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Name: emilymccoy | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 11:53 PM
That's probably because he/she is still hiding in your belly! LOL Babies...we spend all this time developing their little organs and such for them, and the thanks we get? Dimples on our asses and weight gain worries. Haha. 

Name: emilymccoy | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 11:55 PM
That last comment was in response to connie's Ass Dimple Culprit...but holy crap Coartney, remind me not to piss you off! LOL 

Name: connie | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 12:03 AM
That's funny,lol. 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 12:10 AM
I too am so scared of the weight gain. As some of you know, I've suffered from eating disorders for about 10 years now and getting used to the idea of pregnancy and weight gain took me a good 6 mths...it still scares me but I guess I don't look that big. I'm 5'9 and I was 130 lbs, so about 10lbs. underweight but now I'm like 150 and everyone says I look "healthy" and "good" now..but I liked super-skinny...I loved the fgact that girls were always jealous of my perfect tummy and long legs...now I feel so "average"...yeah I'm way vain too!! 

Name: AnnD | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 1:04 AM
I'm glad this turned out to be such a hit. I am glad that someone brought up they worried their daughter wouldn't be cute. I worry about that too! I worry that she'll have a birth defect that will make her ugly or a big birthmark on her face. Or that she just won't be an attractive child. She looks beautiful to me on the 4D's though. But, I worry about that too. It's so hard for women in our society today. As for the weight gain, I am not worried about it now. But, I know I will be disgusted with my "pregnancy remnants" after the baby is born and that is when it will start to bother me. 

Name: julie23 | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 1:58 AM
wow... I thought i was the only one who has no sex drive... it's gotten real bad tho...
2) I smoke(not in my home or vehicle tho)
3)all i wanna do is sleep
4)I love coffee
I guess just the regular things..lol 

Name: babey_g_311 | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 2:32 AM
Im glad other people have the same ones as me :o)
1) I always think of how I should excercise than I never do....
2) I have no ambition to cook or clean at all anymore...my hubby's been eating fast food for about 4 months now...lol
3) I too eat a lot of junk and fast food....and with my lack of exericse i feel particularly guilty....
4) finally I too am jealous of my friend's that are having their babies before me cuz feb. is so far away!
5) and of course when it comes to sex I litterally hide, and come up with every excuse in the book not to since my sex drive is gone....
I feel alot better to have confessed all that stuff, this was a good idea for this post 

Name: tylersmom06 | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 3:53 AM
I don't wanna play this game!! I wanna remain unmarked....lol! Ok Ok I give in..

#1 I am still waiting on the cleaning fairy to come clean my entire house.

#2 I too love the junk food/ fast food

#3 I have my occaisional smoke to calm my nerves ( my husband calls me a "wanna be" smoker)

#4 I have become just downright lazy and it embarrasses me to death..lol.. I don't want to "let myself go" !

#5 Kegals -Nope

#6 I CAN NOT GET COLD ENOUGH and it drives my husband insane cause its like I want to play freeze out!

#7 I hope my baby is beautiful

#8 I have been slacking BIG TIME with my school work which makes me feel like crap!!

#9 I haven't posted pregnant pictures of me cause I think I was too fat before I got pregnant! (Adipex.. after I have this baby lol :-)

#10 I'm addicted to Caffiene and Carbs!

Geez I have the longest list on here.. I think I am going to repent of my sins! 

Name: moshecathy | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 4:03 AM
1 I tend to eat more that I should. I am on a strict diet due to my GD and i should be counting my carbs. I dont eat cakes, or other sweet stuff but noodles and rice are hard. I cat stop eating it.
2 I hate taking showers or baths. I love to feel nice and clean but Im too lazy to jump in the bathroom. It may seem disgusting but I can go on days just changing my clothes. My husband cant understand why ...
3 I am lazy. I dont like to do anything but go out, eat out, and shop if I feel good. If im having a bad day all I want to do is sleep
4 I bought a hospital bed (sleep number adjustable bed) convincing my hubby that he needs it to sleep better but I just want to be able to put my head and feet up whenever I want.
5 I grew up as the ugly duckling and now have really beautiful kids. Im hoping that my baby girl (21 weeks pg) wont look like me though when I was a kid. I want her to be beautiful.
6 I havet called my grandma in months because I feel bad when I cant send her money. She never asks but I know she needs it. 

Name: moshecathy | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 4:29 AM
Its 9:30 pm and I just sent my hubby to look for a jack in the box and get me some curly fries and eggroll. Someone posted curly fries and I just started drooling ... hahaha! 

