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Name: momof3dolls
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Name: Layne | Date: May 31st, 2007 3:02 AM
why do kids think parents arent individuals also...Its you and its us...sorry but adults are not all the same...grow up! 

Name: Supermum | Date: May 31st, 2007 3:18 PM
My Daught also refers to being an "emo". My daughter has called herself one since she was 9, now she is 14 almost 15. It's really nothing to worry about unless she is on the bandwagon with all the "wemos" as my daughter puts it. Wannabe emos, these tend to think that to be emo you HAVE to slit your wrists and things but that is NOT what an emo is. I do agree that the music is rather hurrendous and that I shouldn't let my daughter listen to it, however she is very stubborn as are most teenagers and will not stop listening to what they want to listen too. The best thing to do about it is to just leave it be but keep a back seat eye on her. If you come over as very strong and over powereing I don't think she will ever listen to you. About the mutilation thing, has she stretched her ear piercing? Don't worry as long as she has done it sensibly it will do her no harm and will grow back if she decides she doesn't want it anymore. Take her to an anger manangment course, my daughter went to one because she was doing all the things that your daughter is doing now. It helps alot and it gets them out of the house doing something productive too. She is still there as you sy but shes just growing up and we all know going through our teenage years we are finding our feet and I just guess us lot have gotten on the bumpiest rollercoaster. It will calm down soon, don't worry my daughters still not an angel as suc but she is much better than before.

Hope this has helped 

Name: Dolly.x | Date: Jun 1st, 2007 9:51 AM
My name is Christina, im a teen, im "emo".
Listening to any type of music wont do anything... it wont push negative thoughts into anyones head, except if they're already there.
Being emo doesnt mean all you do is cut your wrists, however it might become an addiction, and yes it is hard to stop. I started cutting, and my parents didnt know anything, and when they found out they freaked, and all they did was make it worse... cutting doesnt mean people do it because they think its "cool", we do it because we really know how we feel inside.
Dressing emo doesnt hurt anyone; it just changes the appearance, and thats just the way we are, and dying your hair/ changing hairstyles is no big deal. Changing appearance doesnt mean you change whats inside.
If you've quit going to school, it might be cos of the poeple...if they dont respect you and everything.
As other people have said, us emo's arn't half as bad as parents make us seem.
And yes, Im not necessarily close with my parents, but i have the most amazing friends ever, and they supported me when my parents didnt.
And to all parents out there: the more you disagree with your kids, the worse you make it for them... leave them do what they want and think is best for them, youre not always going to be there.
My hotmail add: [email protected]
Emo and proud. 

Name: jess93 | Date: Jun 12th, 2007 3:04 AM
I am not trying to contradict you but the music isn't what is doing it. when i am angry or sad and feel like i am gonna end up hurting myself i play stuff like anti-flag, or bullet for my valentine and somehow it makes me feel better. the music helps us know that people are going through some of the same stuff as us so i highly sugest not taking the music away cause it will probably just make her angrier.but that is just my personal experiance and it may be different for her 

Name: Envy_Of_The_Dead | Date: Jun 17th, 2007 3:41 PM
momof3dolls.... well i dont know what to say but ssrsly gtfo like all teen trends there just that teen trends that will eventualy pass the fact that u have a problem with what your daughter wears and how she looks or what she listnes to is ridiculous if you were a half decent parent it wouldnt matter if she wore all black or dressed liek a prep things like this are pathetic maybe you should just give up and pay more attention to the other two because quiting your job to home school is only feed your daughters addiction to attention not to say u shouolnd t pay attention but what your doing is over reacting ...you ma'am fail at life...as a parent so plxor just give up get your job back and let your daughter do what she wants ssrsly... 

Name: emily13 | Date: Jun 18th, 2007 10:38 AM
hey, im 13, im emo, n wot i say is this: if ur daughter reli believes herself to be an emo, then allow her to do so, understand this is what she wants to be, but let her know that her behaviour towards you and her father is un-acceptable, if she continues this behaviour simply take away her priveledges...also ur daughter might be acting this way for attention, pay more attention to her-show her ur interested...im sure shes in there somewere, im emo but i treat my parents and friends with respect. gud luk xoxox 

