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Name: Alyssa
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Name: anna | Date: Sep 23rd, 2008 6:49 PM
i know how you feel. I told my man that i was pregnant and he did the smae left me for another woman. When i told my man i was pregnant he told me to show him the proof. So i showed him the proof but he still did not believe me. he thought i borrowed a friend's ultrasound picture to show him. he doesn't come to my doctor appts either. My mom takes me. he has not contacted me. The last i heard from him is that he is with some other lady and she is pregnant with his kid too. 

Name: Jessyka | Date: Oct 31st, 2008 8:38 PM
I'm kinda in the same situation myself. I just recently found out that I'm 8 weeks pregnant, I've tried to get a hold of the baby's daddy, but he keeps blowing me off because of the girl he is with. She can't have kids, and every time she gets pregnant, she has a miscarriage. Well, me and him were together for a year and a half when we broke up, and he came back to me and told me that they were over at the start of September. I was stupid and fell for it, and I ended up pregnant. Now, the girl knows he cheated on her but they are still together. I've gotten a hold of his mother and she was there when I got my first ultrasound and she knows it's his. She said that she's going to tell him that it is his and I've done told her and other members of his family, that if he's not going to be here with me supporting me through my pregnancy, don't expect me to let him in the room when the baby's born, or any where around it after it's been born. His mother wants me to put his last name on the birth certificate and I told her I would not do that because we are not married. I'm not going to give the child his last name if were not together because he wants nothing to do with me or the kid. His current girlfriend, the one I mentioned earlier, told him that if she finds out that he wants anything to do with me or OUR unborn child, that she'll leave him and he'll have no where to live. Personally, I think it would be the best thing for him. Neither of my parents, or any of my family for that matter like him. He can't hold a job, he's 23 and has no vehicle or a place to go. He's a dead-beat and that's all there is too it. Now he's going to have a kid on the way. Honestly, I think you did the right thing by telling his new girlfriend. You've got to reverse the situation, I'd want to know if I was dating someone who was having a baby with someone else. Wouldn't you? Don't stress over him, if he wants nothing to do with the baby, you've got your family there to support you. Hit him up for child support. The baby doesn't have to have his last name. Your not married to him, so he has no legal rights unless he takes you to court for a dna test. Good luck and don't stress over him. 

Name: james | Date: Nov 10th, 2008 10:00 AM
my girlfirend mite be pregnant i don't know if she is your not..she has changed her breats are bigger...she has weird cravings ...and i don't know what to do 

Name: Lauren | Date: Nov 10th, 2008 12:04 PM
It is amazing to see what men can be like and turn into when a baby is on the way. But remember it is a blessing no matter what happens! My son is 18 months old and i am still alone but i am loving every moment of being a mother. It might be hard but in the end it is worth it. 

Name: Lauren | Date: Nov 11th, 2008 8:51 AM
Jill and Pauline....no offence but it takes two to tango and the father cant just do as he pleases. Its the fathers responsibilty as well as the mothers, if he can have sex he can take on that responsibilty as well! He can at least make the effort to talk to her like an adult before just pushing her away. 

Name: Angela | Date: Nov 11th, 2008 9:29 PM
I too am a single parent. The day my daughters father found out I was having his baby he too asked me to kill our on born child. He too has nothing to do with our dauther... Girl you don't need him... I do it alone day in and day out.... Be strong and stay away from him. Your son doesn't need someone like that in his life 

Name: amanda | Date: Nov 15th, 2008 12:51 AM
im 5 months pregnant and my partner left me because he said he doesnt love me anymore.im confused and hurt he wants to sleep with other people,and still wants to be in the babys life im hurt and confused 

Name: lala | Date: Dec 15th, 2008 9:51 AM
i was with my boyfiend 5 years i am 3 months only we planned this pregnancie and he has been so horrible to me since i told him he never calls me he never returns my calls i do not see him.He just tells me to leave him alone i am very heartbroken and lonely this is ment to be a special time but i have never been so depressed i worry about my future of having a child alone no one to hold my hand.i think the fact i thought we were in love hurts the most.............. 

