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Name: Erin
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Name: sarah | Date: May 19th, 2006 3:52 PM
hi me , it seems you are angry but these are just really worried parents who want to help there kids .They may not understand but they can help and love and support them . 

Name: gem | Date: Jul 18th, 2006 9:09 PM
Hello my name is emma. I have suffered from an eating disorder for the past 3years. This past year I became anorexic. It does sound that your daughter is in the early stages of the disorder and wil try anything to prvent you from finding out. It starts of innocent but as we gain more control over our eating pattern the more we lie about what we have ate. But its not your daughter its the eating disorder taking over. My mum says she doesnt recognise me any more as her daughter, this is because the eating disorder has taken over not just my body but my life. It is really important that you seek medical help before it gets any worse. I just hope you catch it before it takes over like it has done me. Im beyond help no one has been able to help me and I feel like the doctors have gave up on me. They hardly see me any more and my mum is at her wits end, its got to the stage that she cant bare to look at me. I wanted to talk to some one and saw your message and really feel for you cause its equally hard for you. if you want to talk more my email is [email protected] 

Name: Pianophillic | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 2:58 AM
you can call the eating disorder hotline.. she is 100% developing one. Dont be mean or controlling though becuase people with ED are scared ad fraile and often in denile in the beginning.. but you definitley need to get her some help.. she will kick and scream about it but you will be saving her life. Take her ONLY to a doctor or therapist that specializes in ED... if they dont they will not understand and it will be detrimental. You can email me at rugbygrl22@hotmail if you want 

Name: George | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 11:36 PM
hello erin, i'm not sure i've done the same but i don't eat breakfast or lunch and i hardly eat dinner, but i don't have to have my food arranged in any certain way. i would tell you to try to talk to your daughter about and look some information up about eating disorders online. and if you really think she has an eating disorder then take her to the family doctor and maybe he/she can prvide you with the information you need. 

Name: twostepsback | Date: Jul 24th, 2006 2:27 PM
She might just be picky.
i pick at my food alot. 

Name: katydid89 | Date: May 9th, 2007 6:30 PM
sounds like an ED to me- and I guarantee you she'll deny it and do anything possible to hide it, but please take action now! Mine went on for five years and now I feel like I'll never escape. I wish someone would have caught it sooner. 

Name: Ashlea 88 | Date: May 24th, 2007 4:36 AM
hey erin
i am ashlea
i have anorexia and i would say that you need to get your daughter some help now b4 she is 18 and you cant do anything to help her... get her help now hun please... she is doing alot of anorexia behavoiurs and it is a matter of time b4 it gets worse..... please.
she may be mad at you but she will thank you in the long run b//c you are saving her from somethin dangerous///
good luck and use the internet to find places to get her help..

Name: anorexicgirl1 | Date: Jun 5th, 2007 11:52 AM
get her to a doctor u stupid woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it could be life threatning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: push | Date: Jun 6th, 2007 10:44 PM
hello, my names kay
i have been suffering for about a year, and yes at the begining i was moody and i was not wanting to interact with my family and friends i prefered to just lie in my room and be alone !! ,, but also this could be normall teenage rebellion like you said .. i am no expert but maybe try sitting your daughter down and dont get her to stand on the scales .. getting her to stand on the scales show that she is insecure about her weight and/or doesnt want anyone to talk about it with you .. get your daughter help she is doing alot of things that relate to anerexia and that is a dangerous sight i am 102 lbs and 5ft4 and i find it mostly about control maybe that what it is for her control not looks ,, bu my opiniong it is about loosing weight !!

get her help she deserves it
[email protected]