Name: jimmy-rodero | Date: Jun 22nd, 2007 1:43 AM
wow...okay, im Jimmy and i am as "emo" as any of you are talking about. when i stumbled across this happy little forum i noticed there weren't much response from the OTHER side of this argument. i would like to say, i think your all getting the wrong idea of EMO. as someone said, it is infact EMOtional. but this means we show our emotions, we are not like the prepy popular kids who always try to act tough. when we hurt or when we are angry or even scared we show it. But most importantly is the music. I noticed alot of you complaing about this horrible music we listen to. But it is usualy just how we feel inside. That is to say, we are so angry at the world we listen to a song about killing. Of course we like cussing in our music just because it usualy adds strength to the meaning. Im all for good clean bands like Linkin Park (my favorite). But i like a little bit of Deathstars, Slip Knot, and Disturbed in my diet as well. As for the clothing and hair, its who we are. I am a boy, and i do wear eyeliner. I am not gay. My hair is (mostly) jet black and my pants are actually girl's pants. I have had a history of "cutting". But you all as parents are putting this in one big huge heaping pile. When i look at a problem i like to seperate it into peices then fix it bit by bit. The first step from your perspective is to seperate a persons violent(self inflicted or otherwise) history and the way they dress. We dress to stand out. We dont dress for the attention though. We dress differently so we can have nothing in common with the people that hate us for being different on the inside to the point of showing it on the outside. I just wanted to try to help you guys in understanding this and i'll try to be as open as i possible can. ~jimmy! 

Name: Camille | Date: Jun 22nd, 2007 3:39 AM
I am emo and all of you make it sound way worse than it is, I agree with what jimmi-rodero said he is appsolutely right. O and by the way as long as your doughter isnt dressing like a slut you should let her dress how she wants and have her hair like she wants. Give your daughter a little space to make mistakes and learn from then cause if you try to get in the way of that she is just gonna pull farther away from you untill you no longer have a relation ship with her anymore thats what my mom did and now i simply dont speak to her its sad when your only 15 and cant get along woth your mom so dont let that happen to you and your daughter. 

Name: ludde | Date: Jun 24th, 2007 3:20 PM
i wrote it to a friend so you understad why i say freind and there may be some spelling misstakes i´m from sweden and 13 years old please understad... ludde 

Name: Pansy. | Date: Jul 1st, 2007 8:11 PM
Dear momof3dolls,

a cut is a call. Believe me, I know. I am 16 years old and I am an Emo-kid. I sometimes cut myself, too. You can't tell how good it feels until you do it. I know it's not healthy and I am trying to drop it but it's addicting, just like drugs are addicting. When something goes wrong it seems the only way out. It makes me feel alive; it makes me see that "hey, I have feelings, after all". It's horrible. But it's true that every time I do it a kind of hole is filled up in me. People who do this don't do this just because they want to be Emo. People do it because they need someone to be there for them, to support them, to carry them to the end. I hate cutting myself, it's not something I'm proud of and only my closest friends know about this problem. I know that teens sometimes try to keep parents away but without you we can't survive in the world we're in. We need your help.

Emo is not a clothing style. I mean, originally. Emo is a type of music, a fusion between Indie Rock and Hardcore Punk. It originated also the Post-Hardcore and the Screamo. You can't blame the Emo music for making kids what they are. There are some songs that are based on depression and self-hate that you may think that aren't good for your kids to listen. Personally, I think Hip-Hop is pretty worse, and I'm not saying this only because I like Emo music. (Excuse me for the words I'll use now but, you see, teens will be teens) You want your sons to grow up to be pimps and your daughters to be little whores? Because that's what most of the Hip-Hoppers suggest in their music. You can't expect your kids to love the same artists you did. New Year, new life… in this specific case, new generation, new living style. You adapted yourselves to so many things that have surged in the past years, why can't you do the same with fashion and music? Because that's what this is really about... When you were kids did you have a MacDonald's to eat at? Or could you call your friends from a mobile phone? But now most of YOU, adults, fathers and mothers, do this. You never went to Mac? You never called someone from your own telephone? It's not that different. It's a new way of seeing things.

To end this giant reply, I don't really know why people hate Emo-kids so much. There are people who say "Homophobia is gay" or who fight against the racism but when it touches to accepting new living styles they are crap. We don't bite; we just want to live our life.



Name: ludde | Date: Jul 2nd, 2007 3:48 PM
Word pansy!!!! 

Name: love_bites | Date: Jul 3rd, 2007 5:19 AM
My name is morgan, I'm 14 and I've been called emo. Some causes of this are...
low self esteem
too much criticism from parents
Not enough attention at home
and many others.