Name: Kelly | Date: Feb 17th, 2009 1:05 AM
Im currently in the same situation except a little more complicated, I have just recently found that I am pregnant just a couple of months to my ex-husband, recently divorced (yesterday) after 10yrs of marriage, of course we would catch up every now and again and exchange pleasantries and well now Im 2 months pregnant, my ex-husband has been dating for the last 2 months and neglected to tell his new partner the truth about what we spent our time doing when we would have our little meetings, just a couple of weeks ago. When I told him I was pregnant all of a sudden it wasnt his and it had to have been someone elses and I was just doing it to get him back, this isnt the case other wise i wouldnt have signed the divorce papers, apparently I have ruined his life and it was just a ploy to get back with him, we have been seperated for 2yrs and have 2 other children, I am quite willing to go it alone and told him that I dont need the father to have a baby just wanted him to know. He's ok with it he's not ok with it, but more importantly he's selfish and thinking of his own needs, I lied to my new girlfriend and now I have to own up, dumping blame is not going to help him. I love my children even the one that isn't born yet, Im not a male basher and nor will I become one, but Im pregnant, on my own and loving it, I have another 6 or so months to go so Ill keep you all filled in. I am a strong woman and strong willed and I can do anything, ive been on my own for the last 2yrs whats a few more going to hurt just with a new born, when I have this baby I will have 3 children when the father comes to visit when he makes up his mind i will have 4 

Name: Sally | Date: Mar 2nd, 2009 4:55 PM
I am going through a similar situation. And to Jill, It is a womans decision. The man is there to back up those decisions if he doesn't want to be a part of her life, he still is required to be a part of the babies life. Even if they are to chicken to be a part of his babies life, at least he can pay for its life (if they want to take the easy way out). The woman has to give up everything to take care of the child. He can at least be a man and provide. Call me old fashioned but he has responsibilites. I am sending you my prayers, and hope that I get a few in return. Hopefully we can give eachother a boost. Good luck girl! 

Name: Sally | Date: Mar 2nd, 2009 5:08 PM
This forum is to help uplift and support. Unless the father will speak for himself, please don't speak for him. I have known so many bast*** men that have walked out on women just because they are afraid of responsibility. The father of my child that I am carrying now is one of them. It is my body, my choice, and he will have to pay child support even if it makes him whine and cry. I was willing to have a mature relationship with him, but he opted out. I did my part, I will continue doing my part as I raise my child, he can do his by providing money. 

Name: monique | Date: Mar 10th, 2009 4:50 PM
u really understand wat u r sayen im 20weeks and im in the same situation u r in and u know it makes me really mad that all these guys are men until they really have to take care of there stuff i know how i feel but keep ur head up and stay strong becauce one day he will relize he really had somthing good in his life. 

Name: Deserae | Date: Mar 14th, 2009 3:07 AM
WOW!!! I am kinda in the same boat as you were except the father of my soon to be baby told me that he will write a letter and tell the baby that he is the father he showed up at my house unexpectally the other day and told me that he wants me to give the baby up for adoption but he knows that wont ever happend so then his response back was I want to work out joint custody of the baby cause he doesnt want to pay child support but also that wont happen he hasnt shown up to one dr's appointment yet. I hope I can be as strong as you were with all of that happens to me... 

Name: Sarah | Date: Mar 24th, 2009 9:38 PM
Jill. Thank you 

Name: Josh | Date: Mar 29th, 2009 12:25 PM
he needs to be a man and step up to his obligations. my ex left me and my 2 kids and moved to NC. i dont understand you people can do this to kids. maybe when the cjild is born he will come around, but right now it seems like he dosnt want anything to do with it at all. if you want to talk my emails. [email protected]. it will be tough but youll be ok 

Name: savielovesalan | Date: Mar 31st, 2009 11:18 PM
im 13 my babys dad is 24 i was 5 months preg when i found out when i was 7 months preg he left and now wants nothin to do with his son he alwaays says blood is everything if blood is everything why dont u want ur son im 13 like i wanted this. he said in 5 to 7 years i will be apart of his life and im like no now or never u need to stand up and be a man and take care of his kid... 

Name: Sweet girl | Date: Apr 12th, 2009 6:35 PM
Sweetie, I'm in a similar situation... I was actually engaged to a man (together for 3 years...), we lived together, we def planned on having a family together... everything.. but then suddenly at 2 months pregnant, I found text messages from a girl on his phone asking about my "Abortion" ??? It also said she should come stay with him the weekend I'd be away at my DR APPT in another city... interesting, right? I confronted him, he blew up at me, and right then and there he kicked me out of our home. He took my keys and said I had to leave bc he didn't love me and he was done!