Name: rosie06 | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 9:48 AM
I am anorexic- I was just released from hospital the other day after a month- I'm 17 and was admitted weighing 5 stone 4 and with a BMI of 12.7- I want to warn you because anorexia makes you lie- I didn't have breakfast, I didn't eat lunch in school although I would lie to my parents and say I had and at dinner I ate as little as possible and hid as much of it as I could- I was moody and tired and very weak- but I covered up my body so my parents would never see how thin I had become- if your daughter is anxious before dinner and walks into the kitchen worrying about what you are making etc etc that is a sign that she could be anorexic. You can't rely on what she says because if she is anorexic it is the illness lying to you saying that she has eaten when she hasn't- you need to see proof of her actually eating. I don't like foods touching but then again I've always been like that so that's not a problem. If you see her cutting out certain foods like potatoes for example- that's a sign of anorexia- I cut out all foods I believed to be fattening- everything until I was only eating a handful of brussel sprouts at night time and then not even that- I had a couple of months to live- now I weigh 6 stone 4 and my BMI is 14 but I'm an outpatient and have to get weighed 3 times a week but I'm getting there- I just don't want you to end up like my mother- I feel guilty lying to her but trust me it was not me speaking- the anorexia completely takes over- try talking to your daughter- good luck 

Name: xxshaunaxx | Date: Jun 13th, 2007 3:37 PM
hi erin i am a 16 year old girl who has anorexia and the things u described are exactlly how i started out aspecially the family bit and the moodiness. all i can say is to take her to the doctors to she a pediatrition it may help her to understand that she might have a problem with me it was too late i didnt believe the doctors and have ended up in a unit where i have no choice but to eat and trust me its not the best thing in the world she just needs to realise that eating is part of living a healthy life if she refuses to go to the doctors ring them and ask for there advise or assisstance on the situation let her know u r worried about her i hope this has helped x 

Name: olive | Date: Jun 15th, 2007 4:06 PM
I'm fourteen myself and dealing with anorexia and bulimia, her habits sound like ocd, i too insisted i ate at school to keep my mum quiet, but I did not, moodiness comes along with not eating, and don't give her lunch money either, because if she really is anorexic she will take the money to buy diet pills or clothing.

you should really just talk to her, today is just a horrible day in age, it really is, honestly soon we're going to be seeing 5 month olds refusing breast milk because they complain about there baby fat. It's horrible and she most likely really doesnt mean to hurt you at all, she just wants this for herself so she can feel better and make everyone else feel better around her, don't weigh her thats not a good thing to do, you should talk to a doctor but don't sneak around her because she will catch on and that will make her stress, just talk to her about it and make sure she knows you're there for her.

and peer presure could be having something to do with it and the whole " oh if i lose twenty lbs ill get a boy friend " girls and there obsession with boys these days, its sickening, do any of you honestly know a fourteen year old boy who's honesty and trust worthy, i just wish girls knew better.

best wished, i hope its just a phase =] 

Name: Joey Jan | Date: Jul 4th, 2007 4:41 AM
Hi- My name is Joey Jan and I have struggled with anorexia for 25 years. My advice is to certainly be on the lookout for other strange ideas your daughter may have about food or exercising! If she continues losing weight, it is quite possible that she may be developing a eating disorder. Talk to your family doctor and see what he or she thinks and suggests, That would be your safest course of action!

Good luck- Joey 

Name: louisecreighton | Date: Jul 4th, 2007 1:45 PM
why do you think your daughters have got into this way .. ill give a clue, YOU ! teenagers like to be left alone and dont like pestering mothers that are always in your face 24/7. belive me cause im 14 years old and weigh 3 stone and trying to get my life back on track as my mum as a perstering cow. so get your backside off the computer and try to make a relationship with your daughter ... e.g buy her clothes, makeup or just have a day out and dont do the whole in your face 24/7. give her time and spend here and there with her and tell her that you love her !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: masquerade | Date: Jul 28th, 2007 6:31 PM
Hi, Erin. It's possible that she may be suffering from an eating disorder, as many times they can be triggered by the onset of puberty or a traumatic event. However, there are often times when a person may be looking for a 'crash diet' or something similar and does not truly have an eating disorder. My suggestions are to reaffirm your love and appreciation for her, first, and talk to your doctor second.

I've been living with an eating disorder for 14 years. Knowing that you're loved and wanted, and being told that you're a beautiful person, can often go a long way toward healing. Please don't let her suffer the way I have. If she is indeed diagnosed with an eating disorder (and often times, because of various reasons, eating disorders are misdiagnosed) then treatment is a very likely outcome. Above all, never give up on her.

