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Name: rain
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Name: Judge.Judy | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 6:38 PM
Rain think of it this way. The American government is taking a harder position against cigarette smoking than it did in the past. Why? Because of the health risks associated with smoking and second hand smoke. Most areas have banned smoking in restaurants, planes, and public buildings. There are some areas of the country which are passing bans on smoking with children in your car due to the dangers of second hand smoke. People who smoke marijuana inhale and hold the smoke in their lungs. Don't you think that this has the potential to have the same adverse effects as cigarrette smoking? Ok so some of you will say bake your pot into your brownies. Studies have shown that eating brownies with pot has a higher concentration of THC which leads to more side effects such as hallucinations. Some of you will say put it in pill form. This has shown to be less effective than smoking with little high. So if it is legalized the most common way to use it will probably be to smoke it. I think this is a step back in thinking in terms of a health conscience America. What do you think relatives of people who have died from lung cancer would think of a government that legalizes marijuana? At the very least it is harmful to people's respiratory systems. Maybe you should try comparing marijuana to tobacco. Why is one legal and the other not? Well, I can say that tobacco smoking has become more heavily regulated by our government and many people who have developed cancer and other respiratory problems would tell you that if they could do it all over again they would not smoke. Did you know that Al Gore's family farmed tobacco while he was growing up? His sister was a smoker of the family tobacco, developed lung cancer and died. Al Gore's father shut down his tobacco farm after that. When people know better they usually do better. I think America's health officials and our government knows the risks of marijuana enough to never make it legal. Cigarette smoking has become more and more regulated by our government in our generation to the point that people can only smoke away from the public. Legalizing marijuana smoking would be a huge step back for public health officials. I think our government knows better due to the lessons learned from cigarette smoking and marijuana will never be legalized. Our government cannot go back in time and prohibit tobacco, but they have heavily regulated where it can be smoked. They would be complete idiots to legalize marijuana knowing all of the health risks associated with it. They know better now and are doing better by not legalizing it! 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 6:39 PM
it has never been proved that someone has died from lung cancer due to marijuana smoking 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 6:46 PM
People die from lung cancer who have never smoked anything.
Men die of breast cancer. 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 6:52 PM
you can't compare marijuana to cigarettes!! LOL....cigarettes have WAAAAY more crap in them that is dangerous to your health. there's no additives in pot. you're smoking what is growing on the plant...there's no benzene, there's no formaldehyde, there's no ammonia, there's no arsenic....there are over 4000 chemicles that are added to cigarettes....marijuana is pure...natural.... 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 6:57 PM
this is just a little something i found:

In fact, marijuana has been shown to be an expectorant and
actually dilates the air channels it comes in contact with. This
is why many asthma sufferers look to marijuana to provide relief.
Doctors have postulated that marijuana may, in this respect, be
more effective than all of the prescription drugs on the market.
Studies even show that due to marijuana's ability to clear
the lungs of smog, pollutants, and cigarette smoke, it may
actually reduce your risk of emphysema, bronchitis, and lung
cancer. Smokers of cannabis have been shown to outlive non-
smokers in some areas by up to two years. Medium to heavy
tobacco smokers will live seven to ten years longer if they also
smoke marijuana.
Cannabis is also radically different from tobacco in that it
does not contain nicotine and is not addictive. The psychoactive
ingredient in marijuana, THC, has been accused of causing brain
and genetic damage, but these studies have all been disproven.
In fact, the DEA's own Administrative Law Judge Francis Young has
declared that "marijuana in its natural form is far safer than
many foods we commonly consume." 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 7:08 PM
and yes i did read other sites where they DID say that pot was just as bad a cigarettes, and contained more tar....i guess what you read you have to take with a grain of salt, cause everyone will always say something different, and who's right and who's wrong...idk...we all have our own opinions on it i guess....i think if it can help people cope and give them a better quality of life, then they should have the option out there to use it if it'll help them. this is one of those things, i think that peole will ALWAYS argue about for years and years to come.... 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 8:52 PM