You must understand that this is a way for her to cope. I have cut myself but was able to stop. It does help despite how wrong it is....

the music may also help her deal 

Name: kaseyLOVE | Date: Jul 3rd, 2007 6:46 AM
here's MY opnion.
emo is just a way of getting attention and symapthy.
emo's just like to say ohh i hate my life every freakin second because they want people to feel sorry for them so maybe they'll get friends.
i was in the stereotype 'emo' for a little while,
but i didn't do it for attention i was really depressed.
but another part of that was paranoia.. but ANYWAYS!
most people do it just to fit in.
MOST people that call themselves emo,
try and make it seem like there lives are ALOT worse than they really are.
and if you know them for long enough, then you'll see.
and ALOT of emo people at my school lie, so there lives will seem SO BAD that they just HAVE to be depressed. and whatever.
alot of people on myspace..
they'll post bulletins and say "i think i'm going to do it tonight"
and then they never do.
they just do it for attention.
and yeah i just forgot what i was going to say.. ].[
but i'll post it when i remember.
until then, i'm out. 

Name: kaseyLOVE | Date: Jul 3rd, 2007 6:48 AM
okay i remember!
music may also influence someone's feelings and the way they dress.
for example.
some songs just ramble on and on and on about being broken hearted or what not, and most of the time it influences the person's mood. or whatever!
okayy well i bookmarked this so. yeah reply to what i said! 

Name: Pansy. | Date: Jul 3rd, 2007 8:11 PM

I think you have a point by saying that most of Emos nowadays are nothing but wannabes. I agree with you however we can't apply that idea to ALL of them. You say you also went through something like this so I'm pretty sure you understand the whole point of it. Oh, and not all the people who are depressed are labelled as Emo. That's not the concept of it...

One more thing: I think it's pretty normal for teens to NEED attention and not only Emo do it. Look at the preppies. They cry and yell at their parents if they won't buy them something. People have different ways of dealing with it.

But, yeah, I don't disagree with your point of view. 

Name: michellegazzana | Date: Jul 10th, 2007 9:28 AM
I'm a mother myself and i've been around the music industry most of my life, I promote bands and have worked around these so called 'emo' bands quite alot. Most of them aren't emo, people just tend to label them 'emo' because they wear tight jeans and have black hair. Some parents dont realise that when their children say they're 'emo' they're just going through a passing phase which will soon die out. Soon you'll be hearing the new label of the year, 'scene'. (Used quite alot, im sure your kids have heard of it)
But please dont blame it on the bands, I work with most of these people and most of you parents dont comprehend that the majority these bands for example; My Chemical Romance (a band thats been heavily labeled emo) are actually great role models. If you sat down and actually read the words to these songs, maybe you'd have second thoughts. In one of their songs it actually says "I am not afraid to keep on living."
See not all 'emo' bands are infulencing your kids to wear heavy eye make up, wear dark clothes and hate life.
I'm sorry if this doesnt cover much of what momof3dolls had to say but i'd just thought id express myself on this whole emo topic.

Name: paper bags and plastic hearts | Date: Jul 11th, 2007 5:26 PM
just so you know, emo does not mean emotional. also if your daughter says she is emo...she is a poser and has probably been brainwashed into thinking what she thinks emo means. I am steryotyped emo, and i do not cut, and contrary to most beleifs, most so called "emos" dont. Emo, originally was a type of music, and still is, just like punk music has some how become a fashion statement. All of you parents who tell your sons and daughters not to get there hair cut a certain way are just putting a message into our minds, that we should judge by the way people look instead of how they act. You should let your children, especially teens, express themselves now how they wish to, not how there parents tell them to. Also, many people believe that "emo" means you dress in dark colors, think of suiside, are constantly depressed, take drugs, and many other ridiculous things. I know many many people who are steryotyped as emo, myself included, and i want to let you know that they are probably the nicest people i know. Some are shy, but what group doesnt have shy ones? if you get to know people, youll relize that everyone has problems, no mater what they look like or act like. Momof3dolls, i think that you need to relalize that your daughter was probably just as sad as she appears now, before she started calling herself emo, and she had to do something to get your attention.