Name: tylersmom06 | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 4:40 AM
What the heck is Jack in the box?? I keep hearing you guys mention it but we dont have that in Alabama?? They sale fries and Egg Rolls?? Ya'll don't laugh at me.. I just dont know..lol 

Name: moshecathy | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 4:45 AM
Yup. its a fast food like mcdonalds and burger king but they have curly fries, eggrols, and tacos. theyre best known for their sourdough bacon cheese burger but i dont eat red meat so i dont eat that .... Oh well, I might as well fess up and say I convinced my husband into going out and buying me the fries by bribing him with a blow job. hahaha. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 4:45 AM
haha well its a fast food place, and honestly i think its absolutely gross.. years ago they had a huge thing about food poisoning, they were giving it to everyone haha.. yuck. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 4:46 AM
haha damnit i want a blowjob haha.. that sounds so wrong. but im sick of my damn vibrator. and changing the batteries LOL 

Name: emilymccoy | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 5:01 AM
Moshecathy- I've gotta say, just last night I was feeling all sorry for myself because my husband didn't jump and go get me ice cream when I mentioned I wanted some. Now, I don't "crave" a lot of things, and I definitely don't make him do stupid random things like you hear of husbands having to do, and he IS a good husband, so I assumed with all these things combined that if I mentioned I wanted ice cream, I would get ice cream. I was sadly mistaken. Here I thought there was something wrong with him, turns out I just didn't know that there was a second part to this game...bribery! And boy, if I would have offered that bribe, I would have had four different kinds of ice cream sitting in front of me within minutes! LOL Thanks for the lesson! 

Name: moshecathy | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 5:11 AM
as my husband said right after i mentioned the bribe ... "... the things men do for sex". This is funny!! hahaha 

Name: Coartney | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 5:12 AM
haha emily hahaha.. my fiance is in turkey and knows i dont plan on having much sex or anything b.c everything grosses me out and stuff like that lol but for some reason he is still nice and does basically everything for me, without me asking lol .. he says he thinks all this is his fault b.c he knows how much i hate everything more now that im pregnant 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 1:05 PM
Ok I have more like coartney the enegerzier bunny hates my viberator and I think that my vibrator is getting sick of me LOL

I pay mom real mom crack head wages to clean my house, do my yard work, make my files from work, and what ever else I am too damn lazy to do. It is amazing what 50.00 can get you

I don't worry about my baby being good looking my son and my step son are both very very cute. The have super long lashes and beautiful eyes. (I mean come on they have me and my hubby as parents so I am not worried about looks LOL) I am very worried that something is wrong though. I try to think positive, but I am so very afraid that he/she will have a deformity or mental retardation. So I will be very happy when I get my 20 week us back and all looks good. By the way I have no reason to think this I just can't help it. 

Name: melmoney | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 1:27 PM
Ok... Let's see...

1) Exercise - never!
2) Kegals - never!
3) I tell the MIL that I do both everyday!
4) I take my prenatal vitamins daily, but my MIL made me buy 6 other vitamins that she says are necessary but the doctors won't tell you about them. I don't take those either, but I tell her that I do.
5) I have no motivation to clean my house.
6) I have no motivation to make dinner. We've been eating frozen foods for weeks now. Mmmmm... chicken fingers and french fries.
7) I don't yell or nag at my husband when I want him to get off his ass and do something. I start to cry and fake a mood swing to guilt him into helping.
8) I am also scared that my baby won't be cute - vanity, table for 1!!!
9) I hate being on top during sex because I think I look gross.
10) I secretly don't want anybody other than my husband in the room after the baby is born for like 3 or 4 hours. I know I can't really keep the other people out, but I don't want anyone else holding him and taking him away from me.
11) I still haven't mailed out thank you cards from my shower because I have no motivation, but I lied to my mom and told her they were all finished and waiting in the mail room of my work.
13) I'm terrified of what my body is going to look like after the baby. I'm scared about saggy boobs!
12) I'm at work but not working... what else is new?

Ok... I'm done for the moment, but there are more just waiting to come out. I'll be back to share again. 

Name: emilymccoy | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 1:32 PM
melmoney makes a good point...I would add that one to my list, too. As much as I want a ton of people showing up excitedly at the hospital, I really don't want anyone to come into the room for awhile. I would like to spend the first couple of hours learning to breastfeed and watching my husband hold my son. Everyone else can wait in the boring waiting room LOL. 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 1:34 PM
Oh remembered one more. I always forget to take my pre natal vit's I think about it then I say ok after lunch then I forget. I know I have to take them since I am haveing a hard time eating veggies which I used to love.

Work???? what is that I am here and getting paid, but I wouldn't say I am being productive most of the time. 