I hope this helps some. :) 

Name: hateitall | Date: Aug 30th, 2007 6:26 AM
Well, I think that things sound like they're getting pretty serious, if you love her i definetly think you should get her some help. dont tell her where your going but you need to take her to a hospitol, or at least get her into counsling, im sure i dont have to tell you how serious things can get if she keeps this up. this defnietly isnt a rebillion thing its a self esteem thing and shes thinking very low of herself right now. i think your safest bet would be to get her help before its too late. even know she will be very mad at you for a while your helping her a lot and maybe even saving her life. good luck and let me know what you decide to do. if you need anything else, I'll be here for you and your daughter. 

Name: kasqa | Date: Aug 30th, 2007 6:15 PM
yes you should be worried. talk to her anyway, dont put her on the scale, go to the doctor 

Name: happycry | Date: Oct 6th, 2007 2:14 AM
I think that you must watch her in your house, about the school, you must tell the problem you think your sister have, and her friend must to have watched her when she eats her food and you have to verify that this friend doesn't be an anorexic person. and I'm sorry, I'm Argentinian, so perphas you don't understand me. 

Name: JodieEJ | Date: Oct 9th, 2007 9:34 PM
hi Erin,
I used to have an eating disorder but mine was slightly different, mine was the cause of bullying at school. Maybe there is a reason like this for her not eating. 

Name: autumn_leaves | Date: Oct 11th, 2007 4:46 AM
She's using OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) behaviours with the food arrangements, the moodiness, the hypervigilance. Let me guess, she hasnt' mentioned she is dieting or mentions her weight. Denies it to hell and back? Get her to a therapist, someone who specializes in eating disorders. If she does have one, (which in my experience, she does) they will find out for sure and can start therapy with her. Be ready for some resistance, cause nothing u say or do will be right, she'll hate on you and be distant, but she really needs u like she never has before. God bless, good luck 

Name: wstokes | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 6:43 AM
Pllease do not listen to the people who tell you to di ecieve your child by not telling them what you plan to do. Take your child to a physician that is knowledgeable in this area, it very important that the physician knows what they are talking about. When I finally found the right physicians at the teen clinic, University of San Francisco, they opened up alot things I did not know ... like how its not just about weight, its about the child surving this disease...my daughter is 15 and has anarexia ... ther e are different types of anarexia....also it has affected her heart. Anarexia, untreated can be very deadly..first weight then hair loss,then kidneys.body temp.,and then things just start shutting down....If you love your child, find the answers you need. If your gut is telling you something is wrong...then listen...My daughter has been diagnosed with anarexia since the end of june,she has been hospitalized 2x...i have worried sick that she will not wake up someday from her sleep...her heart rate has dropped down into the 35 beats per minute ...you can have a heart attack somewhere in your 35-40 beats per minute, also she went from weighing 170-to weighing 98 lbs...she does not make herself throw up,she simply doesnt eat enough food. It only takes 24 hours of not eating to mess with the bodies system...and once your body gets into a starvation mode, it takes alot to get your body to stop burning calories , so please get help before you go thru what i have been thru and what she is going thru 

Name: starving 4 perfection.. | Date: Oct 27th, 2007 4:56 AM
heyy you should not put kids on the scale cause i know from personal experince that ppl with anorexia use that as a tool to help with there ana and it becomes like there friend and an obbsession to them to no there weight that is not a good move. i woudl take her to a doc they can weight her there therefore it is not associated with any scale in the house.. i think she may have ana and you may wanna get it checked out asap...

Name: Taylor93 | Date: Dec 3rd, 2007 10:47 PM
Hi, I am a 14 year old girl...I latley have been forcing myself to throw up. I think I am fat and everyone at my school thinks I am an idiot they don't like me. And I have stared but I don't know how to stop now! Please help. 