Name: paper bags and plastic hearts | Date: Jul 11th, 2007 5:38 PM
Also, as i was reading through all of these, i noticed people saying things like "were not popular" or "preppies cry...too" but it kind of depends where you live. Here "emos" can be just as popular as the preps, and some of our preps have started cutting themselves this year. the preps that do it are doing it to fit in and to get attention, because they dont care if people see there cuts. A girl in my P.E. class purposly showed us her cut legs...and then said "my cat scratched me" as we noticed the cuts across her wrists. Another girl (prep) "cut" all the way up her arm and then worea cap sleeve tee the next day so all could see her "cut" arms, which were really just scratched, which can be just as dangerous, if not more. So if your kid cuts, its most likely for attention if they have never showed signs of depression before. most of our prep cutters are rich little snobs whos parents dont pay attention until they find there son or daughter lying in a pool of blood on the bathroom floor. SO PAY CLOSER ATTENTION TO YOUR CHILDREN! 

Name: cruelxxxunusual | Date: Jul 11th, 2007 10:44 PM
well, i must say first of all that i am a young teenager who has relatives and friends who can be considered emo. kids who call themselves "emo" are just looking for attention, or they want to be accepted by other emo kids. they make small problems in their life seem soooooo huge. they want to be looked at as the unique and different kids. but they're not unique and different at all. they all dress the same and listen to the same exact music and do the same things. they feel like "boo hoo no one loves me, the world hates me" yet they have their emo friends that they hang out with. they're just one big contradiction. and emo does not stand for emotional. it's a style of music that started in the 80's that died out. and it's not like the "emo music" these kids are listening to. i may sound like something is wrong with these kids, but i'm not saying that. and these kids don't always cut themselves. some of them pretend to cut themselves to look cool in front of their emo friends. but if they do, i don't know what to tell you. but the thing is, if they do cut themselves, they never cut deep enough. i'm always called emo and goth and things like that. but i'm not. and anyone who goes around labeling themselves as that or anything else are BIG POSERS and they are afraid to be themselves. i'm called those things because i dress a certain way sometimes and i have an issue with depression. but it's not like all of my friends are like that. i'm just being myself and some people like it and some people don't. if your kid goes around saying "i'm emo. i'm goth.", they're just looking for attention and trying to be a part of the crowd, but they think that they are standing out. how to deal with your kid being emo just leave them alone. if they want to do stupid things and be social outcasts on purpose, let them live their lives. there are so many more things i can say on this topic, but it's way too much to do in one thing. so just ask if you have any questions or if any whiny "emos" who want to be all hardcore while you're sitting behind your computer screen want to bitch at me because you think i'm stupid. go ahead. say it to my face. aim: onecrazyycookie msn: [email protected] 

Name: Emo 4 life | Date: Jul 14th, 2007 4:43 PM
hey u cant change an emo ok infact people become emo cus there depressed she needs cheering up not f***ing theropy im an emo im 14 and i dont cut if ur daughters an emo let her they grow out of it cus my older friends did

{--~Emo out~--} 

Name: Emo 4 life | Date: Jul 14th, 2007 4:46 PM
and also cruelxxxunusual ur comment is bullcrap we dont make small problems seem huge somone in my family died thats already somthin 4 me to be worried about and the attention thing go to an emo ask them if they do it for attention some fake emos will say ye and others wil say no and p.s u say they use the term emo to be accepted well somtimes if u dont ull end up a chav

{--~Emo out~--} 

Name: boykrayzee13 | Date: Jul 23rd, 2007 7:00 PM
The term "emo" is extremely popular amoung most teens as of right now. I am a freshman in highschool and have come across that topic a lot lately! I have been going through pretty much the same thing. "Emo" is just a term used to mean emotional. We are considered emo at our age often because of going through so many changes, and we're all trying to find who we really are. I have also cut myself, and I have noticed that behavior wise, I've been slacking. The best thing you can do for your daughter is talk to her, ask her how she feels about everything, what's making her do this to herself, and what you can do for her to help. Stay open with her, make sure to give her the opportunity to talk to you, and promise her you will stay calm. That is the advice I've got for you, because this is all I ever really needed going through this, my mom was definately a big help. 

Name: emoboy | Date: Jul 24th, 2007 9:12 PM
im emo, emotional yes i have my own hairstyle that i love im 15 and a frshman, ur daughter seems to be expirincing alot of stuff. u dont have to cut to be emo, i used to cut i dont anymore. it just showing you emotions to the world and letting everyone know who u r. she's expressing herself [3 

Name: Wrathedragon | Date: Jul 29th, 2007 2:35 PM
hehe...in my opinion you have to leave her alone....they figure itm out on their own if yuou try to help it pushes them farther away from you and they will start hating you and then they might not be able to figure out what started the whole ideal...trust me as a former emo i should know... 