Name: melmoney | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 1:57 PM
Oh... one more... I kinda feel guilty about this one too... My MIL bought us some stuff off of our baby registry. She made it sound like it was a huge deal (like something big and something expensive) She made a big deal about making sure we were bringing our SUV to the shower and not just my little car because what she bought supposedly wouldn't fit into my car. My husband knew what she got but wouldn't tell me so I got online and checked our registry because I didn't want to wait!! I was kinda disappointed when I saw that all she had actually bought was a little hamper and diaper stacker. I feel guilty for looking now and greedy because I thought it was going to be a BIG item (i.e. stoller, car seat, play yard...) 

Name: julie23 | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 2:18 PM
ohh right MIL's ....how could I forget the confess this one it's HUGE.....
I lied to my inlaws about my DUEDATE.....
i got pregnant exactally one month before my husband and I were married and his family are very religious, so I pray that my baby is born on my real due date which is march 13th because then she'll only think the baby is 2 weeks early and it's not uncommon to have your second child at 38 weeks! 

Name: christen | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 2:39 PM
oh ok here goes.
#1 i dread going to the doctors for the simple fact they harp on my weight i started off at 240lbs and i have gained 24lbs.

#2 i don't exercise anymore i'm 36 1/2 weeks pregnant.

#3 I hate sex because i am so much bigger than my hubby i mean i have always been but now it is much worse.

#4 My hubby is so sweet to me he cleans the house and takes care of a lot now. (makes me feel bad cuz i'm lazy)

#5 i hate it when someone buys you something really cute and gives you the reciept and says oh if you don't like it you can return it. then someone will buy the ugliest thing but not give you a reciept.

#6 still haven't sent out the thank you cards.

#7 i am at work for 8 hours every day but does that mean i'm working? NAHHHHHH!

#8 All i want to do is sleep i guess it is because of the fact i dont' get good sleep when i do sleep.

#9 don't even want to think about what my body is going to look like after the baby.

#10 i want my baby to slow her growth rate at 34 1/2 weeks she was already 8.1lbs.

#11 after watching a woman get a 4th degree tear on a birthing video i hope for a C-Section.

#12 can't wait to not be pregnant so i can go on a diet i desperately need to.

#13 more of a wish really i want to be able to bend over and not feel like i'm going to fall over and be able to stand back up and not hurt

ok i think i'm done 

Name: Randi02 | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 2:43 PM
#1 I was 4 months pregnant when we got married
#2 I have probably eaten my weight in pepperoni pizza since becoming pregnant
#3 I am totally weirded out about having my sons penis touch me on the way out
#4 I have been so lazy sometimes i just quickly move stuff around to make it look like i did something haha
#5 I have not been able to kick my pepsi habit
#6 I gained 10 lbs in 3 weeks (probably the pizza)
#7 I don't want any of my husbands family around for the first couple weeks
#9 I spend far to much time on message boards
#10 I play video games in the middle of the night and then bitch about how little sleep I got, so i have a nap in the afternoon and let the dogs sleep on my husbands side of the bed (they are gross shedding mutts) SHHHH!!! 

Name: melmoney | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 3:03 PM
Well Randi... if we're being brutally honest...

I was 5 months pregnant when we got married too.

I also would prefer it if his family just stayed away for the first few weeks!!! 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 3:06 PM
I am secreatly happy that I have not gained one pound, but my hubby has. I am sure it will all catch up with me though at some point. 

Name: melmoney | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 3:24 PM
I am secretly angry at jillw because she hasn't even gained one pound yet. :D 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 3:26 PM
ya but I am already too heavy so I diserve to have not gained LOL. You prob still weigh less then me with all of the weight gained so I am secreatly mad that you will loose and go back to normal :) 

Name: melmoney | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 3:30 PM
Hehe... at least it's a mutual anger. :D 

Name: jbabii31307 | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 5:09 PM
ohh goodness theres a lot.
1. i feel like everyone looks down on me because i am a teen.
2. i still smoke but i just bum them off people so its not a lot.
3 I CRY OVER EVERYTHING! ..like the other day i had my mom go to honey dew to get me a bagel and i cried for about 30 min because it was the wrong kind.
4. dont get me wrong i have gay friends but id do anything to switch doctors because i swear my doctor is a lesbian.
5 i know that my baby is going to be beautiful in its own way but i realllly dont want my baby to be ugly. to be honest i cried about it the otherday! like i said i cry about everything lol.
6 im stressing out about everything mostly somewhere to live (my mom and i have to have a new place to live by nov 7th)
and theres a lot more lol =D 

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