CRAZY! So I packed up my things.. I had to quit school, move back in with my family about 2 hours away.... and the past 8 months have been a rollercoaster. He has sent me around 5 text messages.. 3 being sweet and one even said he loved me & was sad we didn't work out.. RIIIIGHHHTT.... other texts would be mean, angry, accusing, violent... threatening to post pictures of me on the internet.. etc... He seemed to have lost his mind.. Not to mention only a month after kicking me out, he was engaged to some 19 yr old.. in another state. LMAO! Crazy crazy crazy.

There is NO telling why these deadbeat men do what they do. Maybe they are scared? Maybe they are selfish? All I know is PAY your child support & leave me the hell alone. I know we didn't create these children on our own. Men act like they don't get it...how children are created... it's like DUH! Hello! Wake the F up!!!!

I'd never take him back. Ever. Not in a million years, not for a million dollars, nothing would ever make me lower my standards again. My baby deserves so much more from a Daddy.. and I shouldn't ever put her in a position to be left like we were 8 months ago.. NEVER AGIAN!!!!! 

Name: Gina | Date: Apr 16th, 2009 7:53 PM
A woman doesn't just GET pregnant. 

Name: nancy | Date: May 4th, 2009 4:33 AM
im a month pregnant and just found out that my husband has another girl friend that is 5 months pregnant and plus he is messing around with another girl that is 2 months pregnant we have been ,married 7 years and he is so unfaithful i dont know whaat to do ...but i heard his brother was in love with me so that helps 

Name: Deidra | Date: May 6th, 2009 6:00 PM
Jill I am in the same boat. I was seeing this guy from a chat room for 6 months. We wanted to have kids. Well after four months of unprotected sex, I got pregnant. He started dating someone else after I told him I was pregnant. He stopped calling me, disconnected his mobile phone, and doesnt answer my email. I dont know where he lives because he almost always came over to have dinner. I dont know where he works and now I worry that I wont get financial help. Does anyone have any suggestions? 

Name: NAKIMO SHARP | Date: May 14th, 2009 1:48 AM

Name: heather c | Date: May 15th, 2009 12:18 AM
i know exactly what you're going through. i'm 6 months pregnant and the baby's father hasn't been around for anything even though he said he was going to be. now he tells me that he's not even going to be there when our son is born. i am craving to get out and date and meet people my age but dont have the luxury of doing so, but found the need to tell me about all the fun he is having without me and how he is bar hoping and sleeping around.
trust me, you are not alone in the least 

Name: Nakita | Date: May 17th, 2009 4:09 AM
what can i say 

Name: Jacqueline | Date: Jul 9th, 2009 2:17 AM
Don't feel bad girl, I'm in the same boat as you, I'm six months... I dated him for about a year got pregnant sat him down and told him and asked what shoul "we" do he said "don't worry baby, I'm a man I will take care of the baby its my responsibility... I don't have a choice"... two weeks later I never heard from him, I go to his house to try and talk he slammed me up against the wall and said leave him alone, he made a mistake and he already learned the lesson so now its my problem... I havent heard anything from him since then, my family don't help much, they bring my down more than help... trying so hard to finish school for medical assistance, trying to find a women's shelter to stay in or some type of assistance but I do plan on getting what my baby boy needs whether the guy likes it or not....my baby will be taken care of even if I have to do it myself..... 

Name: Amanda | Date: Jul 16th, 2009 6:16 PM
Yeah I'm right there with ya! I'm not mad at him though he said the exact same things to me. But I understand that he wants his life.... I plan to surround my child with mine! I don't need him to be around unless he wants to. That would be unfair to the child and him. Just stay strong single mothers!!! 