Name: flowersgreen01 | Date: Dec 4th, 2007 5:50 AM
when she wakes up in the moring and looks at her self ask her if she is happy with what she sees i know that my daughter who is much older now who had this was a amazing athlete and she was a little short and she was gettin more muscle and she was worring that she was goin to get to big and that no one would understand that it was because she was working out and was in shape....it is hard to look at your little girl and to see that she is in pain or is unhappy with her self but when you look at her you see that she has a great self image and doesnt need to worry and mostly this all just happens on its own but you have to get some thing to motavate her and my daughters was sports and her best friend she knew she could not run or work out if she was to weak or to tired to and she was not willin to give that up and seeing her family cry and her friends she knew she had to change even though it wasnt her it was that Anorexia and that was the thing so we ahd to crack down on her and watch her eat she was not aloud to go to the bath room for a while after eating and it was for her sake and i know that she wanted her sports but you have to watch oh so close cause it can start back up so fast this can ruin some one forever if you dont give tough love that is just what happen to me and it can take over a life so fast

it is not there fault!! 

Name: lizzy398237 | Date: Dec 5th, 2007 3:15 AM
I was buleamic from 8th grade through out high school. In college I quit throwingg up my food and would not eat. I am 5 f and got down to 90 pounds. While I have great parents I wish they would have been more strict on me, and made me get help. It is important to show your daughter uncoditional love but to also be firm. 

Name: Murderer | Date: Dec 8th, 2007 12:27 AM
I was 5'3 and 80 pounds, in hospital for 3 weeks last year i'm now 5'5 and 169 pounds 

Name: kimbalee | Date: Mar 14th, 2008 1:58 AM
Hi Erin, I am Kim. I am 18 years of age and if your daughter is going through some sort of eating habits i have been through them!! i suffered bulimia for about 4 years, and i can tell you its hell.
I went through exactly the same thing with my parents. I got so skinny they couldnt bare to look at me. It wasnt until i become anerexic until i actually told them i was throwing up my food.! and now i really appreciate everything theyhave done for me.
I know where your daughter is coming from, any teenager doesnt want to talk to there parents about their weight etc. But dont worry ITS NOT YOUR FAULT!. and it is normal for you to be worried.

I would actually love to talk to your daughter about it, but i know she would agree !

The common signs of bulimia is things such as,
-trips to the toilet after meals.
-weird eating habits such as , eating alot more then usual and then disapearing somewhere. ( usually to throw it up ).

Try to fill up your pantry with alot of healthy foods, and dont pressure your daughter into eating alot.
if she is losing alot of weight , just tell her you are getting worried and that she isnt looking good, Tell her you have spoke to people with eating disorders and it has ruined there lives.

I wish you the best.

if you ever want to contact me to talk you can, [email protected] 

Name: jena | Date: Apr 12th, 2008 3:43 AM
I am looking for hints,this is the only control I have of my life,
They all say they worry about me, but they are the diease 

Name: jena | Date: Apr 12th, 2008 3:49 AM
I heard if you drank vingear, this would help with hungar, is this true or not or do you have a better suggestion. i am 5'5 and weight 98. which is 5-8lbs more than what i feel most confortable at,PLEASE HELP! 

Name: ginger94 | Date: Apr 17th, 2008 10:10 AM
hiya erin.
to be honest it does sound like your daughter has developed some anorectic tendencies.
I think that you need to sit down and talk to her before this problem gets out of hand.
At this time trying to weigh her will not do her any good she is probably completely focused on losing weight and keeping it secreyt she wont want any one knowing her weight for that reason and also she probably feels that she still weighs too much.
But i definately think that your first step should be to talk to her but dont come across in an anger manner cos this will not encourage her to talk.
It may simply be that she is going through a phase but whatever it is keep a close eye on her.
Forcing her to do anything is not a good idea. Hope that helps huni.

Name: Tori_anorexic | Date: May 3rd, 2008 10:51 AM
Im 14.. Wow most people who say they have or had an ED started at age 14. Thats very interesting. Im anorexic and have been for 1 year now. I use to weigh 120 lbs, Now i weigh 76 lbs. I have yet to get help because nobody really has noticed my serious loss in weight my mom and step dad are dealing with their own problems.. after reading this i know it would be best to get help.. 

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