen to anything or anyone. I am my son's main target as well as I spend the most time with him but he also has aggressive to my 8 year old daughter as well. He tries to go after my husband but not as much as me or his sister. It is very frustrating and hard to deal with and when he is in that O.D.D. mode no one wants to deal with him. He is fine at school (as long as he is on his medicine)but when he is home it is a different story. We have wraparound services to work with him to teach him different behaviors and better coping skills and I don't know what I would have done without these people.
I love my son so much and don't know what else to do for him. It is a daily struggle and very exhausting and tiring.
He is now home from school (has been since the beginning of January)due to kidney problems and surgery and another upcoming surgery on his kidney as well so having him home all day everyday is even harder so I have to make sure he is medicated or he would be unbearable to live with all day without a break.
My husband and I don't agree on disciplining styles he is more rough with him then I am and I think that just adds to my son's aggression so I do most of the disciplining. That is hard too when you have a husband in the home who is not helping and making you deal with it on your own. There is alot of resentment and I feel like our entire family needs counseling. 

Name: Mistie | Date: Feb 28th, 2008 2:06 AM
Please help!!!! My 10 year old daughter was just recently diagnosed with ADHD, ODD and OCD. She also has a sensory intergration disorder. I can't tell you how life has been for all of us the past 4 years. I love my daughter with all my heart and I am having a hard time dealing with knowing she will be on medication. Any advice on support groups online would really help. Thanks!
Baylee's Mom 

Name: esi | Date: Mar 2nd, 2008 8:18 AM

Name: jess25 | Date: Mar 3rd, 2008 9:01 PM
hi i really need some advise i have a 7 year old boy that has adhd .
at the moment he is on 25mg of strattra but they really dont seem like they work he is still the same boy very hypo and i am always getting pulled up by his teacher if there is any one out there that can advise me please 

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