Name: rain | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 8:52 PM
Hmmm, yes, see I am a walking billboard for not smoking. Smoking has caused as many if not more problems than anything we have discussed. In my own life it is the chain I can not as yet break. We all have our stories, I had two parents who were too drunk to raise children. Thank God! But, their personalities are lacking and I would say they would have been horrible parents anyway.
I have the addictive gene, and if there are some worse than others, I have that one. I was so careful with alcohol, I still am. And I am careful with other things also. I wont take prescription medication if it is a narcotic. I have taken pain pills a few times, after giving birth, or if I had too, but I never finish the bottle.
But, ahhh nicotine, that one got me. That one still has me, and I can tell you I will be happy when there are no more cigarettes to ruin young lives. But that is just me.
Cigarettes are different they don’t do anything for you except make you look cool in certain circles when you are young, then they have a chemical in them that causes you to need it physically. They cause stress, and you have to smoke them to stop that feeling.
But, I was not thinking about the smoking part, and smoking is definitely an issue.
Although no one would smoke marijuana like they do cigarettes because it is a different result all together.
But again, you have seen the alcohol effects on health, organ damage, why then do we allow it. Again, the same argument. We can say the same about alcohol and the damage it has done to this country, and drunk people have their minds altered, and many become violent, we have alcohol fetal syndrome to deal with. Not that we don’t have to deal with babies who have issues due to smoking and drugs of all kinds.
I still think marijuana is no different than alcohol, I am still looking for the reason. If we say it is because of smoking and lung, then we better start thinking about damaged livers. Do you see my point. I may need a more answers. I am not advocating alcohol or pot, I am questioning why is one legal and the other not. 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 9:03 PM
They are filling up our prisons with pot heads...Its costing our country a fortune...Not only to house the hardened criminals...But to support the families that lose a parent...JMO... 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 9:09 PM
i agree layne..Our prisons are way overcrowed as it is..We have resoted to tent city in our state..so prisoners live in tents even when it is 120 outside..punishment yes, but for having a bit of weed on them..that is junk..i can understand disrtibution or mass quanities, but a lil joint..Rediculous.. 

Name: Judge.Judy | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 9:14 PM
Rain you asked why alcohol is legal and pot is not. I do not know. Think of it this way, not everyone drinks to get drunk but everyone smokes pot to get high. 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 9:18 PM
I am a little confused by something. You can get a prescription from a doctor, then get the marijuana, (at a drug store?) Or in California you guys said shops, which must be the same thing I saw on weeds.
But, you can get arrested for it?
You can only use it in certain states? 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 9:23 PM
I do not get drunk, but I get relaxed when I have a drink.
Also there was a guy here in Texas sent to prison for life for one joint. I did not believe it until I saw it on 20/20. It was not a third strike deal either, which I thought it must be.
That was the craziest thing I have heard. He finally got out.
Now this is why I get mad, they give ankle bracelets to child predators. Now, I want them locked up for life. 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 9:24 PM
yes you can get a precsription..it is a legal state law, but it is still against federal law..so really if they want to come after you they could, though federal law is more concerened with going after crop growers and big shops, than a measly person with migraines..

Also it has let up in a few years and there isn't much that they are reaaly doing to stop it as much as they used to.. 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 9:25 PM
people drink to relax..not all drink to get drunk..some people smoke to relax..not completely high..you can smoke pot so that you aren't completly ripped out of your mind.. 

Name: Judge.Judy | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 9:32 PM
Now I am confused. You can smoke pot and not get high, just get relaxed? You are playing semantics now. Call it relaxed, but it is the same as getting high when you smoke pot. No one is going to break the law to smoke a joint without getting high. 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 9:55 PM
There are different levels of high just like drinking...One hit will give you a little while 2 or more will make you stoned....That is the differance...Like drinking one drink makes you lose many make you drunk. we all know our limits...Thats why the countries that have made it legal only allow a certain amount. This way casual users arent in prison... 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 9:56 PM
why is marijuana illegal? the law was basically passed based on a lie....you should read the history of it. here's one site:

is alcohol not illegal? because during alcohol prohibition up until 1933 alcohol became an even bigger problem....

It's all politics...bunch of CRAP!!!!

but anyways....that link i put there...i read it and it's pretty interesting. 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 10:05 PM
yes you can call it high..but there is a difference between relaxing and getting ripped...It is like alcohol..and what layne said..One rip of a joint is not gonna get you high..it might calm you..one drink is gonna clam you..And yes m judy...people will smoke weed to get a little relaxed regardless of the law..millions of people break the law everyday when it comes to weed..and those people really dont care anymore..we can take it to the speeding in cars theory also..many people speed knowing it is illegal..but they still do it..Many people jaywalk..thats illegal also.. 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 10:36 PM
no, seriously jj, I went to a party a while back and some people were smoking marijuana there. The hostess did a little, and she was no different than those of us who only had one or two drinks. I had two. But, there were people who got drunk, very drunk, I remember one lady trying to talk to me and she couldn’t conversant any longer. Then there were people there that smoked too much. It looked pretty even to me. But I am 41 years old, and I do not like the feeling of getting drunk. Also here is another thing that has to be said. I do not like to break the law. Although I am not smoking it, I was a little nervous about what could happen to me if for some weird reason the police came. Does anyone know what the law is for that situation?
I have not gone to parties there since for that reason, but they were great people. I think JJ what you may not see, that I did not always see, was not all people who smoke pot are the people you see getting arrested on cops. They are normal working people. And many people here in the white color neck of the woods do it to, they just don’t always tell you. You would be surprised. 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 11:47 PM
the only reason pot is illegal is because people dont pay tax for it..
its all about the money.
the goverment is money hungry. 