Name: sis | Date: Aug 22nd, 2009 2:23 PM
I feel for you Alyssa . I am preg as well and also feeling alone. I am married with other children, but my husband doesn't really care about me. He is a great dad, but terrible husband. He told me that he would have left a long time ago if it weren't for the kids. So, I am alone emotionally. He says that he doesn't get anything he needs from me at all. I support him and our 3 other kids. He doesn't work. I have tried to kick him out, but he won't leave and my kids love him to death. They would be heart broken if we split. So, I guess i have created my situation, I chose this man to marry. He used to be very loving. Now I guess I have to make the best of it for our kids. THey need and love and want their daddy all of the time. so do I, but he doesn't want me back. I don't know what to say, I feel really badly for you. It would be really hard to have a child with out an active father. Look on the bright side, you can still look for love. I can't. It would mean putting myself before my children and breaking up my home. I wish you luck. It is not easy.
Pregnant and alone as well 

Name: sis | Date: Aug 22nd, 2009 2:32 PM
is there any one else out there with a similar situation that could offer some advice, I am really depressed. Sis 

Name: kayula mwila | Date: Sep 22nd, 2009 4:30 PM
I have been dating the father to my baby for last two years and he has been acting like it's all my fault.he does the most hateful things like rekindling his dead long distant relationship with another woman.He actually sent an sms to tell that he was leaving the country for a month to go and visit her.Meanwhile he has not being supportive both financially and emotionally .So I have decided to have nothing to do with him as all he does is upset me and it's not good for the baby.My advise to you is move on and have a happy pregnancy as you are giving life and he is just been a loser.What can be greater than a child of your own. 

Name: katherine | Date: Oct 10th, 2009 9:05 PM
i know how you feel my baby dad is the exact same its really sad because he calls me every morning and he calls me eveings this weekend he moved on for good with his new girl friend he has been buying things here and there but really he wants out i can tell he dont respond or comment on the bab at all ony that he is going to take care of his daughter i dont belive him im so hurt and confused 

Name: Lindles | Date: Oct 13th, 2009 12:08 PM
Hi Alyssa, I'm so greatful to have read your story although it has been over two years it is still very relevant. I'm also in a similar situation, the instant I found out i was pregnant I advised my ex, who blatantly told me to have an abortion because he is a career man and doesn't have time to be a father again. He already has a daughter whom he supports all the way. I'm currently 24 weeks pregnant, atleast he told me early, if I wanted, I could've gone through with the abortion, but I realised that it wasn't his decision to make, at the end of the day I was the one who would have been left with the guilt conscience and the what ifs, not him. When I took my decision to be a single parent, he was not part of the equation, I promised myself to go through it alone and I am happy with my decision and doing just fine without him. Fortunately I am surrounded by positive and loving people including colleagues, family and friends. I am enjoying my pregnancy to the fullest, because I have told myself to make the best of these moments, because after delivery it's another totally different phase and am taking notes and making memoirs of every little thing that is happening. I have even started a journal for my baby, just to remind and let my son know how much he is loved and will be loved for many more years to come. Being a mother is such a joyful and wonderful thing, once that little bundle of joy is squirming under your skin, kicking and moving, there is absolutely no greater feeling than that and no man can take that away from a mother. Yes, there are the financial issues, in my part I've started saving since I was 10 weeks pregnant, I'm not earning much, but saving a bit in a long run makes a big difference and to file for child support or not is not a big issue for me at all. As far as I am concerned, we are more than fine without him in our lives, it doesn't make much difference, to collect money every month from a man who doesn't want to be part of his child development. A father is a father by being there physically, emotionally, mentally and financially, paying out child support is not raising a child, so such a man can never be a father. I believe that wherever he is, subconsciously he is aware of what he has done and will have to answer one day and when that time comes I will not be the one asking the questions. To all the expecting single moms out there, enjoy your pregnancy 'cause once it has passed it 's never coming back! To Alyssa, I hope your budle of joy is keeping you busy and happy so that you wont have time to think about that irresponsible 'sperm- donor". 

Name: Melanie | Date: Oct 22nd, 2009 10:32 PM
Are you and your boyfriend having relationship issues? Do you want to find out if he is cut out to be a good Dad? Has this pregnancy added stress to your relationship?
We are looking for unmarried, pregnant women, 18+, who want to prepare the father to be for what’s to come!
Because you are never ready to become a parent, this therapeutic docu-style show will prepare Dads-to-be for their first-born child and help with relationship issues.
If you are pregnant, and any of these scenarios are familiar to you, then email us your first name, contact phone number/email and a brief paragraph about your relationship status and how far along in your pregnancy you believe you are.

Email: [email protected] 

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