Name: duckyduckduck | Date: Aug 9th, 2007 6:59 PM
i am an emo and i think you should be supportive of what she is doing and the types of music she listens to are self explanatory when she listens to the music she feels happy like she is some whwere she belongs and is not an outkast. she may be out of order to you but she is a teenager and she is looking for her own route to go down now leave her to it i am only 15 my self so i know what i am talking about 

Name: SadEmoGurl | Date: Sep 5th, 2007 4:48 AM
im emo i need help 

Name: sierragoel | Date: Sep 7th, 2007 3:35 AM
Hello Momofdolls i am a 15 year old as well and i could be classified as an emo teenager but i would first of like to congratulate you you are a wonderful mother. Now i am a teenager as i have mentioned before and i do get depressed but i do not cut. I am a 4.0 student but i just have a lot of stuff to put up with at home. What these other kids on here are saying is absolutely ridiculous. You should be supportive of her music choice because she is just trying to find out who she is as a person but as for the self mutilation, your daughter needs help. She is obviously going through something that she feels she cant necessarily control by herself. She needs an adult in her life that is willing to care about her. She is probably cutting herself because she does not feel loved. By showing that you care whether she lives or dies is showing that you love her very much. I know this is an old thread but i still felt that i should comment and tell you that you daughter does not want you to leave her alone, she wants you to understand her. 

Name: sierragoel | Date: Sep 7th, 2007 3:44 AM
sorry, im commenting again, i read more comments again, you cant let the emo part of a teen just "grow out". Your daughter could put herself in serious danger and im sure you have realized this and that is why you are so worried, but now i worry for the other teenagers that are out there. If they honestly feel that it is okay to hate your life, and to get upset over small things then they need help and i hope someone as wonderful as you reaches out to them. Now any teens reading this, believe me i am no prep, i am a 15 year old teenager who listens to the music described in the threads above. I do feel that life can be not so wonderful at times, but thats a part of life. It will not always be as peachy as you wish it was, but that is stuff you have to move on with. You cant let it get to you or else your gonna be the next headline on the daily times. Yet another suicide to add to the collection. Your just proving to others that you cant deal with stuff thrown at you. I have an abusive mother and a father who doesnt care enough to stick up for me, ive been kicked out 5 times now and always come back hoping that my father will realize how much he is hurting his daughter. I have stuff do deal with but i dont cut, i do not consider suicide, and i do not cry multiple times a week. I move on. 

Name: X-EmoFairy-X | Date: Sep 11th, 2007 7:41 AM
Ok, I Get Called "Emo" All The Time And I Know I Am One!
You Got Questions about the "Emo Ways" Ask Me I'll Tell You, Cause Parents/Adults Dont Really Know What It Is..


Name: emo-em | Date: Sep 12th, 2007 4:57 PM
look im emo im 13, i think you are making a big mistake giving your daughter theropy. The reason she probably quit school was because either she felt she had no friends, the work was too hard or simply because she was bullied. just because she is emo it doesnt mean she will kill her self, the music isnt all bad some of it is a way for emos to take out their anger by saying the lyrics. Talk to your daughter and tell her you want to know what is going on, if that doesnt work just agree with what she is and just act normal, i think her maybe being mean to you all is maybe a cause she felt she had no friends, the work was too hard or simply because she was bullied agin those things come to mind talk to her ask her what makes her angry or spiteful watch a good movie with her with a take-away and leave your other kids with your husband. if you make her go to theropy and she doesnt want to she will rebel no question about it..... whether you choose to take in what i have said or not, just put yourself in her shoes. 

Name: x...emo...luver.....x | Date: Sep 22nd, 2007 8:03 AM
ok i have to say i am an "emo" teen and well i love the music i listen to and the black nails and the hair cut and the way i act ya im failing in school but thats because i cant do the work not because im emo, i get called emo al the time but really i dont think i am ya i went throught the stage of cutting but that has nothing to do with any of the emo stuff now heres my advice ok ,well you can get your emo child into counsiling but do you think there really going to open up to someone they have just met or somone they may not trust???...so try and see what the kids goin threw and if they push you away from the life and there matters thats there disision!! ok so just leave them be ya be worryed but you have to give them space and dont call them emo what eva you do coz that isnt going to help!! its a matter of word of steriotype your using and it f***ing hurts!! ok so if you care pay attention of what i just said XoX 

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