Name: marija | Date: Aug 18th, 2007 12:24 AM
ah rain we are more alike than i realized!..i too have the addiction gene :-( and nicotine is my nemesis. i dont smoke marijuana or do any other sort of drugs BECAUSE of my fear of being addicted.
sorry to those who think that it doesnt affect the intellectual side to your brain...IMHO it does!!!...you say you graduated with degrees?...i say i believe you :-)....but keep smoking regularly and i can almost gaurantee you wouldnt be able to piece a jigsaw together thirty years from now!...instead you will probably sit around the jigsaw debating the merits of the actual picture!
my cousin was a university graduate...worked his own business...has not been able to keep a relationship together...HE actually thinks its already legal!!! (smoking dope that is)...hahahahahaha...
my point, at some point in his adult life the man had a brain......had wants / dreams .NOW he is a moron who goes to work for someone else, because his business folded through poor management and people skills (both of which he was fantastic in) i cant even understand his english anymore...and its NOT a second language for him!!!

IMO the way i see it.....he did have a choice...initially he chose the dreams of many others...what he also chose was to believe that marijuana was harmless...became addicted and then his choices were now clouded, his intellect no longer existed and the worse part....HE DOESNT CARE! thats what marijuana has done to him and a few others i know....they function :-( 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 18th, 2007 12:39 AM
i think it is different for all....It is the person who becomes addicted it is nt the drug itself..but also it is the person who lets it get to them..i know plenty of people who are older..smoke..have great lives..and it never gets them down..it is the people who make it there life to be a pothead and sit back and let it take over that surcumb to that lazy lifestyle..but plenty of people dont...When I was younger I smoked everyday..i was stoned all the time with the exception of school and work..did it bother me if i didnt have it..no..i never felt like i had to have it..i just usually had it..when i didnt i went on with my merry life..but then again..with the excption of ciggarettes (which has addictive chemicals) i dont have and addictive personality..Pot itself has no addictive properties to it..

Now as i grew older had kids..life changed for me..i had a different life and saw no need to smoke as much pot..now for me it is like a treat..i can go months without it..it is front of me all the time as all my neighbors smoke, but kust because it is there doesn't mean i have to have it..i turn it down all the time..because its not what my life is about..

What i am saying is it is dependent on the person if they let it take over..it is unlike many drugs, because it doesn't have a chemical dependence..It doesn't create withdrawls unless you are a big time user..and even them your mind is creating the withdrawls..It is also depends on the prsonality if they become a lazy person fom smoking too much pot..or end up stupid..it doesn't kill braincells like people think, but yes it does temporaily numb them (for lack of better words).. 

Name: marija | Date: Aug 18th, 2007 1:03 AM
to an extent i agree...the addictive part to dope is the feeling IMO not the actual properties of the plant

my cousin is still productive...im just saying that i think (alot of others do too) that he could of done better if it wasnt for his addiction.....to him life is great....there is nothing wrong with what he does. it seems that he was headed on a different path and was sidetracked down a lesser path BECAUSE of the dope? i could be wrong, who knows?
i also believe it has to do with lifestyles....men to me have more of a tendancy to be complete wipeouts...where as women are more "the happy relaxed smoker" women think more about functioning...men tend let it all hang out...because they want to be taken care of?...In my experience :-) 

Name: marija | Date: Aug 18th, 2007 1:05 AM
oh that the older generation im talking about ...LOL the younger are ALL (men and women)....SUPER HEROES...hahahhaha 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 18th, 2007 1:05 AM
yes you are true there with the men..i do think that some are more apt to take hold of the lifestyle.. 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 18th, 2007 1:06 AM
gotta go eat dinner will have more in a bit 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 18th, 2007 1:15 AM
marija i wanted to say i think your right..his addiction caused a problem in his life..i think any addiction can do that..While i support Mj..i support responsible use..they found in the netherlands that because it is accepted..there is more responsible use..people are more likley to seek treatment for addiction problems..it also shows that more people are less likely to be involved with harder drugs..they work on the theory that if you give them an inch they dont need the mile..and so far has provn to be successful.. 

Name: marija | Date: Aug 18th, 2007 1:32 AM
one of the people i was talking about was from holland....maybe the fact that it was legally taken off him became part of his problem?...but to me he needs a brain too...LOL

you are right about addiction being the downfall, i think before it becomes legal responsibility should be made towards those who are susceptable to becoming addicted and measures in place to help them....talking about recreational use, not medicinal use 

Name: marija | Date: Aug 18th, 2007 1:35 AM
as a footnote...i also believe cigarette smoking should be illegalized!!!!....i can only see benefits to people...i cant see too many people going "underground" to smoke cigarettes...LOL there is no "happy" place you go to toking on nicotine :-)))) 

Name: June-Clever | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 12:24 PM
Cigarettes are legal and joints are not. Both cause repiratory problems. I guess the government doesn't care if you die from smoking, they just don't want you dying happy from a little high! Thats why cigarettes are legal and pot isn't! 

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